Nullification Deniers! This Is What James Madison Really Said

NoisyRoom By: Publius Huldah This is The Age of Ignorance. Our “intellectuals” can’t think. Our “scholars” parrot each other. The self-educated fixate on idiotic theories. Our People despise Truth and disseminate lies. Nullification deniers such as Matthew Spalding of Heritage Foundation, Jarrett Stepman of Human Events, law professor Randy Barnett, David Barton of Wallbuilders, and history professor … [Read more...]

Gettysburg Reminder, November 19

I found this tonight, in the day's final hour, thinking it a good time for a reminder after the general election of 2012, to post the Gettysburg Address. Then, I saw the date it was delivered by President Lincoln, this day, seven score and nine years ago. I found this tonight, in the day's final hour. ------------- Originally posted as "Gettysburg Reminder, Memorial Day 2012," May 28, 11:33 pm CT, updated with the … [Read more...]

The Case Against Secession

Against All Enemies According to the petition website, there is a petition from almost every state requesting that it have the right to peacefully secede from the Union (Texas example). These are not official petitions from state governments, but from individuals within the states.  In effect, these petitions are circumventing the authority of the states.In response to this multitude of … [Read more...]

Obama-Land vs. the USA: The End of a Country, its People and Liberty

Two-hundred and thirty six years ago, a new country “conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal”* was born.  Men and women seeking religious and economic freedom from an increasingly perverse, suppressive and feudal Europe sailed to ‘the New World’ which would later become the United States of America.  Most began to occupy this fresh and promising land in the 1600s.  … [Read more...]

USA Losing Sovereignty to UN under Obama at Election Time

With the monitoring of some of our polling places by the United Nations, questions come to mind. Are we still a sovereign nation? Are we moving closer to a global system controlled by the United Nations, dare we say a "one world government?" Let us start by looking at this from the perspective of the organizations that are calling for the UN to monitor our polling places. We need to realize that this is a … [Read more...]

Why Voting Romney-Ryan was my Moral Necessity

I voted, Friday. By a legal interpretation of the phrase, I voted for Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. Previously, I wrote in Gulag Bound that I would not vote for Romney in the General Election. That was correct, I intended not to do that. And in principle, I did not really vote for Mitt Romney yesterday. I only selected him as opposed to one other. He has not yet proven himself to me, as someone to be "for." But I … [Read more...]

Audit the Fed Bill to be Quashed by Democrats in US Senate Committee

The first succinct report I found on this sits at the site of the Republican Liberty Caucus. Granted its nature, we present it here in full (with one phrase emphasized). Get Audit the Fed a Fair Vote in the Senate By Dave Nalle - September 17, 2012 at 4:25 PM Thanks to everyone who called and emailed to help get Ron Paul’s Audit the Fed bill passed in the House by a strong majority. This was a major victory, … [Read more...]

America and Divine Intervention

NoisyRoom By: Lloyd Marcus Some pundits say Obama has so successfully transformed America into a “gimme society” that the food stamp president will win reelection in a landslide. Other political wizards say the bloom is off the rose. A majority of Americans realize that Obama is a far left, radical, socialist/progressive, anti-American, lawless dictator. His reign of terror will end come November. Arguments … [Read more...]

The CFR’s Open Plan to Destroy America by Stealing Our Sovereignty

  Q:  What do Barack Obama and Mitt Romney have in common?A:  Way too many things, as do way too many in Congress One of those things they have in common (see here, regarding Romney) each comes to us laced with the designs of the Council on Foreign Relations, an elitist group whose goal is treason. Treason. They wish to strip the Unites States of America of its sovereignty - to undo what was done on July 4, 1776 and … [Read more...]

Congressional Warning: Small Arms Treaty Threatens U.S. Sovereignty, Violates 2nd Amd.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." - The Constitution for the United States of America "A free people ought not only to be armed, but disciplined; to which end a uniform and well-digested plan is requisite; and their safety and interest require that they should promote such manufactories as tend to … [Read more...]

Federal Judge Performs a John Roberts Act to Avoid Evidence on Obama Eligibility

Riddle: When is the Federal judiciary like a local sleight-of-hand magician? (answer below) From The Western Center for Journalism: Outrageous: Judge Decides Law Doesn’t Apply To Obama July 5, 2012 By Doug Book A Circuit Court has decided that Florida election law applies to everyone but Barack Hussein Obama. In response to a suit brought by Florida resident and Democrat Party member Michael Voeltz … [Read more...]

Introduction to the Constitution – Part 1

NoisyRoom By: Chad Kent CDailyNews   Whether your a beginner to learning the Constitution or you've been studying it for years, Chad's Introduction to the Constitution series with help you see the Constitution from a whole new perspective. If you want to understand how the Constitution works, you have to see this video.  … [Read more...]

Gulag Bound, Two Years this Independence Day

Gulag Bound began July 4, 2010. Since then, we have been grateful to play a part in the critical work to "expose Marxism, globalism, technocracy, corporatocracy, Islamism - tyranny."  And we are thankful we are permitted by God's grace, to continue. There is much, much more to do in an America where many are trapped to a great degree in "The Matrix" of that with which those who seek domination would have us … [Read more...]

Islam is Not ‘Part of the American Family’ nor of Western Civilization

Gulag Bulletin – See: America’s Most Critical Political Issue: Sovereignty ------------- No, Islam is no more a part of the authentic American vision and culture than any other ruthless authoritarian/totalitarian tyranny, for example, no more American than collectivism (Jacobinism, Marxism, communism, socialism, fascism, Naziism, communitarianism, transnational progressivism). Islam is not a part of the American … [Read more...]

Sovereignty, America’s Most Critical Political Issue

GULAG BULLETIN, 11/13/2013 See for new, updated information.   Come In, to a Solution we Need to protect and defend the United States of America at its core and reset it upon its foundation   What is our most important issue as a nation? Is it the budget, as critical as that has gotten? Is it anything we see in our so important Bill of Rights? Is it even in our … [Read more...]

Vet Congress on Sovereignty! Recruiting American Patriots

More will be posted here and elsewhere very soon, about the Sovereignty Campaign. But why wait? See the mission of the Sovereignty Campaign, and if you agree with that critical mission, please link up and join us. Take our SovCam Activist Survey. You will get it by email after filling this in and sending it to us:   By the way, we are not going to demand money from activists. We are looking for … [Read more...]

Warning in Canada of the Financial Sabotage of Europe & America

Sabotage is our word, since we recognize the intentionality of the neo-Marxist, globalist, central bankster plan. Listen, please listen, to the words of Pierre Poilievre.   Caption at YouTube for "Pierre Poilievre - Economic Freedom Speech - Enhanced Version": On April 4, 2012, Pierre Poilievre, MP for Nepean-Carleton, spoke on behalf of the Government on Budget 2012 and stood up to defend Economic … [Read more...]

Newt’s Pilgrim’s Progress; How Gingrich is Safe & Necessary for Sovereignty, Part 1

Contributor, @OhSuzyQz Part 1 of 2 I get a kick out of it, when someone warns me about the checkered past of Newt Gingrich - or I would, if that weren't part of a pending tragedy of the Republican Party nominating the wrong man. Gulag Bound has published the speaker's political problems in excruciating detail, thanks to Kelleigh Nelson's excellent "Phony Right Wing" series. So, I don't bat an eye, when someone … [Read more...]

National Campaign to Vet Obama: Republicans, Investigate or Else

by Lawrence Sellin The Post & Email Our vote is the only leverage we have left No American should vote for any Presidential candidate, who will not adhere to the Presidential oath of office to “preserve, protect and defend” the Constitution. Barack Hussein Obama has not done so from the moment he raised his right hand, placed his left on the Bible and swore that oath on January 20, 2009. Article II, … [Read more...]

Video Ad Shows Why Ron Paul Supporters are Increasing

This homespun video is well worth watching. It is a grim reminder of the huge lump of dirt swept under the political rug in America. Video: "New Ron Paul ad-DESTROYS Obama and Romney" Disclaimers & Claimers: I am not a campaigner for Ron Paul for the GOP nomination (not over what I believe is the new Newt Gingrich). But I am for Paul, or some appropriate third candidate, in a heartbeat, to protect and … [Read more...]

Obama Demands SCOTUS become Rubber Stamp for his Policies

Like the MCP (Master Control Program) in TRON 1, Obama has already sucked the life out of Congressional members.  That once co-equal (per the US Constitution) branch of the US Government is no longer viable and has become little more that a “me too” for Dictator-in-Chief Obama’s destructive and malevolent policies and behaviors.  Whether its members were threatened with harm or coerced with very-large bribes, they … [Read more...]

Interference in Sheriff Arpaio’s Obama Investigation; Orly Taitz a Saboteur?

Gulag Preface: We continue to monitor the pursuit of truth regarding Barack Obama's alleged ineligibility per the "natural born Citizen" requirement for the Presidency of the U.S.A., as an element of the larger investigation into his life and liaisons. As we ponder the coordinated assault upon sovereign America, of which players such as Barack Obama and George Soros are a part, were have gained from those who study … [Read more...]

Follow Ron Paul’s Money too: Peter Thiel, Globalist, Bilderberger, GOProud Activist

Since this item in BuzzFeed Politics is short, we show it in its entirety: Ron Paul's Biggest Supporter Is A Bilderberger, International Financier World's collide.The gay libertarian tech investor Peter Thiel, enthusiast of post-national ocean states, backed the SuperPAC. Posted Jan 31, 2012 9:21pm EST The largest donor to a SuperPAC supporting Ron Paul is Peter Thiel, the sort of ultra-wealthy, … [Read more...]

Presidential Eligibility: Sovereign Voters Should have Standing as Electors – PE

By L.L. Wilkinson The Post & Email (site is under maintenance at time of publishing; see The Post & Email for further details on this and other Obama eligibility cases, documentation, and history) Individual Voters are Presidential Electors; a Political Question of Terry v Handel (Jan. 27, 2012) - As a citizen of the United States and a registered Democratic voter franchise owner and thus a Presidential … [Read more...]

Courtroom Details of Obama’s 1/26 Eligibility Hearing, Georgia – PE

Details from this morning's eligibility hearing in Georgia, to accompany the Breaking News, "Default Judgment Against Obama Discussed: Today’s Eligibility Hearing in Georgia." By Sharon Rondeau The Post & Email (site is under maintenance at time of publishing; see The Post & Email for further details on this and other Obama eligibility cases, documentation, and history) (Jan. 26, 2012) — The court … [Read more...]

Default Judgment Against Obama Discussed: Today’s Eligibility Hearing in Georgia

Coverage by Charles Kerchner in his CDR Kerchner's Blog Obama Challenge Hearing – Gavel to Gavel Live Video Stream Coverage from Atlanta GA See live coverage at 9 a.m. EST 26 Jan 2012 here: Update 12:45 pm : Based on watching the live feed. Obama’s attorney was a no show. Hearing was conducted without him. At least one of the attorney’s pointed out to the judge that Obama’s … [Read more...]

Essential Speech in New Hampshire: Ron Paul, Video

Personally, I would have suggested more about our natural rights and essential Sovereignties, popular to national, but if you didn't listen carefully last night, do. Oh, do listen. The time has past, to try to marginalize Ron Paul, despite his political eccentricities, errors, extremes, and annoyances. The time has come, to get up and move in the direction we need to go - the direction in which he most tends … [Read more...]

Court to Hear Obama Eligibility Challenge on Merits, First Time Ever, Jan. 26

Contribuotr: CJ in TX @TellTheTruth1 "This will be the first time ever, since this whole thing began, that it will be looked on, on merit." Those are the words of Carl Swensson, Republican Party Chairman of Clayton County, Georgia. "This" refers to an actual judicial hearing of the case against the eligibility of Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. to be, according to the United States Constitution, "Commander in Chief" … [Read more...]

Obama Ballot Challenge .com Taking On Obama’s 2012 Candidacy; Pamela Barnett Interviewed

The Post & Email Founder of Speaks with The Post & Email “WE’RE GOING TO CHALLENGE THEM IN EVERY STATE” by Sharon Rondeau was established to assist citizens in every state to file challenges to Barack Hussein Obama's placement on presidential ballots for 2012 based on the assertion that he is not a "natural born Citizen" (Dec. 13, 2011) — Capt. … [Read more...]