Diana Larkin publishes in Twitter: @JournalDiana11, Gab @journal, CloutHub @JournalDiana11, and search “Diana Larkin” in Xapit.com. While planning a video update with Diana Larkin we were once again pre-empted, to relay God's alerts about terrorism, including what is being wrought through the intentional border crisis. Now, this crisis has been expanded to include false-flag assassination contingencies for … [Read more...]
CRITICAL UPDATE: False-Flag Terrorism Planned, Border and Afghani, per Diana Larkin, Robin D. Bullock, Amanda Grace, Veronika West
Diana Larkin publishes in Twitter: @JournalDiana11, Gab @journal, CloutHub @JournalDiana11, and search “Diana Larkin” in Xapit.com. UPDATED 8/27: See my entries in "Comments" below this article for further items by Diana Larkin, Robin D. Bullock, and Veronika West, which both confirm and expand upon the urgency of this prophetic intervention. It is a call for intercession -- and for raising attention, … [Read more...]
Pastors Ordered to Submit Sermons to Government in Houston; Degeneracy Brings Authoritarianism
As America's charter, our Declaration of Independence does declare, our nation is founded upon self-evident truth. That is a necessary condition for a people sovereign under God in their own nation. Do we now think adopting the oxymoron of "same-sex marriage" is about our society maturing rather than embracing the dementia and depravity brought on by denying natural law's natural reality? About love and … [Read more...]
Green is the New Black, but if You’re White You Can Live in a Dumpster in the Hood
We should all be reminded from time to time just how insane collectivism is and how loony it is to be a "leftist." But we should never allow that to lure us into thinking it is all just ineffectually quaint. Like the self-commendingly altruistic ladies in Arsenic and Old Lace, it always features deadly poison. This nutty professor lives in a dumpster The university dean's falsely lit imaginings reveal themselves … [Read more...]
ISIS Barbarians at Our Gates
NoisyRoom.net According to a release by Judicial Watch, ISIS is operating in Ciudad Juarez, located in Mexico along the US border just across from El Paso, Texas: Islamic terrorist groups are operating in the Mexican border city of Ciudad Juarez and planning to attack the United States with car bombs or other vehicle born improvised explosive devices (VBIED). High-level federal law enforcement, intelligence … [Read more...]
Cleaning House in Missouri City, Texas
NoisyRoom.net State Rep. Ron Reynolds, D-Missouri City, and David Hamilton, his Republican challenger in the House District 27 race. The Democrats are just itching to solidify their hold on Texas. We'll just see about that... In Missouri City, Texas a race is brewing that is the epitome of reputable vs. corrupt. The incumbent is facing felony charges - lots of them. Here is a list of 47 (!) "bad acts" etc. … [Read more...]
ACORN for Illegal Aliens – Meet the Southwest Key Programs
NoisyRoom.net Are you curious who has been facilitating the transport of illegal alien children throughout the country? Look no more... meet La Raza connected Southwest Key Programs. This organization is the pipeline for the children into US refugee camps and homes across the nation. They provide immigrant youth shelters. It is a well-oiled machine that was set up to educate and reintegrate youth into American … [Read more...]
Texas Republican Primary: Tea Party Results Spell National Trouble
Think the Tea Party and the overall ranks of America's awake and aware are predominant in the GOP? Look to the besieged Republican stronghold of Texas and think again. Here are three very indicative results from yesterday's tallies, all landslides, all distinctly bad by sensible accounts, presented in a rough order of national alarm. Land Commissioner: George P. (for Nazi financier, Prescott) Bush 75% David … [Read more...]
Project Veritas Video: Battleground Texas Illegally Copying Voter Data
This video is presented for its news value, to allow you to understand these aspects of current Marxofascist strategy and tactics, the weaponry brought to bear in the soft war against sovereign, free, and authentic America. More: At ProjectVeritas.com: "NEW VIDEO: Battleground Texas Illegally Copying Voter Data" … [Read more...]
Trevor Loudon Presents ‘The Enemies Within’ to the Sugar Land Tea Party, 9-22
Pacific Freedom Foundation Join the Sugar Land Tea Party as they welcome a modern-day Paul Revere: Author, Political Researcher and Activist, Trevor Loudon. This book is like no other book written on American Politics. Read. Learn. Get mobilized for the fight. Trevor Loudon presents his new book and inspires patriots to keep on fighting to take back the country. What is his new book all about? Join the Sugar … [Read more...]
Trevor Loudon Presents ‘The Enemies Within…’ to King Street Patriots Saturday 9-21
Pacific Freedom Foundation Join Houston’s patriots as they welcome a modern-day Paul Revere — Author, Political Researcher and Activist, Trevor Loudon. Trevor Loudon presents his new book and inspires patriots to keep on fighting to take back the country. What is his new book all about? Join us on Saturday and find out. Bring a friend! “The Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the U.S. … [Read more...]
Ron Paul’s Farewell Address
"Too many people have for too long placed too much confidence and trust in government and not enough in themselves." --Ron Paul Ron Paul is leaving Congress after 23 years of service as a representative from the State of Texas. When I first heard him speak, I found him to be a bit eccentric. However, after looking into the problems we are facing as a nation, I believe that Ron Paul is correct in his description … [Read more...]
Children with Chips: Enslaving Us for Our Own Good
NoisyRoom By: T F Stern T F Stern's Rantings There in the shadows where we cannot see clearly, there are dangers lurking; sounds like pulp fiction, “Only the Shadow knows”... Take for example the Northside Independent School District in rural Bexar County, Texas. School administrators have implemented a program for all students “requiring them to walk the halls with identification cards in their pockets that … [Read more...]
Rick Perry vs. the Media on Capital Punishment
By: Cliff Kincaid Accuracy in Media In order to damage or even sabotage his presidential campaign, the liberal media have seized on Texas Governor Rick Perry’s record on capital punishment. But the liberal media are facing a major public backlash by doing so. Recall the public reaction when NBC’s Brian Williams tried to put Perry on the defensive over this issue by asking during the September 7, 2011, … [Read more...]
Can You Help? News of Texas’ Devastating Wildfires
These are my neighbors. Being close and having friends who are effected is heart wrenching. One friend was able to get all of her cattle and other animals out; another's animals would not load and they had to leave them. Their neighbor had called this morning and said his house had just burned. Can you help? You can find out how, by visiting these … [Read more...]
Rick Perry Tied to Agenda 21, Globalist Policies
selling Texas to foreign creditors while jabbing Obama for same by Terri Hall Founder, Texans Uniting for Reform and Freedom Rick Perry may be good at invoking states rights and property rights, while disavowing ‘foreign creditors,’ but his actions as Texas’ longest serving governor tell a different story. Public private partnerships (or P3s) are part and parcel of the United Nations’ Agenda 21. Two of the … [Read more...]
The Phony Right-Wing, Part 5: James Richard ‘Rick’ Perry
A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves. - Bertrand de Jouvenel des Ursins, usually known only as Bertrand de Jouvenel (31 October 1903, Paris – 1 March 1987) was a French philosopher, political economist, and futurist. G u l a g B o u n d Video, "Gov. Rick Perry’s amazing speech to RLC 2011" at TheRightScoop.com James Richard "Rick" Perry assumed the governorship of Texas in 2000 when … [Read more...]
Texas Police Officer Sacrificed on the Altar of Transnational ‘Integration’
Nothing new here. Just another good American life thrown away to bolster world government. [ed., Janet Smiles] Kevin Will, a Houston area traffic cop, was run down and killed yesterday in the Houston area for the sake of the North American Union. That’s right. In plain words, his life was sacrificed so that the US, Mexico and Canada can all be integrated into a single nation for the purposes of “security” … [Read more...]
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