Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave a speech this afternoon from Israeli military headquarters in Tel Aviv and in it he revealed that Israeli intelligence had acquired tens of thousands of files, which, he said, proved that Iran had lied about its nuclear weapons program. Of … [Read more...]
Archives for April 2018
Netanyahu Reveals Tons Of Evidence That Iran Lied About Its Nuclear Weapons Program
Michigan: Gubernatorial candidate slammed by both parties by pointing out reality of “civilization jihad”
By: Robert Spencer | Jihad Watch “State Sen. Patrick Colbeck in a Thursday speech defended unsubstantiated claims of the Muslim Brotherhood installing ‘civilization jihad’ in the U.S.” Unsubstantiated? Really? A captured internal Muslim Brotherhood document states: “The process of settlement is a ‘Civilization-Jihadist Process’ with all the word means. The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America … [Read more...]
Secret Missile Strike in Syria, Bibi’s Message to Iran?
Founders Code Now we understand the visits to the Trump White House from foreign leaders. The timing of the Netanyahu speech, hours after a suspected Israeli strike that likely used bunker-busters capable of hitting Iran’s nuclear facilities, after Secretary Mike Pompeo’s visit and days before Trump’s May deadline is certainly interesting. When Secretary Mattis spoke to Congress last week regarding … [Read more...]
Sen. Patrick Colbeck Denounces Muslim Brotherhood in Michigan Senate Speech
The United West Listen to Senator Colbeck’s speech on the Michigan Senate floor. Sitting State Senator, Patrick Colbeck, and 2018 Republican candidate for Governor is recognizing the threat to Michigan and the entire nation. The threat from the Muslim Brotherhood is real, it has a stated goal. Senator Colbeck is willing to stand against that threat as your Senator, then as Governor and not retreat from his … [Read more...]
“Sex Ed Sit Out” Parents’ Protest is a Great Start
By: Lloyd Marcus My wife Mary and I were extremely busy in Arizona campaigning to help propel Republican Debbie Lesko to victory in the congressional special election. Praise God, we won! Before flying home to West Virginia, I checked news coverage of the April 23rd national parent's protest, "Sex Ed Sit Out". None of the major television networks covered this important global event … [Read more...]
Christians Deceived by the LGBTQ Movement
By: Lloyd Marcus For crying out loud Lloyd, another article about how the LGBTQ movement seeks to ban Christianity? Folks, I keep talking about this because too many fellow Christians still don't get it. California pro-LGBTQ Assembly Bill 2943 threatens free speech and freedom of religion for Christians. It uses the state's consumer fraud statute to make it illegal to "distribute resources, sell books, … [Read more...]
Marxist Sexual Revolution
America's Survival Research professor and author Dr. Judith Reisman discusses the Marxist Sexual Revolution which now incorporates child sex rings for the pleasure of pedophiles in Hollywood and elsewhere and remains largely uninvestigated by the authorities: “These rings exist. It’s time to investigate this.” Dr. Reisman discusses the history of this movement, and how Alfred Kinsey, the father of human … [Read more...]
The Power of Narrative Politics
By: Peter Gunn | New Zeal The other day I was speaking with a 19-year-old young lady who is a neo-gun control believer. As a High School Senior, she was naturally horrified by the events of Parkland high school and, and as one would expect, these events hit close to home for her. In this conversation, she invoked “Trayvon Martin” and “Michael Brown” and my heart just sank. I wanted to scream “They died in the … [Read more...]
‘Operation GhostSecret’: North Korea Is Intensifying A Global Cyberattack The North Koreans were involved in a suspected widespread cyberattack last month that hit Turkish banks. The attack was much broader in scope than at first thought and the data theft has hit 17 countries, including the United States and Australia. Other countries include the United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, China and Russia, among other countries. They stole information on critical infrastructure, … [Read more...]
Voters Overwhelmingly Support Draining the Swamp
The Daily Caller A majority of Americans have concerns about what has come to be known as the DC “Swamp,” and these concerns are shared by both Democrats and Republicans, according to a poll released Wednesday. The poll was commissioned by the Ear to the Ground Listening Project and was conducted by McLaughlin Associates, which surveyed 1,000 likely voters. A second McLaughlin poll published at … [Read more...]
North Korea Shuts Down Nuclear Site Because it Collapsed
Founders Code And not because of some talks going on with South Korea. Much has been televised and written with regard to the talks going on with North Korea, the nuclear and missile program, normalizing relations with the South and introducing a peace agreement. Further, as we learned Mike Pompeo, the CIA Director met with the North Korean regime over Easter in an effort to determine some real truths and to … [Read more...]
A Rebuttal to CAIR’s Dawud Walid and His Article “Take a Stand Against Anti-Muslim Fearmongering”
By: Philip Haney | Jihad Watch Introduction This article includes 27 questions and a point-by-point rebuttal to an editorial written by Dawud Walid, Executive Director of CAIR-MI, entitled Take A Stand Against Anti-Muslim Fearmongering, which was published on April 14, 2018, in Volume 34, Issue 1679(13) of the Arab American News. Background of CAIR Before addressing the comments you made in your … [Read more...]
Communist Party USA Reaffirms Loyalty to China
New Zeal While still aligned to Putin's Russia, the Communist Party USA has re-affirmed its loyalty to the world's most populous communist power - China. CPUSA leader John Bachtell recently gave an interview to Chinese news agency Xinhua. Speaking of China, Bechtell said the CPUSA and the Communist Party of China (CPC) have forged "fraternal" ties. "And we try to find time to get together and to have … [Read more...]
Oliver Stone Compares President Trump to a Demon at Iranian Film Festival Oliver Stone just went to the Islamic Republic of Iran for the Fajr International Film Festival. While he was in the country where his son converted to Shiite Islam in 2012, he referred to President Trump as the demon "Beezlebub," more commonly known as "Baal." He not only pictured Trump as Satan, he also basically called America the Great Satan. The Iranians must have been elated over this. … [Read more...]
A New Deal with Iran Will Fail and Pave the Way for War Between Iran and Israel President Trump is meeting with France's leader Macron. Though ostensibly a socialist, he seems to have at least some spine and I have watched their interactions hopefully. My primary focus is the deal with Iran. Of course the media's focus is on stupid questions about Michael Cohen. I actually enjoyed seeing Trump smack the reporter from ABC for asking such an irrelevant question while we are … [Read more...]
A Pastor Brave Enough to Stand Against Sharia
The United West “The single biggest threat to America today is Islam” Dr. Don McKay, the Senior Pastor of a Baptist Church in Michigan, known within the Metro Detroit area for having strong biblical preaching and dynamic worship. Previous to his Pastoral leadership in Michigan, Pastor McKay served as the senior pastor of a Baptist church in Windsor, ON Canada for 15 years where he gained national … [Read more...]
Former New Black Panther Chairman Demands Trump Hand Over Florida for Reparations for Slavery Former New Black Panther Chairman and Nation of Islam acolyte, Malik Shabazz, is back in the news. He's the president of the Black Lawyers for Justice and a community organizer as well. He's also a stone cold racist black nationalist with a long, well-documented history of violently anti-Semitic remarks and accusations about the inherent evil of white people. This time he is demanding that … [Read more...]
The DNC Sues, Counter Suits in the Making
Founders Code Tom Perez, Chairman of the Democrat National Committee has filed a lawsuit against 15 entities/people including John Does (which could be 10 or more people). The question is who is funding this lawsuit as the DNC is at least $6.1 million in debt. Oh wait, the DNC is also fundraising off this lawsuit…okay…moving on. The DNC has also requested a jury trial. Lawsuits require something called … [Read more...]
Lesley Stahl vs. Betsy DeVos on Education
Founders Code US Parents Involved in Education, USPIE, explains more details about the Federal government in public education. Common Core is still alive in many states, while in others, it just has a different name. Furthermore, not only is the Federal government at the state level working on regulating homeschooling, there is the whole matter of zero privacy for students. This is a terrifying … [Read more...]
The Dire Consequence of the Republicans Losing Congress
By: Lloyd Marcus Sammy, our greyhound, is around 100 years old in dog years. His health is failing. Mary and I hate leaving Sammy with our pet-sitter, but we must fly to Arizona to help propel Debbie Lesko to victory in the Congressional 8th district race. Shockingly, polling shows Lesko and her Democrat opponent are neck and neck. Folks, we cannot allow democrats to regain control of … [Read more...]
The Greatest Genocide Ever
America's Survival A sensational new report, the first of its kind, documents the number of abortions in the world, since the Russian Communist revolution legalized abortion, at 1 billion. This makes abortion the greatest genocide ever. Thomas Jacobson of the Global Life Campaign discusses the new report, which is co-authored with Dr. Wm. Robert Johnston and now available to the public, and the role of former … [Read more...]
Not So Fast On Celebrating North Korea’s Suspension of Nuclear and Missile Tests A new report from Bloomberg’s North Korean government reporter says Pyongyang has developed nuclear weapons and has no further plans to conduct ballistic missile tests. But is that really what the North Korean's are saying here? Personally, I don't think so. What the North Koreans are actually saying is that they have finished developing their delivery system via an ICBM. North Korea already has … [Read more...]
Michigan Candidate for Governor – “Brave Enough to Stand Against Sharia”
The United West In a world that nearly demands “Political Correctness”, what politician would make statements that they understand the dangers of Sharia crimes; will take steps to educate their administration, the law enforcement under their jurisdiction, and anyone who is charged with handling abused women & minors or adjudicating laws affecting them? Wouldn’t that be a step that could hurt their … [Read more...]
#FreeTheHammonds: Sign the Petition!
By: Renee Nal | New Zeal A petition is circulating to pardon two good men: Steve and Dwight Hammond, who continue to sit in prison because radical environmentalists hate ranchers. Please sign the petition, which begins: "?For decades agencies of the Department of Interior, namely the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), have deployed their administrative powers to … [Read more...]
End Of The Castro Era, Yet Communism Prevails Under New Leader
Founders Code In February of 2013, the 600 members of the National Assembly of People’s Power and the 1600 provincial government representatives voted for Miguel Diaz Canal to be vice president. As of April 2018, Miguel Diaz Canal will reign supreme over Cuba as Raul Castro steps down. While the Cuban military runs most of the operations in Cuba including all tourism, it is predicted under Miguel Diaz Canal, … [Read more...]
Yes, Secretary Mattis, there IS a Land Bridge
Founders Code Hezbollah, the Iranian militias and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps operates in select regions across the globe with wild abandon. January 2018, in a question and answer session: Q: On Iran’s role in Iraq and Syria, do you believe that a land bridge exists between Iran and Syria through Iraq? And, if so, are you concerned about it? Is there anything the United States can do about … [Read more...]
Has Giving Leftists What They Want Made America Better?
By: Lloyd Marcus Leftists have made huge gains in stripping Godly traditional principles and values from our American culture. It is disturbing seeing Christians, Conservatives and Republicans surrendering more ground, allowing leftists to achieve their evil goal. Beginning in kindergarten through college, our kids are poisoned with toxic liberalism. Parents are poisoned with … [Read more...]
A Democrat Candidate for Governor of Michigan, Who Are His Friends and Supporters?
The United West The following are pictures and endorsements for voters of Michigan to understand a candidate and his campaign. An educated voter is a must in any election, but even more so in 2018! As one correspondent with the Middle East Forum put it, both the Brotherhood and militant jihadists will “shout Allahu Akbar and bomb Israel, support jihad, and support the violation of the rights of women and … [Read more...]
The Dark Forces Behind the Transgender Revolution
America's Survival Mary McAlister of Liberty Counsel discusses the Soros-backed transgender revolution in America, including its “progress” under former President Obama and what President Trump is doing to reverse the damage to our nation and our families. Transgenders, including children forced to undergo these medical procedures and experiments, suffer genital mutilation, become sterile and have a high … [Read more...]
Brennan Admits Obama Refused to Retaliate for Russian Cyber-Warfare Attacks on U.S. Former CIA director John Brennan has admitted that not only was Barack Obama aware of cyber-attacks by the Russians, he refused to go on the offensive and retaliate against Moscow. He was afraid that the Russians would attack us even harder. That's what Brennan claims stopped Obama. He stated, “There was consideration about rattling their cages with some type of cyber event.” The way that Obama … [Read more...]
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