By: Seton Motley PJ Tatler This is at once obnoxious and pathetic. Wheeler Tees Up Net Neutrality for May Meeting FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler said Wednesday that he would be circulating a draft of the FCC’s new network neutrality rules to the other commissioners Thursday (April 24). This is their third attempt at this particular power garb. It’s becoming fetishistic. There was 2007. Court Backs Comcast Over … [Read more...]
US High Technology Gulag Redux
Here is the video: Video, "US High Technology Gulag Redux" Here is more about it: "Rep. James Sensenbrenner Eyes the Technology War: America in Gulag" H/T: @EternalRightWing … [Read more...]
Hate Speech
Most crimes are objective in nature, as they can be observed or measured. For instance, murder means someone is dead. Theft means something was taken (can be electronic as well as physical, but there is a record). Speeding means that there is a limit to the maximum speed and it can be accurately measured. Assault means someone was physically attacked, or verbally threatened with physical attack. When it comes to … [Read more...]
Reid & Schumer’s Democrats Worsen CyberSecurity Bill: Gun Control
The following is an copy in full, from By the way, my personal interpretation of the U.S. Senate gives the nod to Charles Schumer as the hard core Marxist power broker in Harry Reid's malignant majority. Dems slip gun control amendment into cybersecurity bill by Joel McDurmon on Jul 30, 2012 The Hill reports, Democratic senators have offered an amendment to the cybersecurity bill that … [Read more...]
UPDATE: Stop #CISPA – Cyber Intelligence Sharing & Protection Act!
Update - This bill has passed the U.S. House of Representatives. Apparently, Speaker Boehner had the bill called a day earlier than was previously announced, as his fellow Republicans and Democrats alike were getting large-scale protests from across the political spectrum. It may have also been worsened via amendment. The White House has promised to veto it - yes, the Obama White House. This is an election year. We … [Read more...]
Why is Someone from the USAF Hacking
Scroll way down for updates ORIGINAL POST - Tuesday, October 4, 2011 @ 10:58pm This is what I just found. Someone is accessing a file that no one should be accessing -- certainly no one in the United States Air Force. 10.4. 10:45:06 PM IE 8.0 Win7 Clearfield, Utah, United States 754th Electronic Systems Group ([Label IP … [Read more...]
Know Hegelian NeoMarxism & the Overton Window, a Simple 2.5 Minute Intro
This video is homespun -- and excellent in cutting right to the quick, of the mass psyops of neo-Marxism. It is also the kernel for the Mackinac Center for Public Policy's analysis of the "Overton Window," duly made (in)famous by Glenn Beck about a year ago. Video: "Illuminati Media Mind Control - Hegelian Dialectic Explained" To the mind of the 21st Century revolutionary, as Obama workmate Bill … [Read more...]
Liberal and Conservative Political Correctness?
International News Analysis Today July 19, 2011 By Toby Westerman The trial of Casey Anthony, the budget, and the Republican primaries dominate the "news" and the chatter of the leading talk shows. Iran and Islamic fundamentalism come in as second tier interests. The ongoing crisis in the South China Sea, Russia's military expansion into the Arctic, the cyber war with China, and Russian/Chinese/Cuban … [Read more...]
Journalist and Grieving Father Calls for Mass Mexican Protests; Anonymous says ‘Wait for Us’
From a mid-February article posted on Breitbart: "We are sick and tired of you politicians... because in your struggle for power you have torn asunder the fabric of the nation."— Javier Sicilia, Mexican Journalist Javier Sicilia, poet and columnist for two of Mexico's leading publications, has declared his outrage, following the murder of his son, Francisco, 24, and four close friends. Mr. Sicilia is calling … [Read more...]
Media Matters Declares War on Fox, so a ‘Battle Stations’ Request
from Terresa Monroe-Hamilton's NoisyRoom From: ihasa HotDog To our comrades at Media Matters... They are sharing their civility and love today by declaring war on Fox News. How very Stalin of them. Well, we have a request to our readers out there. As most of you know this site partners with, New Zeal and Gulag Bound. We already have some research on Media Matters for America. What we are looking … [Read more...]
Excellent Short Essay: Media on Egypt vs. Tea Party
We have this in and suggest you read it to the end. Egyptian Protest Is No Tea Party By Michael Prell Published February 24, 2011 In February of 2011, thousands of Egyptian protesters used social media to organize rallies to oppose their government. In February of 2009, thousands of American protesters used social media to organize rallies to oppose their government. That is where the … [Read more...]
Soros, Egypt, Ghonim, Google & the Alliance for Youth Movements: Net 2.0 Becoming the Insurrection
entitled by By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton at Youth, High Tech and the Fundamental Change that is Revolution Image from the People's Cube Over the last couple of weeks, I have heard many ask who was behind the Egyptian Revolution. Few will admit what should be obvious to all by now. Forces that I consider to be nothing short of evil have joined in what they see as their 'chance' to bring down the … [Read more...]
Even Now, Progs Push ‘Internet Kill Switch’ in Congress
The obvious use of Internet censorship, blocking, and shutdown by despots in trouble -- what else is it for? Especially in America, hacking, cracking, viruses, and malware may be fought by much, much more sophisticated, rifle-shot means. Even though such governmental powers are shown for their true use, for example in Red China, in Venezuela, and in the last few days, in Egypt, the authoritarian, "transnational … [Read more...]
Agenda 21 Part I: A Global Economic Disaster in the Making
...“Sustainable Development” is a distinctly and entirely socialist idea, and it varies from typical socialist rhetoric only in the metaphors used... G u l a g B o u n d Listening to the local news on the radio recently, I heard a report about how newly elected Baltimore County Executive Kevin Kamenetz plans to save $8 million by, among other things, merging the “Office of Sustainability” with the Department of … [Read more...]
Gulag Bound Hit by Cyber Attack ~ Update: WikiLeaks & Anarchist Tools
Update: At present, you may not have access to the articles referenced here. Therefore, we are posting them below, in this entry. G u l a g B o u n d Our hosting services fought back the attack, but we are looking for any lasting effects. If you experience any difficulties accessing Gulag Bound, please do comment to this entry. [Edit: or email to] Thank you. This featured a … [Read more...]
WikiLeaks & Julian Assange; their Motives if not Results, Coming into Focus
WikiLeaks has always been more than Jullian Assange. It is also been quite apparent that it is its own entity, however funded it may or may not be, by the likes of George Soros, or his evil friends. If WikiLeaks is supported by such entities, think of Sauron attempting the services of the Balrog, or... Smeagol, if you're a Lord of the Rings aficionado, or think of a league of asymmetrical warriors (which the … [Read more...]
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