In a nation steeped in the fifth column media's selling of and protecting of the collectivist revolution and its neo-Marxist messiah, suddenly much is being made of Leon Panetta's revelations in his Worthy Fights. Why are a few smaller chinks in Obama's constantly patched-up armor now being pointed out in Panetta's "tell all" (no, tell just enough for some people's purposes) book? Veteran ex-Clintonista political … [Read more...]
Dick Morris & Cliff Kincaid Expose Leon Panetta’s Obama Exposé, ‘Worthy Fights’
SEALS Join 500 Generals & Admirals Pleading Voters for Romney

First, the newspaper ad in this morning's Washington Times, signed by over five hundred retired generals and admirals (pdf copy here). PJ Media carries the story, told by former Naval aviator Carl Smith, of how this ad developed. This cropped image of it comes courtesy of The Blaze: Next from retired Navy SEALS on the gross Trust Deficit with the Obama administration. Just think of all that SEALS, retired SEALS, … [Read more...]
What is Mitt Romney Doing about Benghazi? Here’s What (video)

I've been wondering what in the world Mitt Romney is or is not doing, regarding the Benghazi debacle and what he is having to do regarding its heinous backstory. More on the latter, later. From two bomb blasts by the Republican side last night and one, today, it appears he is willing to fight a proxy war to challenge Obama's deviance. These came via Fox News, from Newt Gingrich, former Assistant Secretary of … [Read more...]
Trevor Loudon Outs Leon Panetta: Video + Ron Paul’s Foreign Policy

NoisyRoom By: Maggie Thornton Maggie's Notebook New Zealander Trevor Loudon, the force behind the blog New Zeal speaks at this rally about Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta and who he really is. This is a life work for Loudon. Not so long ago, when Panetta was going through the Senate confirmation process, Trevor and others including GulagBound’s Arlen Williams and Terresa Monroe Hamiton at Noisy Room, sounded … [Read more...]
Must Read! ‘Obama’s 2nd-term Assault on U.S. Military’

New Zeal Most American's fail to realize that the number one goal of both the international and American left, is the destruction of the US military - to be followed by the destruction, physically or politically, of the United States itself. President Barack Obama, Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, the Center for American Progress and the Institute for Policy Studies are all working to this … [Read more...]
Will Huckabee Take on Panetta Over Gay Rights?

Accuracy in Media In a major display of respect for traditional values, hundreds of thousands turned out for Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day. Fox News Channel host Mike Huckabee, who sparked the event, said that the success went beyond “anything I could have imagined” and that stores across the country reported “record, historic sales.” Huckabee could now turn his attention to a more important fight—how … [Read more...]
Pentagon Celebrates Gay Pride During Treason Trial

Accuracy in Media The Defense Department hosted a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Pride Month event on June 26, 2012, in the Pentagon Auditorium which featured a speech by Defense Department General Counsel Jeh Johnson and a panel discussion entitled, “The Value of Open Service and Diversity.” But the event failed to include any mention, pro or con, of the most celebrated homosexual soldier in American … [Read more...]
Who is the White House Mole?

Accuracy in Media There has been a series of leaks of classified information from the White House in an effort to portray President Obama as a tough American foreign policy leader, but no official has resigned from the administration or the Obama campaign in disgrace or protest. This suggests the betrayal of state secrets is being condoned or ignored at the highest levels. Not surprisingly, Eric Holder’s … [Read more...]
US Underestimates China’s Military Buildup

New Zeal As far leftists Barack Obama and Leon Panetta take an axe to the US military........ From Defense News: The United States has underestimated the growth of China’s military as policymakers have taken public statements at face value or failed to understand Beijing’s thinking, a study said April 5. The report prepared for the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission said the U.S. had a … [Read more...]
With Friends Like These…

NoisyRoom Reports from American Intelligence are being leaked to the public to put pressure on Israel to keep them from attacking Iran. Israel and Azerbaijan have struck a 1.6 billion dollar drone and defense deal, supposedly giving Israel access to their bases if they attack Iran. This means the Israelis would not have to refuel if they do attack and that is a game changer. Last Thursday, Ambassador John … [Read more...]
Obama’s Secret War-making for the U.N.

Accuracy in Media You may not have heard of PSD-10 because it has received no significant coverage from the major media. Yet, President Obama issued “Presidential Study Directive 10” last August 4, 2011, and posted it on the White House website. It amounts to a new and potentially far-reaching exercise of American military power cloaked in humanitarian language and conducted under the auspices of the United … [Read more...]
Gingrich: Panetta Should Resign if DoD Under International Auspices

The word Secretary Panetta refused to stop using, before Congress was, "permission," and neither referring to Congress, nor even the Presidency. Newt Gingrich, presumably this Saturday, March 10, in either Alabama or Mississippi: The time has come for us to focus on American interests. And I want you to know that the foreign policy I would follow starts with American values, and American interests, and American … [Read more...]
Obama Syndicate‘s Panetta: Congress No Longer Relevant Governmental Body

Horrifically, what I wrote and warned about in 2008 (and since then in multiple columns) would happen if Obama was elected has now occurred. On 7 March 2012, backed up by Obama sycophant Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey, the Obama Dictatorship’s Defense Secretary Leon Panetta (defense of and for Obama--only) advised the Senate Armed Services Committee that the Obama Administration had no … [Read more...]
Will Panetta Help Accused Army Traitor?

Accuracy in Media Before getting into the court-martial at Fort Meade in Maryland, my photo I.D. was checked and a bomb-sniffing dog was led around my car. My coat, wallet, and papers were searched and I was subjected to magnetometer screening by Army authorities. Inside the courtroom, members of the media were warned not to make any noises. No cell phones, cameras or recording devices were permitted. Welcome … [Read more...]
Medevac Neglect of Wounded Troops: Issue Getting Hot

Gulag Bulletin: This is posted as a follow up to James Simpson's article: "Bureaucracy Killing U.S. Troops in Afghanistan," 1/16/2012, in and the Washington No sex, many lies, one video tape, and a soldier’s unnecessary death By James Simpson, DC Independent Examiner It is not a movie. It could be labeled a comedy, a farce, even a Greek tragedy, except that people really … [Read more...]
On the Road to Armageddon – Moving Ragnarok to the Middle East

NoisyRoom The headlines today are full of the Middle East spinning violently apart and threatening to take the entire planet with them. The Doomsday Clock is relentlessly ticking towards midnight and the nuclear Armageddon we have all dreaded our entire lives is about to become reality. And what does Obama do? Why, he gleefully helps it along of course. It suits his Marxist goals and brings chaos into the mix to … [Read more...]
Simpson: Bureaucracy Killing U.S. Troops in Afghanistan

Gulag Bulletin: Are neo-Marxists Barack Obama and Leon Panetta killing wounded American soldiers and marines, by neglect?The Washington Times, Monday, January 16, 2012 Political correctness keep Army medevac helicopters grounded The U.S. military has developed the best system in the world for dealing with combat casualties. As medical technology has advanced, new methods of treatment have been developed, and … [Read more...]
Obama and Panetta Use Military Brass as Props

By: Cliff Kincaid Accuracy in Media “As President Obama stood on the podium in the Pentagon briefing room Thursday to outline the nation’s defense priorities, the military stood with him,” reported The Washington Post, as if the military brass had any other alternative than to serve as props for the President. Pentagon chief Leon Panetta, who opposed the Reagan defense buildup when he was a left-wing … [Read more...]
Is America Prepared for Total War?

New Zeal It is my contention that the US will probably eventually face an all out war against the combined forces of Russia and its vassal states, China, Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Iran, North Korea and possibly several other major countries, including even Brazil, Mexico, India and Pakistan and conceivably even Japan, Turkey, Egypt and Indonesia. These countries all lag the US in military technology, but … [Read more...]
Senate Defense Authorization Bill Legalizes Sodomy, oh and Bestiality

Why do you suppose sexual depravity is such an essential a part of the New World (Dis)Order? Senate Approves Bill that Legalizes Sodomy and Bestiality in U.S. Military By Pete Winn December 1, 2011 ( – (Updated) The Senate on Thursday evening voted 93-7 to approve a defense authorization bill that includes a provision which not only repeals the military law on sodomy, it also repeals … [Read more...]
Slow Suicide? US Army to Cut 50,000 Soldiers

New Zeal This is an almost 10% cut. From News: The U.S. Army plans to reduce its number of Soldiers by nearly 50,000 during a five-year span, a general said. The Army Times reported Lt. Gen. Thomas P. Bostick, service personnel chief, said the reductions would being in March. The Army will cut forces in various ways, including buyouts, voluntary and involuntary separations and … [Read more...]
National Suicide? Further US Nuclear Cuts Planned

New Zeal In my view, this is the chief reason why Barack Obama was maneuvered into the US presidency and why leftist budget expert Leon Panetta is now US Secretary of Defense. From the Washington Times The Obama administration has been secretly working on a review of U.S. nuclear weapons in what officials say is part of the White House effort to make deeper cuts on strategic nuclear forces. “The … [Read more...]
Panetta and R2P to Usher in the American Fall

NoisyRoom Leon Panetta wasted no time once he became the US Defense Secretary advancing the Responsibility to Protect Doctrine and simultaneously moving forward with massive defense cuts meant to neuter our military defenses and leave America weak and vulnerable on the international battle field. He shares a vision with Barack Obama of our military morphing from a true defense force into more of an international … [Read more...]
Which Way for American Military Power?

New Zeal US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta recently called U.S. support for the NATO mission that’s helping opposition forces make progress against Moammar Gadhafi’s regime Libya an example of the international cooperation that will be critical in the future. In my opinion, under leftist Leon Panetta, the US military will be re-prioritized. The military's role will shift from defending the US and its allies from … [Read more...]
Treason? Communist Controlled ‘Peace Movement’ Amps Up Pressure for Defense Cuts

New Zeal Judith LeBlanc is one of the vice-chairs of the Communist Party USA and chairs it's Peace and Solidarity Commission, the Party body charged with controlling the US "peace movement" and liaising with foreign governments and organizations... LeBlanc is currently the national field organizer for Peace Action, the country's largest grassroots peace organization with 100,000 members across the country. … [Read more...]
Left Calls for Huge Defense Cuts – Just as Predicted by Former Terrorist Mark Rudd

New Zeal The "respectable" US left is calling for huge defense cuts - something predicted in late 2008 by former Weather Underground terrorist leader Mark Rudd. In 2006/2007, Mark Rudd worked closely with his old comrades Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, in a new organization Movement for a Democratic Society. Ayers and Dohrn, of course, were both close friends of Barack Obama, who they met through their … [Read more...]
Whittaker Chambers, Alger Hiss, and Panettagate

New Zeal By: Cliff Kincaid, Accuracy in Media Whittaker Chambers On the 50th anniversary of Whittaker Chambers’ death, July 9, it is appropriate for the media to address the legacy of international communism and the Western response. Andrew G. Bostom has written a thoughtful essay, “Whittaker Chambers, Communism, and Islam,” which examines how radical Islam is a threat comparable in its external and internal … [Read more...]
Center Urges Rejection of Proposed $700 Billion in Defense Cuts

New Zeal Defense Sec. Leon Panetta This is is what its all about folks. This has always been the big goal of the US left. Its all been leading up to this. From the Center for Security Policy: Washington, DC; July 7, 2011: Media reports today indicate that national security spending could be cut by as much as $700 billion as part of a deal on the debt limit – almost twice the amount originally proposed … [Read more...]
U.S. Dept. Veterans Affairs Banning ‘God’ or ‘Jesus’ in Military Funerals (Updated)

The stench of this news from Houston, Texas has reached the United Kingdom. Now, eyes throughout the world will be watching this phase of the Marxofascist insurrection in America, as it experiments with phasing out even the mention of God. In MailOnline: Veterans BANNED from saying 'God' or 'Jesus' at military funerals By John Stevens Last updated at 8:13 PM on 30th June 2011 Veteran groups are taking … [Read more...]
Gulag Night: Trevor Loudon on Leon Panetta’s Communist Collaboration, Streaming

Gulag Night - Monday, June 27, 10pm ET stream online or call 310-807-5060 to listen (questions are invited). Edit: you may listen through this player: Trevor Loudon on Leon Panetta Trevor Loudon, world-leading researcher, revealer, and expositor of Marxist subterfuge, spells out the evidence that Leon Panetta, former CIA Director and our new Secretary of Defense is a Communist collaborator. Hosts: Arlen … [Read more...]
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