By: Denise Simon | Founders Code RussiaGate was concocted. RussiaGate was globally choreographed. But it was never about Russia, the real covert truth and story is Iran. Lee Smith has confirmed what I knew in my gut to be true. Smith authored the book titled The Plot Against the President. I read it and Smith was gracious enough to come on my radio show to discuss the book, which you must read. … [Read more...]
15 Photos From The #IranProtests You Will Never See In Our Deranged, Anti-Trump Media (Caution: Graphic Content)
Doug Ross @ Journal You wouldn’t know it to read and listen to our singularly focused media — who have devoted their entire energies over the last three years to removing President Trump from office — but Iran is exploding as its youth have finally had enough. An entire generation, without economic opportunity, is now rising up against its oppressors. Please note, some graphic content is below the fold. Also, … [Read more...]
Iran’s Underground Enrichment Facility
By: Denise Simon | Founders Code Under the Iran deal, Iran agreed to redesign, convert and limit its nuclear facilities. Particular focus was put on Iran’s uranium-enrichment capabilities, putting serious limitations on uranium-enrichment facilities in Iran – Natanz and Fordow. Among other resolutions, Iran also agreed to allow inspection of all its nuclear facilities and the IAEA inspectors will be … [Read more...]
Still Defiant, Iran Doubles Uranium Centrifuges
By: Denise Simon | Founders Code RFERL (Radio Free Europe, Radio Liberty) The UN’s nuclear watchdog has issued a report saying Iran is preparing for possible major expansion of uranium enrichment in a fortified underground facility. The International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) quarterly report also says “extensive activities” — a reference to suspected sanitization efforts — at Iran’s Parchin … [Read more...]
Iran’s Hostage-Takers Hold Top Roles in Government
By: Denise Simon | Founders Code Primer: From the 2018 Country by Country Report on Terrorism (in part): Iran remains the world’s worst state sponsor of terrorism. The regime has spent nearly one billion dollars per year to support terrorist groups that serve as its proxies and expand its malign influence across the globe. Tehran has funded international terrorist groups such as Hizballah, … [Read more...]
Michelle Obama Celebrates Iranian New Year like it’s (not) 2009, No Neda Agha-Soltan There
From John Nolte at Breitbart, the following item includes the obnoxious video of America's First Lady partying like it's (not) 2009 with the Iranians, in front of the great gold Obama curtains, in the White House. That was on March 11 of this year. It is noteworthy that gold curtains are very significant in the Koran. It is depicted there that a special angel was encountered by Muhammad through a golden curtain, … [Read more...]
John Kerry’s ‘Nonbinding’ Agreeability with Iran Demonstrates our Conspiracy-Incompetence Maxim
Never ascribe to only conspiracy, that which may also be incompetence, and vice versa. Or, said another way... Never presume that conspiracy and incompetence are mutually exclusive, without due evidence. DougRoss@Journal BECAUSE, CRUSADES: Kerry, State Department Agree That any Iran Deal Would Be "Non-Binding" By The Tower Over the past two days, both U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and State … [Read more...]
Barack Obama: ‘with us, or with the terrorists?’ (Bush clip)
"Every nation in every region now has a decision to make: either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists. From this day forward, any nation that continues to harbor or support terrorism will be regarded by the United States as a hostile regime." Who is Barack Obama with? Really, what is Barack Obama, himself? Also... Hillary Clinton John Kerry Eric Holder John Brennan James … [Read more...]
Real Reason for Bengazi: Weapons – Hagmann’s Report
There are three main sections of the many scandals, of which the injustices of 9-11-12 in Benghazi are the spear tip in time. Simply put, these sections are: 1. Before 9-11-12 2. During 9-11-12 3. After 9-11-12 To discover the deepest, darkest, and most essential truth about these events, we have to start with #1. From Douglas Hagmann's Northeast Intelligence Network and Canada Free Press: The Hidden Real … [Read more...]
Must Read! Russia’s Continued Cold War
New Zeal Every American leader and voter should read this article. From Christian Gomez of The New American: On May 3, 2012, Russian Chief of General Staff Nikolai Makarov warned that Russia would deploy its strategic nuclear rockets in Kaliningrad Oblast, potentially to destroy the U.S. antiballistic missile defense system, planned for Europe. Makarov went even further, warning of a possible preemptive … [Read more...]
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