Sarah Palin - Timeline Photos | Facebook Governor Palin is featuring this graphic, plus more associated with the hashtag #DefundPlannedParenthood, via her Facebook (and Twitter) accounts. This in turn is being featured in numerous sites. Here's one example: Sarah Palin's rebel flag scores direct hit on Planned Parenthood - BizPac Review We'll see who is getting the message as we keep delivering the … [Read more...]
The Iowa Freedom Summit Hat Tip: BB ------- ‘We LOSE when we nominate RINOS’ – Freedom Summit’s standing ovation to thinly veiled anti-Romney speech 'Repeal every word': Potential GOP 2016 rivals hammer ObamaCare, IRS at Iowa summit … [Read more...]
Sarah Palin’s Phone Call & Drop-by with Vladimir Putin
Watch out Jimmy Fallon, you just got that job at NBC... Look ma griz, he was even humorous. Just think of how it would be to have a steady hand on the tiller in the Bering Strait (instead of an actual saboteur enemy of America in the White House). … [Read more...]
Dick Cheney’s Demeaning of Sarah Palin, ‘Adequately Explained’
And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness... rather expose them. - Paul's Letter to Ephesians, 5:11 The bizarre and destructive behavior of Democrats such as the Obama regime and its most virulent accomplices in Congress is inexplicable to mankind, until one sees it in the context of his being a saboteur of the American way of life and a globalist neo-Marxist. When one understands that, the … [Read more...]
Sarah Palin’s Message to Patriotic Internet Activists
There are many very significant messages, really. Why pick any out when one can hear it all? Video from rightscoop, "Governor Sarah Palin keynote at Right Online 2012" … [Read more...]
The Perving of Palin, Chapter Arlen Specter
Perhaps the day she made her first, historic McCain campaign rally appearance, I became aware the spiritual enemy would try to defile her in people's minds and hearts. That is one of their many specialties, after all. The impression was a priority for prayer. We have seen it ever since, in some of the vilest ways and by some of the most noted of the media. The latest, from a man about whom having a first name … [Read more...]
Vast U.S. Oil Reserves Kept Secret by TPTB? Not by Gingrich
What if the United States and Canada bore three times as much oil as Saudi Arabia? Add that to the vast amounts of U.S. natural gas and coal reserves we know we have. Now, what if the globalist, central bankster controllers and their tycoons and barons have known this and have intended to horde energy here, as they horde gold, for the sake of their own mega-wealth and mega-power? Suppose they wish to … [Read more...]
Confronting Congressional Corruption: Peter Schweizer of Big Peace & Palin Advisor
“No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.” - Jesus the Messiah (Luke 16:13) Peter Schweizer's new book is Throw Them All Out. Governor Palin referred to his work in her recent Wall Street Journal column, featured here. Two brief interviews tell part of the story of this … [Read more...]
Brain Surgeon Briefed: Obamacare Death Panels to Refuse Surgeries that Save Patients over 70
From The Right Scoop SHOCK – Brain surgeon confirms ObamaCare rations care, has death panels! Posted by The Right Scoop on Nov 23, 2011 in Politics | 69 Comments Sarah Palin was exactly right about death panels as this caller attests. Tonight, a brain surgeon called into Mark Levin’s radio show and said that he had just recently visited Washington DC to review Obama’s new health care plan for advanced … [Read more...]
Palin Slices Into Congressional Corruption, as Gingrich Twitches
What presidential candidate can, with the help of Providence, save the United States of America, in no small part by assisting to deliver it from congressional corruption? Newt Gingrich is the Republican front runner of the hour and is being assailed, with some good reason, by a Marxstream media apparently committed to manipulating a Romney nomination. But, is Gingrich fully repentant of his political adultery … [Read more...]
Sarah Palin Refused Presidential Run with Highest Primary Voter Favorables – Odd
For all sad words of tongue and pen, The saddest are these, 'It might have been.' - John Greenleaf Whittier As presented in Here were the final Gallup #s for the Governor before she announced at least at this moment that she wasn’t running (multiply the “strongly favorable + favorable” percentage by the percentage that recognize the Republican and go to “export full trends” to find the … [Read more...]
Roger Ailes Tells Why Beck & Palin Were Nixed
...ostensibly and at least sort of obliquely, if not subtly Never mind those pesky globalist neo-Marxists capturing America through state "crony" capitalism and dialectic revolt. I've got a big TV popularity contest to run! Investors have to see the short term return on investment! Who cares about what happens to America in the longer run. Besides, isn't globalism and its European, Russian, and Chinese … [Read more...]
Juicy Sarah Palin Revelation
Lean in and catch this. I've just heard there is this one guy who is involved in the intimate details of her life -- they've got a thing for each other -- allegedly Jonesing -- and she even sleeps with him! Some dude named "Todd," I think it is. … [Read more...]
Navy Jacks, Palin, & Apologies Demanded from Racist Democrats
Muckrakers have been digging up some dirt on Sarah Palin lately, and my reaction is "big frigging deal." I cannot begin to tell you how sick and tired I am of the double-standard hypocrisy of liberals. Link Link If a liberal woman had done what Palin is purported to have done, then the MSM would laud her, throw petals in her path, and praise her as a righteous feminist breaking new ground, forging new paths, … [Read more...]
Sarah Palin: Union Brothers & Sisters it’s Time To Reconsider Following Your Corrupt Leadership
"Ask yourself if the folks you heard demonize concerned, independent Americans yesterday really speak for the working class when they’re all too happy to burden your families with the bill to bail out the President’s friends on Wall Street." by Gary P Jackson A Time for Choosing Tuesday, September 6, 2011 and by quotation, Gov. Sarah Palin As you know, on Monday, while giving a speech with President … [Read more...]
A Beautiful Mind – Sarah Palin’s Indianola Message
At this point on the calendar, the fact of Gov. Sarah Palin's hesitance to declare a presidential candidacy lends a Gulag Bound instigator more freedom to enthusiastically endorse her message. No need to write about it... Transcript, courtesy of Thank you, Iowa. Thank you so much. The sign that says, “Thank you, Sarah,” no, I thank you. You are what keeps me going, keeps so many … [Read more...]
See this Woman! Strip and Rape Her! Jew! Dirty Jew! Hated Jew
Let me not sermonize this Sunday morning as I write. Let me show you three things and ask, what do they have in common? Is there anyone who sees what themes they share, yet denies the existence of Satan and demons, and the work they do with humans? And what rationalizing must one do, not to see the collective motives of those demons and those motivated by them? 1. A personal essay by Robert V. Averech in … [Read more...]
Palin: ‘Maybe it’s Time for Chairman Bernanke to Cease and Desist’
Once again, Sarah Palin speaks out and the world takes note, just as if she were some kind of leader. In National Review Online Palin to Bernanke: ‘Cease and Desist’ November 7, 2010 4:55 P.M. By Robert Costa . As President Obama prepares for the G20 summit in South Korea this week, Sarah Palin is challenging the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy, which will likely be a key issue at the talks. On Monday, in … [Read more...]
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