Ron Paul’s Farewell Address

"Too many people have for too long placed too much confidence and trust in government and not enough in themselves." --Ron Paul Ron Paul is leaving Congress after 23 years of service as a representative from the State of Texas.  When I first heard him speak, I found him to be a bit eccentric.  However, after looking into the problems we are facing as a nation, I believe that Ron Paul is correct in his description … [Read more...]

Audit the Fed Bill to be Quashed by Democrats in US Senate Committee

The first succinct report I found on this sits at the site of the Republican Liberty Caucus. Granted its nature, we present it here in full (with one phrase emphasized). Get Audit the Fed a Fair Vote in the Senate By Dave Nalle - September 17, 2012 at 4:25 PM Thanks to everyone who called and emailed to help get Ron Paul’s Audit the Fed bill passed in the House by a strong majority. This was a major victory, … [Read more...]

Video: Phony Voice Vote on New Marxofascist RNC Rules – #RNCPowerGrab

The line is drawn. The Republican National Committee & Mitt Romney vs. Conservatives, TeaParty, sovereignty & reform activists, allies of Paul, Gingrich & Palin For further information and explanation: "Virginia Delegation & Morton Blackwell Taken for a Ride; Prevented from GOP Rules Participation." "GOP Gone Marxofascist – ‘Top-Down, Bottom-Up’ Despotism at RNC" MUST SEE … [Read more...]

See the Rules, Open the RNC, Free the Delegates! America’s Only GOP Hope

I will not spend time on much prose. These two articles convey what needs to be done and yet one more reason why. First, that further confirmation about the man who could be, if elected, free America's final president. In Beltway Confidential, at the Washington Examiner: Mitt transition pick a red flag for conservatives by Philip Klein, Senior Editorial Writer Over the weekend, Politico broke the news that … [Read more...]

An Obamney Reminder from Captain Kirk

Sometimes, a tad of communication in email or social media becomes an item for the Gulag. I found this graphic in Facebook. In addition to some "likes" and sympathetic commentary, it got a snarky little comment from someone who may believe too much, what he is told to believe. The graphic: The swipe: Ahhh...Paulbots. When are they going to realize Ron Paul is never going to be elected? Not even in some … [Read more...]

Video Ad Shows Why Ron Paul Supporters are Increasing

This homespun video is well worth watching. It is a grim reminder of the huge lump of dirt swept under the political rug in America. Video: "New Ron Paul ad-DESTROYS Obama and Romney" Disclaimers & Claimers: I am not a campaigner for Ron Paul for the GOP nomination (not over what I believe is the new Newt Gingrich). But I am for Paul, or some appropriate third candidate, in a heartbeat, to protect and … [Read more...]

Gingrich, Paul, Romney & Santorum on Agenda 21 vs. U.S. Sovereignty

Update of "GOP Presidential Candidates on Agenda 21 'Sustainable Development'" (1/12/2012) further information provided, other candidates eliminatedWill 2012 be the year America succumbs to global neo-Marxism? The Ground War in Your Neighborhood - Where do they Stand? Even those who believe themselves devoted patriots (including devout Christians) may foolishly be enticed by the powers that be, into violating … [Read more...]

Romney, Agenda 21 Quisling, for Americans Fighting for our Sovereignty?

A post SuperTuesday song We need a great deal of prayer, and the voters, a huge dose of revelation. Now we have the Marxstream media and GOP machinists imploring Republican voters to endorse the habitually lying, conniving globalista, and bankster-fascist, Mitt Romney, to end the process early. It reminds me of the scene in Braveheart where the torturer asks Wallace if he would like to recant, for his final … [Read more...]

Ron Paul Fingered, Attacking Gingrich & Santorum for Romney

Weekly calls between the Paul and Romney campaigns This entire stream, uploaded this Thursday from Mark Levin, is very important, but be sure to catch what he plays at the 7:04 mark. It is from a recent "Morning Joe," telecast. at YouTube, "Mark Levin Helps the American People more than Ron Paul could ever hope for" "There is a de facto alliance between Ron Paul and Mitt Romney; there's no question about it. … [Read more...]

Ominous Connections Haunting Each GOP Presidential Candidate

Contributor: @OhSuzyQz This is a summary report that we will show you as it is being done. It will be updated and perhaps future article(s) drafted, stemming from it. Each one of these four is an exceptionally capable person, though clearly, one has demonstrated his effectiveness for conservatism the most. But, each one has at least one very problematic association, or liaison, or set of liaisons, in his … [Read more...]

Global Currency Pushed by Marxist Bankster, Stiglitz; Warned of by Ron Paul

Updated with different Ron Paul video than first published on 1/15/2012, also very telling. (The first video became unavailable.) Two videos, one by a snake, the other by a snake hunter. From April during the 2011 Bankster Spring INET and IMF planning sessions, Joseph Stiglitz is interviewed by anti-American, Russia Today: Video, "Joseph Stiglitz slams US dollar" Ron Paul describes the plan to use the … [Read more...]

Israel & Iran; a Quick Lecture to Anti-NWO Patriots Duped by Anti-Israel Propaganda

Video, "President Obama, if you're not going to stop Iran, let Israel do the job! " There is a longstanding propaganda campaign spreading through America and the world. It has gained a strong foothold in the very close to truth yet somewhat misguided campaign of Ron Paul for the U.S. Presidency. It stems from satanic, anti-Jew hatred and in America, from the white supremacist movement. There are many … [Read more...]

Follow Ron Paul’s Money too: Peter Thiel, Globalist, Bilderberger, GOProud Activist

Since this item in BuzzFeed Politics is short, we show it in its entirety: Ron Paul's Biggest Supporter Is A Bilderberger, International Financier World's collide.The gay libertarian tech investor Peter Thiel, enthusiast of post-national ocean states, backed the SuperPAC. Posted Jan 31, 2012 9:21pm EST The largest donor to a SuperPAC supporting Ron Paul is Peter Thiel, the sort of ultra-wealthy, … [Read more...]

Tom Tancredo on Ron Paul, Mitt Romney, Congress, Immigration & His Own Plans

Interview by By Washington Watcher on January 14, 2012 at 11:33pm I recently completed an exclusive video interview with former Congressman Tom Tancredo, whose heroic 2008 presidential race, and even more heroic Colorado gubernatorial race in 2010, were key steps in the long campaign for patriotic immigration reform. We post them here on our new VDAREVideo channel. In Part I, Tancredo discusses Ron … [Read more...]

GOP Presidential Candidates on Agenda 21 ‘Sustainable Development’

Will 2012 be the year America succumbs to global neo-Marxism? The Ground War in Your Neighborhood - Where do they Stand? Even those who believe themselves devoted patriots (including devout Christians) may foolishly be enticed by the powers that be, into violating Americans' sacred and essential Popular and national Sovereignties. It has been happening for a long time, now. People who believe in a Sovereign … [Read more...]

Tehran TV Loves Ron Paul

By: Kenneth Timmerman Accuracy in Media This is a special report from the AIM Center for Investigative Journalism The Iranian regime’s English language propaganda channel, PressTV, has discovered a new American idol: presidential contender Rep. Ron Paul. PressTV has stepped up its coverage of Paul’s campaign to win the Republican presidential nomination in recent weeks, featuring his anti-Israel rants, … [Read more...]

Ron Paul Campaign Uses Soros-Funded Research

Accuracy in Media Rick Santorum told Ron Paul in Saturday’s debate: “You should know better than to cite George Soros-like organizations.” The comment came in response to attacks on Santorum’s record from the Texas Congressman and libertarian running in the Republican presidential primaries. Exposed for using Soros-funded research in an attack ad charging that Santorum had been “one of the most corrupt” … [Read more...]

Blinded by the Left: How Marxists Wrote Ron Paul’s Defense Cuts Plan

New Zeal While many conservatives admire Republican presidential hopeful Ron Paul's principled economic and constitutional views, they are often bamboozled, even appalled, by the Texan's defense and foreign policy ideas. It seems, that when it comes to defense, Ron Paul is stuck in 1776. He seems not to realize that America's enemies, real or potential, Russia and China, and Iran chief among them, have a … [Read more...]

Drugs, Guns and Madness in the Ron Paul Revolution

By: Cliff Kincaid Accuracy in Media Ron Paul didn’t do as well as the media thought he would in Iowa, but he is moving on toward New Hampshire, where the candidate has what the media call a good “ground game.” But the “Ron Paul Revolution” in New Hampshire looks a lot like what Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn tried to accomplish with the 1960s generation. Disillusioned young people, brainwashed with illegal … [Read more...]

Ron Paul’s Soros Defense Plan

By: Daniel Greenfield Sultan Knish Cross-posted with permission... It was recently observed that Ron Paul was to the left of Obama on national security and the best evidence for that statement can be found when one year ago Ron Paul joined forces with Barney Frank on a proposal to gut national defense via a panel of experts, quite a few of whom were tied to George Soros. In July 2010, Barney Frank and Ron … [Read more...]

How GOP Party Bosses May Sway the Iowa Caucuses

This should be scrutinized, beginning to end. Political parties are extra-constitutional and our founders warned against their influence. (They should have given us a national mandate for run-off elections, to counter the tw0-party manipulation, my humble opinion.) How would Iowa's GOP party bosses wish to swing the caucuses? For one thing, the possibility of their trying to counter the Ron Paul thrust is … [Read more...]

Glenn Beck Goes Ron Paul

The struggle over whether or not to support pro-Constitution (from a libertarian-revisionist mentality) and ostensibly pro-Sovereignty, yet personally somewhat anti-Israel and pro-Islamist Ron Paul goes on. This video comes from a very recent Glenn Beck radio broadcast. Video uploaded 12/30/2011, "Glenn Beck tells AMERICA WE MUST support Ron Paul" And where is a viable candidate who really gets it all, in … [Read more...]

Ron Paul’s Words: Opposes Israel as Aggressors, Israel’s Arabs their Victims

Ron Paul on Gaza, "To me, I look at it like a concentration camp and people are making homemade bombs, and like they're the aggressors?" Paul went on to decry America's support of Israel over the Arab League nations and lets slip his personal opinion that Israel is essentially the villain and that "Palestinians" are their victims. Ron Paul at 2:04 in the recording, emphasis added: You know, if Israel has a … [Read more...]

Ron Paul

Yep we're slaves alright. Tax law being the most nefarious of the lot. Certainly, we are no longer living in a land of "justice." We have lots and lots of laws of "Control and Obedience" to the American Royalty erroneously called The Federal Government. We have King and Queen Obama and a bunch of Czar's... Does anybody remember "America"? (the land of the free?) - J. Carlton, Calgary This is for everyone who … [Read more...]

Blowback: Ron Paul is Hardly All Wrong about America’s Mideast Involvement

Midst the rising status and scrutiny of Ron Paul and his R-love-ution, this humble disciple of world affairs finds him both right and wrong. This is how it so appears, about the Middle East's problems with America and vice versa. He is very wrong to oppose Israel's Gaza blockade and to treat Israel as if it were at best, just one more nation, or at worst, a trouble-making entity in the region with apartheid … [Read more...]

The Deceptions of Julian Assange, WikiLeaks, and Ron Paul

Accuracy in Media A May 24 Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) Frontline program quoted WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange as saying he’d never had any contact with Bradley Manning and that he had no information indicating that the former Army intelligence analyst was the source of the classified U.S. intelligence information released by WikiLeaks. On December 19, Frontline posted this follow-up information, … [Read more...]

Ex-Staffer: Ron Paul ‘Wishes the Israeli State Did Not Exist’

Ron Paul himself has some explaining to do. Campaign personnel can call it "damage control," if they need, but what is needed from Rep. Paul about this matter are the thoughts and sentiments of a searched-out soul, expressed forthrightly and clearly. Americans should have "the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth" about a matter this grave, from Ron Paul himself, directly to Citizens. Treated in … [Read more...]

O’Neill: Signing On for the Ron Paul Revolution

“This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence — economic, political, even spiritual — is felt in every city, every State house, every office of the Federal government… we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society. In the … [Read more...]

Ron Paul Under Fire for Praising Accused Traitor

Accuracy in Media Fox News is the latest news organization to pick up on the revelation, first reported by AIM, that Ron Paul had praised WikiLeaks source Bradley Manning as a hero and patriot. Directly referring to WikiLeaks and Army soldier Bradley Manning being held in detention, Paul said, “Should he be locked up in prison or should we see him as a political hero? Maybe he is a true patriot—who reveals … [Read more...]