by Lawrence Sellin
The Post & Email
Our vote is the only leverage we have left
No American should vote for any Presidential candidate, who will not adhere to the Presidential oath of office to “preserve, protect and defend” the Constitution.
Barack Hussein Obama has not done so from the moment he raised his right hand, placed his left on the Bible and swore that oath on January 20, 2009.
Article II, Section I, Clause 5 of the Constitution requires that all candidates for President and Vice President be a “natural born citizen.”
The binding Supreme Court precedent Minor vs. Happersett (1874), which has never been superseded, defines “natural born” as a U.S. born citizen of citizen parents at the time of birth; that is, a second generation American.
Obama is not a natural born citizen and has never been eligible for the Presidency.
In addition, on March 1, 2012, Arizona’s Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio presented evidence that Barack Obama’s long-form birth certificate released by the White House on April 27, 2011 and his Selective Service registration are forgeries.
Add to that other evidence, which indicates that Obama is using a Social Security Number not issued to him.
Many believe that the Democrats and the mainstream media are totally united behind Obama, are impenetrable to logic or demands for governmental accountability and will use any means necessary to ensure his reelection.
Yet the Republicans, either through fear or complicity, refuse to challenge the obvious inconsistencies in Obama’s personal history, which remain their most potent argument to defeat him.
In Obama’s own words, the Republicans are bringing a knife to a gun fight.
Perhaps it is time for Republicans show some guts, stop running away from a fight and, in fact, “stoop to their level,” because all Obama’s opponents will be labeled “racists” or “extremists” no matter what is said or done.
If the Republicans will not “man up,” then ordinary Americans must encourage them to do so.
All avenues for the redress of our grievances; Congress, the courts, law enforcement and the press, have been intentionally cut off from us in a conspiracy of silence.
Our vote is the only leverage we have left.
The best thing everyone can do now is to contact your local Republican Party and tell them that you will not vote for any Republican candidate until they fully vet Obama before the election. And then tell as many other people as possible to do the same.
Copy and paste the above paragraph and send it to your family and friends.
Spread the word. Working together, we can make a difference.
Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D. is a retired colonel with 29 years of service in the US Army Reserve and a veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq. Colonel Sellin is the author of “Afghanistan and the Culture of Military Leadership” and “Political Establishments and the Culture of Dependency”. He receives email at
My response to this is that we know Obummer isn’t eligible to be president. It seems most are either oblivious to this or working to try to continue the charade. But what does it matter when our votes don’t seem to be counted anyway? Now the tabulation of our votes is being outsourced to a global firm in Spain. We’d better all get our collective voices heard before this scam is allowed to happen. Hilter said something to the effect…it does not matter who gets the most votes, it who does the counting. And in this case, it will be a firm that is owned by foreigners.
Obama is laying groundwork for Communist take over.
Few American Citizens take notice.
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I contacted my welfare child that occupies the position of US Congressman from the 5th District of the State of Oregon about Mr. Obama’s ineligibility. I have also brought up AG Holder’s obvious perjury. Well I guess I should just shut up and let the good congressman collect his pay, benefits and retirement. because he certainly doesn’t appear interested in uncovering any truth.
I will not support, nor will I vote for, anyone that does not put the law first.
United States v. Wong Kim Ark
Ankeny v. Governor of Indiana (Daniels)
I, The Truth, have spoken.
The RINO’s should also be told to get their own vetted before WE have to do it for them, just as WE are doing for the dems. ELIGIBILITY issues abound in the RINO party….starting with Romney, Rubio, Haley, Jindal. And, since we’re going after their guy….the dems have joined WE Birthers in the vetting process of the RINO INELIGIBLES.
Please post this link to Forgery by “Barry”
I think you all forgot your tinfoil hats.