Against All Enemies With the Big Bang Theory, we have given ourselves the ability to look up at the sun and moon and stars and tell God "You didn't build that!", and then go on our merry way believing that the celestial bodies are the result of random processes and not the work of the Creator's hands. With the Theory of Evolution, we see every sort of seed-bearing plant, the trees that grow seed-bearing … [Read more...]
Thus it Begins: Generation Identitaire
The first thought that came to mind when I saw this article from Logan's Warning was "it's about time...what took you so long?" Frankly, I have been waiting to see a backlash from Europeans against the Islamists who have been flooding their nations yet refusing to assimilate into their cultures (they have actually been calling for European cultures to submit to Islam). I believe Generation Identitaire will be the … [Read more...]
Hate Speech
Most crimes are objective in nature, as they can be observed or measured. For instance, murder means someone is dead. Theft means something was taken (can be electronic as well as physical, but there is a record). Speeding means that there is a limit to the maximum speed and it can be accurately measured. Assault means someone was physically attacked, or verbally threatened with physical attack. When it comes to … [Read more...]
The Case Against Secession
Against All Enemies According to the petition website, there is a petition from almost every state requesting that it have the right to peacefully secede from the Union (Texas example). These are not official petitions from state governments, but from individuals within the states. In effect, these petitions are circumventing the authority of the states.In response to this multitude of … [Read more...]
Ron Paul’s Farewell Address
"Too many people have for too long placed too much confidence and trust in government and not enough in themselves." --Ron Paul Ron Paul is leaving Congress after 23 years of service as a representative from the State of Texas. When I first heard him speak, I found him to be a bit eccentric. However, after looking into the problems we are facing as a nation, I believe that Ron Paul is correct in his description … [Read more...]
Lessons America Can Learn from the Rwandan Genocide
Against All Enemies On Sunday, 11 November 2012, Major (ret.) Brent Beardsley gave a powerful presentation reflecting on his experience as a Christian Soldier in Rwanda during the Rwandan genocide from 1993-94. He served as the personal staff officer to then Canadian General Romeo Dallaire before and during the Rwandan genocide that engulfed that nation and ultimately claimed the lives of approximately 1 million … [Read more...]
Contemplating the Future After the Election
Against All Enemies Friends, As a boy, I greatly admired the leadership of Ronald Reagan. I watched him take an heroic stand against the evil ideology of communism, and his example was one of the main reasons why I joined the military to defend our great nation and its people. It was a nation that rewarded achievement, protected individual liberties, and stood against the evils of the world. However, I see a … [Read more...]
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