The Language of Killer Tomatoes

NoisyRoom There's an absolutely incredible video you need to watch from Mike Vanderboegh of Sipsey Street Irregulars. He nails what we have been working to expose for years. The only thing missing is credit to Trevor Loudon of New Zeal for exposing Frank Marshall Davis first. Once Mike read up on this in The Communist, witten by Paul Kengor, it told him all he needed to know about Barack Obama. My hat is off … [Read more...]

Dancing Is a Revolution

NoisyRoom It might be more appropriately called: "How to Hijack a Revolution" or "Leftists Heart the Qu'ran." Just sayin'. On Valentine's Day (a day for lovers), Eve Ensler (creator of “The Vagina Monologues”) held her worldwide anti-rape dance/protest known as 1 Billion Rising. And Zombie was there taking pics - a fantastic array of them that are very well done indeed and sprinkled with great commentary where … [Read more...]

The Engineers of ‘Leaderless’ Arab Spring & Occupy Wall Street

Arab Spring? Day of Rage? Spontaneous uprisings by idealistic youth? "Civil Society?" "What democracy looks like?" The Neo-Marxist Globalist Engineers of 'Leaderless' Occupy Wall St. Originally published under this title, October 31, 2011, 11:09am A revolution against the controlling elite that thrusts off the tyranny of their central banking, the indoctrination in their schools, the lies of their media, and the … [Read more...]

Soros-funded Marxists to ‘Occupy the RNC’

By: Tina Trent Accuracy in Media   This is a Special Report from the AIM Center for Investigative Journalism Republican delegates arriving in Tampa for the convention this week will likely find one thing more oppressive than the humidity: hordes of motley Occupiers, political puppeteers, Teamsters, Code Pink activists dressed as giant female body parts, open-borders extremists, vegan Marxists, and … [Read more...]

The Darkest Knight – the Anarchist Butterfly Effect

NoisyRoom Let's not call the Aurora shooting a tragedy. A tragedy is a car wreck that kills a family; a tragedy is a derailed train that poisons a town; a tragedy is a plane crash killing all on board. That's not what Thursday's monstrous act was - it was a massacre, it was an outrage. Some loony, nut case picked a gun-free zone where the pickings were easy. He didn't "snap" - he planned it for … [Read more...]

Riots in Spain

New Zeal Kremlin propaganda channel Russia Today covers riots in Spain. At least 76 people have been injured in Madrid as clashes flared up between protesters and police, the latter using rubber bullets. Thousands of Spanish anarchists, communists and labor unionists turned out against new austerity measures introduced by the Socialist government. … [Read more...]

One-Percent Progressives Honor the 99 Percent

By: Cliff Kincaid Accuracy in Media “Thanks for the free booze” was the cry from the audience, as members of Occupy Wall Street were given the “Paul Wellstone Citizen Leadership Award” on Monday night at the “Take Back the American Dream” conference. Several “occupiers” made it clear they were happy to be recognized at the Awards Gala Dinner, but it was unclear how they got into the event, since most tickets … [Read more...]

Occupy: Save the Pedophiles! Keep the Child Sex Trafficking

NoisyRoom Just. Pure. Freaking. Evil. On June 13th, Occupiers in Oakland came out to protest against a conference dedicated to combatting child sex trafficking. That's right... They were in favor of child sex trafficking and all the pedophiles who exploit these innocent children. These people are unconscionable monsters. 99% my ass. Zombie has a new post up at the PJ Tatler: Occupy Oakland protests in FAVOR … [Read more...]

Score 1 for Fox News today, -1 for Texas Libertarians Cohabitating with Obama’s CAIR

Two items "just in, over the wire..." Together, they show why people who believe in American principles shake their head, when they see anti-Zionists mouthing off against that tiny nation returned to its homeland in God's history and providence, after all these years. The ongoing atrocities fed and led by Rothschilds and friends are thoroughly beside the point. I. One is from our Janet Smiles, forwarding … [Read more...]

Russian Dupes Behind Bilderberger Protests

By: Cliff Kincaid   The major news organizations have been driven by the Drudge Report and WorldNetDaily to cover protests against a meeting of the “Bilderbergers” at a Marriott hotel outside Washington, D.C. The stories usually feature Alex Jones, a Texas-based radio host who regularly appears on Moscow-funded Russia Today (RT) television, or Daniel Estulin, a Russian-born writer whose book on the … [Read more...]

Communist Propaganda Coup: Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans Trash Medals at NATO Summit

New Zeal A Communist Party USA propaganda video, shot during the recent communist led protests against NATO in Chicago. U.S. veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars threw their medals towards the site of the NATO Summit May 20, in what was called the most dramatic antiwar action by ex-GIs since Vietnam. One-by-one, 45 service members from all branches of the military took to the stage to tell their stories … [Read more...]

Breaking… Blogger Aaron Walker Arrested after Maryland Hearing on Kimberlin Case

NoisyRoom By: Andrea Shea King The Radio Patriot Top Item at Memeorandum: Robert Stacy McCain / The Other McCain: REPORT: Aaron Walker Arrested After Maryland Hearing on Kimberlin Case — Aaron Walker, whose complaint against convicted terrorist Brett Kimberlin became a conservative cause célèbre this past week, was reportedly taken into custody today after a court hearing in Rockville, … [Read more...]

Communist Agitators at Work

New Zeal Communist agitators stir up racial and class hatred on the streets of New York. Virtually everyone interviewed in this video is a member of the pro-Cuba/North Korea Workers World Party. … [Read more...]

The Haymarket Massacre–Chicago, Illinois

NoisyRoom By: Dave Logan ThirdWaveDave Hat Tip: The Radio Patriot Terresa Monroe Hamilton at NoisyRoom Blog gives you a taste of this year's May Day. Below is history of the same type of event back in the old days of this movement, Chicago, Illinois. I added pics at the bottom with an assist from Marathon Pundit, Greater ChicagoLand Area. You must read and understand history. Below is your lesson for … [Read more...]

Russia Today Interviews US Communist Leader – Working in “Occupy” Movement, Supporting Obama

New Zeal A revealing interview by Moscow funded propaganda station Russia Today, with Communist Party USA Chair Sam Webb (sporting some cool new facial hair). Webb candidly admits that his troops are working in the Occupy Wall Street movement and are actively supporting long time party "friend" President Barack Obama. This video supports my theory that Russia is effectively still controlled by Marxists, who … [Read more...]

Occupy and Tea Party – Does the Media Tell You The Truth?

NoisyRoom Take a look at what goes on at a Tea Party gathering. Lydia Ortega, Brian Sussman, Mimi Steel and Neil Mammen were speakers at California's Silicon Valley Tea Party. Silicon Valley Tea Party - 15 April 2012 - Lydia Ortega (A Professor at San Jose State University!) Silicon Valley Tea Party - 15 April 2012 - Brian Sussman Silicon Valley Tea Party - 15 April 2012 - Mimi … [Read more...]

Occupiers Storm Boston Tea Party Rally

NoisyRoom Hat Tip: BB MRCTV Warning - foul language and lewd content. Occupy members stormed a Boston Tea Party rally and began screaming and disrupting the event. A couple of the protesters are then arrested. … [Read more...]

Occupy DC’s Muddled May Day Rally

Hat Tip: Logan Churchwell Accuracy in Media: Accuracy in Media's Brigette Namata covered the May Day march, protest and all around party in Washington, D.C. AIM found that the local Occupy group has yet to decide upon demands, goals or a general purpose.  … [Read more...]

Mayor issues emergency order after mayhem in Seattle

NoisyRoom Hat Tip: Nancy Jacques Read more at Flashpoints on Occupy May Day Welcome to the real face of the Occupy Movement - Communism, anarchy and chaos. … [Read more...]

Russia Today Covers Montreal Riots

New Zeal Russian government propaganda channel Russia Today covers recent marxist/student rioting in Montreal, Canada, during which 85 people were arrested. … [Read more...]

Montreal students join former Aveos workers in protest

NoisyRoom 85 arrests after violence erupts in Montreal Montreal student protest sees 85 arrested Occupy comes to Canada - precedes riots in US. And so it begins. … [Read more...]

Occupy DC Demands Release of Cop Killer [Explicit]

AIM: Accuracy in Media's Brigette Namata pays a visit to the Occupy DOJ rally to see how good a grip the protesters have on inconvenient things like facts. Tales only get taller after 31 years it seems. … [Read more...]

Was Jesus a Communist?

New Zeal Leading Chicago Communist Party USA member Roberta Wood and Communist Party Religion Commission members Pat Flagg and the Rev. Tim Yeager discuss the burning question of our time - Was Jesus a Communist? Unbelievable! cpusa on Broadcast Live Free … [Read more...]

Occupy Wall Street #OWS Training: Their Target is the Tea Party

NoisyRoom Photo by Julie Dermansky at The Atlantic Hundreds of OWS training workshops took place this month throughout the country, in all 50 states, including small rural areas. Inside one of the training workshops, attendees report that OWS is “specifically instructed to go to any and all Tea Party gatherings, rallies, etc., to be confrontational and create havoc and disruption.” They are being trained to … [Read more...]