International Liberty Dan Mitchell In a grand Washington tradition, I periodically make imperious demands. In the past year or two, I’ve issued the following ultimatums to the GOP. No tax increases, since more money for Washington will encourage a bigger burden of government and undermine prosperity. Reform the biased number-crunching methodology at the Congressional Budget Office and Joint Committee … [Read more...]
Saying No to Additional IMF Bailout Money Should Be a Minimum Test for the GOP
Global Currency Pushed by Marxist Bankster, Stiglitz; Warned of by Ron Paul
Updated with different Ron Paul video than first published on 1/15/2012, also very telling. (The first video became unavailable.) Two videos, one by a snake, the other by a snake hunter. From April during the 2011 Bankster Spring INET and IMF planning sessions, Joseph Stiglitz is interviewed by anti-American, Russia Today: Video, "Joseph Stiglitz slams US dollar" Ron Paul describes the plan to use the … [Read more...]
IMF Bank Lords & George Soros’ INET at Bretton Woods, What’s the Diff?
The INET Bretton Woods summit, summoned by George Soros and those who alternatively hide behind, or gather around him, has now happened. But before trying to analyze whatever we may discover of what occurred there, it is critical to discern how it fits an overall picture. For context, one must also see what the IMF and World Bank "communitarian" elitists are up to. We find that before the Bretton Woods affair, … [Read more...]
IMF & INET Streaming Together; NWO Insurrection by Amoeba Finance
I have an update to do, but here we are, for now. As we start to zero in on the INET Bretton Woods summit summoned by George Soros and those who alternatively hide behind, or gather around him, we can take a quick look at how it fits an overall picture. Let's see what the IMF and World Bank "communitarian" elitists are up to. In so doing, we find that before the Bretton Woods affair, which is to focus on … [Read more...]
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