Yet another update: see the video at Comment #1, for Brannon Howse's interview for perhaps the most thorough synopsis. Then, I suggest looking for any further work by Mary Fanning at American Report -- and The Globe & Malevolence. About the Deep State that remains in U.S. Intelligence working with Obama, Biden, and Jarrett on Operation Scorecard and The Hammer, to falsify election results in key states, there … [Read more...]
Glenn Beck Explains the Ukraine Scandal and Impeachment
[AW]: These Glenn Beck videos do a masterful and essential job of presenting the evidence of the broader and deeper workings of the Deep State and Shadow Government in our overall "#SpyGate," "#UkraineGate," and "#TrumpImpeachment" crisis. They come not merely recommended; they are must see, especially the third, "The Democrats' Hydra," netcast November 13. For those who have not watched, I suggest starting … [Read more...]
What the Broad Crisis Behind the White House Fence Jumper Implies about ‘Federal’ Government
Chelsea Schilling at has written an excellent article revealing the background of Friday's White House fence jumper and his self-alleged motivation. Title: "Fence-jumper: Another victim of 'psych crisis' at Fort Hood?" How it begins: Only five months after a senior neuropsychologist in charge of Fort Hood’s outpatient psychiatry clinic revealed to WND a crisis in psychological testing and … [Read more...]
Lerner Emails Not Destroyed – Not Even Missing
UPDATED at DC Independent Examiner The Obama administration is now admitting that IRS Exempt Organizations Director Lois Lerner's emails, and all other "lost" IRS records for that matter, have not been destroyed. They are backed up, as are all other government records. To claim as the Obama administration originally did, that the emails were destroyed, is a bald-faced lie. We all always knew that of … [Read more...]
Two More Casualties from the ‘War on the Military?’
You may recall that I recently wrote an article entitled, “The Thinning of the Military Herd?” It was an article about a number of high-ranking military officers that were dismissed by the Obama administration earlier this year. After writing that article, I wanted to dig deeper to determine if there are other strategies being put into play by the left to “punish military leaders” or at least to make them wary … [Read more...]
UPDATE: U.S. Naval Commanders and Captains Fired
This article is written as a follow up to an article I recently wrote called “The Thinning of the Military Herd?” A reader of that article brought it to my attention that there had also been a number of other firings in the military under Obama. I began conducting researching on these firings and came across an article in a military publication, Stars and Stripes, which also confirmed the dismissals. The … [Read more...]
The Thinning of the Military Herd? Officers Purged
Why are top military officials being discharged at such a rapid rate by President Obama? Is it a “thinning of the herd?” Nine top ranking military officers from the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps have been recently dismissed or fired by the Obama Administration. They are all career military men with some similarities between them. Are their dismissals common practice or is something else going on? The … [Read more...]
CRITICAL: Relearn the 20th Century – Three Must See Videos for All Adults (updated)
Temporary Note, 10/31: Definitely going to update, edit, and round this out, soon -- and will bring it back to the top of the Resisters' Log, a.k.a., Gulag Blog list. It will have some big stuff about American Betrayal -- and maybe that third stanza. Happy All Spooks Night. Situational Awareness in the Gardens Now, to understand where you have come, Gain command of how things came to be. Look back, see … [Read more...]
UPDATE: Threat Assessment of the NSA’s Auto-Gestapo: Technocracy Upon First Glances
UPDATE 6/24 12:51 The @GualgTech account has now been suspended. Because of this, its list covering the NSA crisis will not will display. As yet, no explanation has been given. If one were to come, I hope to relate it. We have changed to a shorter list below, maintained by our main Twitter account, @GulagBound. [EDIT: At approximately 3:30pm CT we noticed that @GulagTech was back up; no explanation was given from … [Read more...]
Photos, Conspiracy Logic, Evidence, on the Boston Marathon Bombing
It would be inappropriate and I believe, unjust and potentially delinquent, to idly sit on the side of withholding the knowledge and perspectives of experienced conspiracy researchers and theorists, when they tend to come to agreement about critically important, breaking events, based at least in large part, on valid information. Here is Tuesday's synopsis and commentary, from a Lt. Col. Roy Potter. The above … [Read more...]
Rand Paul’s CPAC Speech & Our Tax Money to Terrorists (video)
Sen. Rand Paul called out the politicos of D.C. again today, for funding hostile nations abroad, "I say not one penny more to countries that are burning our flag." Here is a look back, at some of the evils that our money is confiscated by taxes to fund: "What is the Cost to American Families, of Aid to Islamist Nations?" - September 29, 2012, And below is Senator Paul's speech at … [Read more...]
Reporting or Blogging CPAC now? Ask These Two Questions: Militarism
Are you a blogger or paid media pressman attending CPAC in Washington DC right now? If so, we have a suggestion for you, a rather stern one. When you meet members of Congress (and other leaders there) whether in the media room, or elsewhere, ask one or both of the following questions. Then let us know, so we can publish the results, or if you prefer, just link to your chosen venue. We have given them to two … [Read more...]
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