Sabotage is our word, since we recognize the intentionality of the neo-Marxist, globalist, central bankster plan. Listen, please listen, to the words of Pierre Poilievre. Caption at YouTube for "Pierre Poilievre - Economic Freedom Speech - Enhanced Version": On April 4, 2012, Pierre Poilievre, MP for Nepean-Carleton, spoke on behalf of the Government on Budget 2012 and stood up to defend Economic … [Read more...]
Warning in Canada of the Financial Sabotage of Europe & America
How the Mortgage Meltdown was Built-up in One Midwest City
Reckless Endangerment - Kansas City Style In a new bestseller, “Reckless Endangerment,” by The New York Times’Pulitzer Prize-winning business reporter Gretchen Morgenson and Joshua Rosner, Kansas City gets a surprising amount of attention—none of it good, but much of it juicy. What makes for the juice in this account of 2008’s “economic Armageddon” is Morgenson’s willingness to name names. Juicier still is … [Read more...]
IMF Bank Lords & George Soros’ INET at Bretton Woods, What’s the Diff?
The INET Bretton Woods summit, summoned by George Soros and those who alternatively hide behind, or gather around him, has now happened. But before trying to analyze whatever we may discover of what occurred there, it is critical to discern how it fits an overall picture. For context, one must also see what the IMF and World Bank "communitarian" elitists are up to. We find that before the Bretton Woods affair, … [Read more...]
Initial Look at the Pentagon Report on Economic Terrorism: Mortgage Meltdown, Debt & Dollar Debacle
Was Bear Stearns stock driven down on purpose, to catalyze the great Mortgage Meltdown of 2008? I think likely so, because of these factors: 1. Other actions by influential people, which detrimentally impacted that crisis, were clearly not mere happenstance, but can only be seen as intentional. And all together, the combination of these decisions happening by unrelated chance is simply not to be believed, out of … [Read more...]
Regulation vs. Taxpayer Subsidies; Lessons of the Mortgage Meltdown
or, alternative title from the Gulag... Plenty of Harm, How 'bout a Foul? In a recent video featuring former finance regulator Bill Black exposing fraud and corruption in major financial institutions, the GOP is seen as sticking to a highly questionable philosophy of non-regulation of finance even in situations where non-regulation leads, directly or indirectly, to implementation of taxpayer-paid bailouts and … [Read more...]
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