I am only going to scratch the surface here because this is a deep subject. However, I think it is important to understand Marxist ideology and its evolution, when analyzing the current political climate, and where we stand today. Marxism refers to the world view and ideology of Karl Marx. I guess you could say he wrote the book on communism. The Communist Manifesto was published on February … [Read more...]
Neo-Marxism: Cultural Marxism, Postmodernism, and Identity Politics
56 Communist Parties Gather in Turkey to Celebrate 100th Anniversary of the Comintern
By: Trevor Loudon | The Epoch Times People hold a banner picturing Communist figures including (From L) Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Vladimir Ilitch Lenin, Joseph Stalin, and Mao Zedong, as they gather in Bakirkoy district as part of the May Day rally, in Istanbul, on May 1, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / OZAN KOSE The international communist movement just celebrated its 100th birthday at a gathering in … [Read more...]
Hong Kong is Facing Recession Due to Protests
By: Denise Simon | Founders Code 5 months of protests and fighting for real freedom has Hong Kong facing a recession. Asian Airlines has cut flights due in part to cancellations by passengers for several airline carriers of up to 13%. (UPI) — A government report last week projected a recession for the Hong Kong economy in 2019, which would be its first in a decade. The forecast … [Read more...]
Lindsay Grathwohl & Cliff Kincaid on #Antifa & #FreeSpeech: Who’s Behind Civil War in America?
America's Survival Larry Grathwohl’s daughter Lindsay is a free speech activist who has been attacked by the "anti-fascist" activists. She has to wear a football helmet for self-protection. "They were throwing rocks and bricks." Her father was an FBI informant in the communist terrorist Weather Underground. … [Read more...]
‘Why Isn’t Communism as Hated as Nazism?’ Dennis Prager Wants to Know
While I sometimes disagree with Dennis Prager's perceptions of certain principles and solutions, I recommend his and any honest examination of this question. Such a study reveals very harmful strategies and tactics by global collectivists (they like to say "communitarian") elites for generations. For more on this intentional distortion of current events, history, and political philosophy, I … [Read more...]
Pope Offers the Masses the Opium of Marxism
NoisyRoom.net To my Catholic friends, while I am loathe to criticize that which they hold dear, there comes a time when silence is the wrong answer. When Pope Francis first surfaced, I thought he had the potential to be a great Pope. But with the potential of greatness, also comes the opportunity of infamy. Pope Francis is a Marxist and embodies many, many principles that I stand against, not only as a … [Read more...]
Marxist Pope Targets America’s Freedoms
America's Survival Vatican adviser Jeffrey Sachs says the Pope will be attacking the "American idea" of a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness when he speaks to Congress in September. We talk with Vic Biorseth of CatholicAmericanThinker.com about the ominous and dangerous developments within the Roman Catholic Church. Vic is a traditional Catholic who believes Pope Francis is a Marxist. But will … [Read more...]
Sendolo Diaminah in NC, KeyWiki’s Weekly Featured Profile, 12/15/14
KeyWiki Sendolo Diaminah is a new addition to the Board of Durham Public Schools, in North Carolina. Strangely, during his campaigning, he didn't describe himself to the voting public as he does to his friends, as "a black, queer communist." Comrade Diaminah is General Secretary of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization, the US' most influential Maoist grouping. As leader of the organization, Diaminah … [Read more...]
KeyWiki Weekly Featured Profile: David Trujillo, Marxist, Los Angeles
KeyWiki David Trujillo is a prominent Southern California Communist Party USA leader. He serves on the Los Angeles Board of Neighborhood Commissioners. In the 1990s, Trujillo was Chair of Los Angeles' Northeast Chapter of the radical Mexican American Political Association, a hugely influential body for exerting Marxist pressure on the Democratic Party. David Trujillo is currently a Union Representative … [Read more...]
Communist ‘Recipe’ for U.S. Revealed
By: Gina Loudon WND Trevor Loudon used to get up at 2 a.m. each morning to bake dozens of loaves of bread. But today, the former baker from Christchurch, New Zealand, is up early to catch communists at work, and the “secret recipes” he’s discovered have already shaken up American politics, exposing politicians, activists and former President Obama advisor Van Jones. Loudon’s investigative work began … [Read more...]
Cold War History Recovered — M. Stanton Evans
By: Brent Parrish The Right Planet This is a great discussion with journalist and author M. Stanton Evans who wrote the book Blacklisted by History, which examines the history of the McCarthy hearings, and the infiltration of known communists into the highest levels of the U.S. government. I often plug the book because I have found it to be one of the most complete and thorough investigations into the whole … [Read more...]
Pope Rehabilitates Marxist Priest
Accuracy in Media An advocate of Marxist-oriented “liberation theology” and recipient of a Lenin Peace Prize has returned to his duties as a priest in the Roman Catholic Church, after a 29-year suspension. Miguel D’Escoto, who served as President of the U.N. General Assembly from September 2008 until September 2009, had been suspended from his priestly functions by the anti-communist Pope John Paul II in … [Read more...]
What Does It Take for American Thinker to Permit an Author to Respond?
By: Diana West Jeff Nyquist has posted a new entry to add to his ruminations about ex-Communist conservative critics of American Betrayal and related topics. His latest is a brief but pointed discussion of an anything-but-brief series on American Betrayal and the "controversy" around it which appeared at the American Thinker website on July 4, July 5, and July 6 -- 12,000 words in all by Jeff Lipkes that … [Read more...]
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