I was tweeting with someone earlier today on Twitter and the subject came around to the 2016 elections. Both of us agreed that Republican Senator Ted Cruz from Texas would make an excellent choice for the presidential candidate. I then suggested Republican Senator Mike Lee from Utah as his vice-presidential running mate. After tweeting that out, I decided to do a little investigative work into his background so … [Read more...]
John McCain is a Threat to National Security
NoisyRoom Reuters: Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin, left, Representative Michele Bachmann, centre, and Senator John McCain, right. When did we start using Senator John McCain’s “friend” list instead of FBI background investigations to determine whether an individual should receive access to sensitive and classified government information? John McCain (R-AZ), Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and John Boehner … [Read more...]
BREAKING: Leaked Documents, Internal US Internment & Re-Education
Gulag Bulletin - see: CORROBORATION, Context & Analysis, Internment Camps & Re-education Report, May 7, 2012 In the morning, editorial "we" will relate perspective, background information, and perhaps further new information - that after some study, reflection, and speaking for myself, after continuing with tasks required for the Sovereignty Campaign - something of utmost pertinence - @SovCam. For … [Read more...]
USA Under Siege: Congress Votes in Secret with Obama to End Bill of Rights
America, we have an enormous problem. And, it’s a quickly expanding one. Fueled by the palpable fear of We-the-People that is now observably apparent from arrogant elected members of both the Executive and Legislative branches of the US government, Orwellian bills denying the American people their Constitutionally-protected rights are now being routinely crafted and passed by an increasingly draconian “ruling--not … [Read more...]
Summarizing the National Defense Authorization Act: Rendition, Detaining Americans, the Reality?
Maggie's Notebook December 26 The huge 1000-page National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 (NDAA) passed handily after being submitted late, with little time for Congress to read it. The bill funds all facets of the military. The bill was late being submitted. There was little time to read it. I remember hearing Senator Rand Paul say he would not sign it, even if he agreed with it, because he was not given the … [Read more...]
Temporary Post: NDAA, SOPA, and… Rio 20
It's Christmastime again and once again The Powers That Be are working like little elves, to assure that: Hang in there; we're working on all of these subjects: NDAA with its final language sorely needs to be put in context. SOPA is a disaster-cludge in process and we'll show the response of the Internet's authors. Rio 20 years later... it's back. … [Read more...]
John McCain, Adversary of America in Congress, Fights to Detain Sovereign Citizens without Due Process
Over Thanksgiving weekend, an extraordinarily evil, Trojan Horse amendment was concocted for our current "Defense Authorization Bill," and sponsored by John McCain (AZ-R) and Carl Levin (MI-D). And once again Ron Paul attempts to stave off "progressive" tyranny, leading to totalitarianism. It may be called the Levin-McCain anti-Citizen, anti-due-process, authoritarian amendment to bill S. 1867. As The Hill points … [Read more...]
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