It’s Groundhog Day: Government Taking Third Stab at Net Neutrality Power Grab

By: Seton Motley PJ Tatler This is at once obnoxious and pathetic. Wheeler Tees Up Net Neutrality for May Meeting FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler said Wednesday that he would be circulating a draft of the FCC’s new network neutrality rules to the other commissioners Thursday (April 24). This is their third attempt at this particular power garb.  It’s becoming fetishistic. There was 2007. Court Backs Comcast Over … [Read more...]

Internet Giants Push Back at Obama in Open Letter

The first site in which I have seen this letter is Human Rights Watch, so it is linked there. As one might expect, it is an exercise in delicacy, but with significant direct, indirect, and symbolic meanings. How much of it is sincere and how much is "CYA" is an open question for each of the numerous signers. It happens to put any who have demurred from signing it "on the spot," as well and one may be confident it … [Read more...]

US High Technology Gulag Redux

Here is the video: Video, "US High Technology Gulag Redux"  Here is more about it: "Rep. James Sensenbrenner Eyes the Technology War: America in Gulag"   H/T: @EternalRightWing … [Read more...]

Hate Speech

Most crimes are objective in nature, as they can be observed or measured.  For instance, murder means someone is dead.  Theft means something was taken (can be electronic as well as physical, but there is a record).  Speeding means that there is a limit to the maximum speed and it can be accurately measured.  Assault means someone was physically attacked, or verbally threatened with physical attack.  When it comes to … [Read more...]

Obama’s Fourth Term

It is a problem I had mulled over for a few months. I decided it had to be done. Lilly has just turned fifteen. Could she shoulder the burden? I have to find out, my way, before she finds out on her own. She is noticing her brother and I spend more and more time together and she is starting to ask questions. I sense she is a bit jealous. Her mother would probably not approve but they live with me now. Their mom … [Read more...]

Reid & Schumer’s Democrats Worsen CyberSecurity Bill: Gun Control

The following is an copy in full, from By the way, my personal interpretation of the U.S. Senate gives the nod to Charles Schumer as the hard core Marxist power broker in Harry Reid's malignant majority. Dems slip gun control amendment into cybersecurity bill by Joel McDurmon on Jul 30, 2012 The Hill reports, Democratic senators have offered an amendment to the cybersecurity bill that … [Read more...]

UPDATE: Stop #CISPA – Cyber Intelligence Sharing & Protection Act!

Update - This bill has passed the U.S. House of Representatives. Apparently, Speaker Boehner had the bill called a day earlier than was previously announced, as his fellow Republicans and Democrats alike were getting large-scale protests from across the political spectrum. It may have also been worsened via amendment. The White House has promised to veto it - yes, the Obama White House. This is an election year. We … [Read more...]

ALERT: Final Implementation Phase of Obama Formal Dictatorship has Begun

Today may mark the real beginning of the end of the United States of America.  We-the-People are being forced into the deadliest phase of the Obama Plan, yet - that of his overwhelming implementation of his US Police State. Obama and his syndicate have now declared the usurpation of the State of Tennessee and its melding into the Obama government to be official.  After extensive testing to see how far employees of … [Read more...]

Why is Someone from the USAF Hacking

Scroll way down for updates ORIGINAL POST - Tuesday, October 4, 2011 @ 10:58pm This is what I just found. Someone is accessing a file that no one should be accessing -- certainly no one in the United States Air Force. 10.4. 10:45:06 PM IE 8.0 Win7 Clearfield, Utah, United States 754th Electronic Systems Group ([Label IP … [Read more...]

Gen Y TV Machining at Breitbart’s Rage

Andrew Breitbart Issues Wake Up Call To Gen Y By Britt Hysen Gen Y TV In Big Journalism  In complicated times, when even the grown ups can’t get it right, Gen Y TV sat down with new media publisher andNew York Times Bestselling author, Andrew Breitbart (Righteous Indignation: Excuse me while I save the world!) to gain insight into the man behind, the Internet media outlet best known for … [Read more...]

Fraud Watch – Twitter Censors Opposition to Obama from ‘Trending’ Reports: #AttackWatch

If for some sane reason, you don't know what  "AttackWatch" is all about, we humbly submit an entry called, at the time of this update, "Fine! Updated with Hitler, The #AttackWatch!! Commercial + Black & Red Reruns." -  G  u  l  a  g  -  B  o  u  n  d  - Twitter Hides #AttackWatch Trending - PROOF by Doo Doo Econ Doo Doo Economics Blog While laughing at President Obama's epoch fail on … [Read more...]

Know Hegelian NeoMarxism & the Overton Window, a Simple 2.5 Minute Intro

This video is homespun -- and excellent in cutting right to the quick, of the mass psyops of  neo-Marxism.  It is also the kernel for the Mackinac Center for Public Policy's analysis of the "Overton Window," duly made (in)famous by Glenn Beck about a year ago. Video: "Illuminati Media Mind Control - Hegelian Dialectic Explained"   To the mind of the 21st Century revolutionary, as Obama workmate Bill … [Read more...]

Liberal and Conservative Political Correctness?

International News Analysis Today July 19, 2011 By Toby Westerman The trial of Casey Anthony, the budget, and the Republican primaries dominate the "news" and the chatter of the leading talk shows. Iran and Islamic fundamentalism come in as second tier interests. The ongoing crisis in the South China Sea, Russia's military expansion into the Arctic, the cyber war with China, and Russian/Chinese/Cuban … [Read more...]

Journalist and Grieving Father Calls for Mass Mexican Protests; Anonymous says ‘Wait for Us’

From a mid-February article posted on Breitbart: "We are sick and tired of you politicians... because in your struggle for power you have torn asunder the fabric of the nation."— Javier Sicilia, Mexican Journalist Javier Sicilia, poet and columnist for two of Mexico's leading publications, has declared his outrage, following the murder of his son, Francisco, 24, and four close friends. Mr. Sicilia is calling … [Read more...]

Obama’s Facebook Townhall Today & my Question

This is the question that I had the honor of submitting, for the Bound and our visitors: What should we think of a president that is mentored and developed by Frank Marshall Davis (communist), Vernon Jarrett (socialist), Leon Despres (friend of Trotsky), Jeremiah Wright (black liberation Marxist), Bill Ayers (communist, anarchist, terrorist), who specializes in the strategies and tactics of Saul Alinsky … [Read more...]

White House Legislation for DHS Control of all ‘.gov’ Domains (and as always, more)

Firstly, "White House legislation;" what's wrong with that picture? Well, that's not so uncommon (except in the Obama administration, where he usually hides behind Congress, while his comrades type and type and type). Anyway... I remember reading a comment in a forum or somesuch, in maybe the Spring of 2008.  Maybe it was in   The commentator asserted that Barack Obama was not a liberal; … [Read more...]

Gulag Night Reports on the Soros Conferences – and Ann Barnhardt Speaks her Mind

We've been breaking the news for years and we've got critically important subject matter to discuss this week, in the soft war against freedom and sovereignty -- and our return fire of knowledge and First Amendment action.  No blackboard, but we do have a chat room during the programs. (Or... you're not one of those people who say it's about the "entertainment," are you?) Our program time is 10pm, usually on … [Read more...]

Facebook Hiring Robert Gibbs for PsyOps?

Gibbs...? From UPI: Gibbs candidate for Facebook job? Published: March. 28, 2011 at 9:26 AM PALO ALTO, Calif., March 28 (UPI) -- Former White House press secretary Robert Gibbs could be offered a job with the social networking site Facebook, those familiar with the situation said.Gibbs left the White House in February after two years on the job, ostensibly to work on President Obama's re-election … [Read more...]

Media Matters Declares War on Fox, so a ‘Battle Stations’ Request

from Terresa Monroe-Hamilton's NoisyRoom From: ihasa HotDog To our comrades at Media Matters... They are sharing their civility and love today by declaring war on Fox News. How very Stalin of them. Well, we have a request to our readers out there. As most of you know this site partners with, New Zeal and Gulag Bound. We already have some research on Media Matters for America. What we are looking … [Read more...]

Connecting the Dots: Glenn Beck’s 3/24 TV Video & Andrea Shea King’s Comments

Gulag Note: It would be much more comfortable if this were Andrea's color commentary on a Grapefruit League baseball game.  But we must devote our attention to keeping score of the Most Evil Plan(s) Yet.  Please contact your Republicans or Blue Dogs in Congress and see if they have a clue at all, about the world.  If not, please clue them in.  It's a war.  Never mind that it's not in any of the papers. Here is the … [Read more...]

Excellent Short Essay: Media on Egypt vs. Tea Party

We have this in and suggest you read it to the end. Egyptian Protest Is No Tea Party By Michael Prell Published February 24, 2011 In February of 2011, thousands of Egyptian protesters used social media to organize rallies to oppose their government. In February of 2009, thousands of American protesters used social media to organize rallies to oppose their government. That is where the … [Read more...]

Soros, Egypt, Ghonim, Google & the Alliance for Youth Movements: Net 2.0 Becoming the Insurrection

entitled by By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton at Youth, High Tech and the Fundamental Change that is Revolution Image from the People's Cube Over the last couple of weeks, I have heard many ask who was behind the Egyptian Revolution. Few will admit what should be obvious to all by now. Forces that I consider to be nothing short of evil have joined in what they see as their 'chance' to bring down the … [Read more...]

Useful Idiot’s Guide to Global Marxofascism at the Egyptian Uprising’s Core

Note: we hope to add links to some of Cliff Kincaid's articles here, somehow, soon.  In the mean time, you have his information and links to American Survival and Accuracy in Media, in the Gulag.  We may update this further, but probably not for long.  For more, please continue to visit the appropriate sites.  And please spread the word in this war of knowledge. -- AW Trevor Loudon, Cliff Kincaid, James … [Read more...]

George Soros Sighting: Maniacal Marxist Subordinating the ‘Free Press’

Reported at Big Government: The Marriage Between Free Press and George Soros Gets Stronger It looks like the Soros machine isn’t done with Net Neutrality, even after its December coup at the FCC. Our Soros-supported socialist friends at Free Press just announced that David Saldana will be its new communications director.  If that name doesn’t ring a bell, you evidently haven’t been following Mr. Soros’ … [Read more...]

Even Now, Progs Push ‘Internet Kill Switch’ in Congress

The obvious use of Internet censorship, blocking, and shutdown by despots in trouble -- what else is it for? Especially in America, hacking, cracking, viruses, and malware may be fought by much, much more sophisticated, rifle-shot means. Even though such governmental powers are shown for their true use, for example in Red China, in Venezuela, and in the last few days, in Egypt, the authoritarian, "transnational … [Read more...]

Agenda 21 Part I: A Global Economic Disaster in the Making

...“Sustainable Development” is a distinctly and entirely socialist idea, and it varies from typical socialist rhetoric only in the metaphors used... G u l a g   B o u n d Listening to the local news on the radio recently, I heard a report about how newly elected Baltimore County Executive Kevin Kamenetz plans to save $8 million by, among other things, merging the “Office of Sustainability” with the Department of … [Read more...]

Gulag Bound Hit by Cyber Attack ~ Update: WikiLeaks & Anarchist Tools

Update: At present, you may not have access to the articles referenced here.  Therefore, we are posting them below, in this entry. G u l a g   B o u n d Our hosting services fought back the attack, but we are looking for any lasting effects.  If you experience any difficulties accessing Gulag Bound, please do comment to this entry.  [Edit: or email to] Thank you. This featured a … [Read more...]

Kleptocrat Kommission Konfiscates Internet Liberty

Found at Family Security Matters: Internet Access Is Not a 'Civil Right' by Michelle Malkin When bureaucrats talk about increasing our "access" to x, y or z, what they're really talking about is increasing exponentially their control over our lives. As it is with the government health care takeover, so it is with the newly approved government plan to "increase" Internet "access." Call it … [Read more...]

Dems Continue to Pound Final Nails into USA Coffin

In the last few days of the lame duck Congress--sadly the duck isn’t even the slightest bit lame--with the assistance of a few RINOs the US Marxist/Leninist Democrats is destroying as much left of the once great United States of America as it can. The repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”--so that Gays can serve as openly-gay in the US military--was passed with the help of 8 RINOs, including consistent Marxist/Democrat … [Read more...]

WikiLeaks & Julian Assange; their Motives if not Results, Coming into Focus

WikiLeaks has always been more than Jullian Assange. It is also been quite apparent that it is its own entity, however funded it may or may not be, by the likes of George Soros, or his evil friends. If WikiLeaks is supported by such entities, think of Sauron attempting the services of the Balrog, or... Smeagol, if you're a Lord of the Rings aficionado, or think of a league of asymmetrical warriors (which the … [Read more...]