While Obama’s personal US Attorney General Eric Holder continues with his latest assault on US States’ laws and Constitutional rights--he’s decided gay marriages must be recognized in all States…regardless of what States’ laws contain--his partner in multiple crimes, Obama and his syndicate, has come up with the new Democrat talking points which extol poverty and lack of work and/or work hours; but, only for the … [Read more...]
Obama, Dems and Media: No Jobs and Poverty are Good for You!
The Case Against Secession
Against All Enemies According to the WhiteHouse.gov petition website, there is a petition from almost every state requesting that it have the right to peacefully secede from the Union (Texas example). These are not official petitions from state governments, but from individuals within the states. In effect, these petitions are circumventing the authority of the states.In response to this multitude of … [Read more...]
PBS’ Moyers Says Saul Alinsky ‘a Good American’
NoisyRoom Hat Tip: BB Bill Moyers Essay: Newt's Obesession with Saul Alinsky from BillMoyers.com on Vimeo. Breitbart.tv: Bill Moyers used his Friday night PBS show to defend community organizing icon Saul Alinsky from Newt Gingrich’s recent attacks. Alinsky's 1971 book "Rules for Radicals," which was dedicated to Lucifer, popularized many organizing tactics. Moyers quipped “Maybe that’s why Newt … [Read more...]
Mitt Romney’s Mentor, his Father, a Fan of Saul Alinsky
A syllogism: A. Mitt Romney has stated his chief political mentor was his father, George Romney. B. George Romney, a steadfast progressive, credited Saul Alinsky, met with him, and recommended his work. A+B = Mitt Romney's chief political mentor was a steadfast progressive who credited Saul Alinsky, met with him, and recommended his work. Dan Reihl provides historical narrative, context, and analysis in Big … [Read more...]
America Still Suicidally Ignorant, as Ohio Shows
It has been a gross failure for America's governors, including Wisconsin's Scott Walker and Ohio's John Kasich, not to make it utterly clear that collective bargaining for public workers, who are forced to join unions led by Marxist revolutionaries, does the following in present day America: Drains the lifeblood of these workers and taxpayers' money through union dues, to feed essentially socialist candidates … [Read more...]
David Horowitz: Obama, the Muslim Brotherhood & ‘Rules for Revolution’
New Zeal David Horowitz discusses communism, Alinskyism and the Muslim Brotherhood with Frank Gaffney. … [Read more...]
Traitorous Teachers, Union Whiners, and Democratic Fleebaggers
“U.S. patriotism is inseparable from imperial warfare and white supremacy. U.S. flags are the emblem of the invading war machine in Iraq today. They are the emblem of the occupying power. The only true heroes are those who find ways that help defeat the U.S. military.” —Nicholas DeGenova, Columbia University professor “This is not a video game. This is not a movie. This is not like anything you’ve ever … [Read more...]
Updated – Glenn Beck Seems to Show his Elitism; How he is Not to be Trusted with Power
Updated below, original post, Nov. 6th at 2:29 pm CT. The comments of Nov. 6, 11:33 pm & Nov. 7, 12:31 CT are especially offered the reader. Glenn Beck, yesterday ridiculed, in fine Saul Alinsky fashion, patriots who have been attempting for the last two years and more, to get America to see it is being warred against by globalist Marxists -- even as he claimed the limelight in doing the very same … [Read more...]
James Simpson: A Candid Talk with Allen West
Freelance writing doesn’t pay much, but a compensating benefit is the opportunity one finds to meet and speak with really interesting people. Florida District 22 Congressional candidate Lt. Col. Allen West (USA, Ret.) is one such person, and I interviewed him for this article recently. Col. West is one of the most promising candidates on the GOP horizon for this election. He is a genuine conservative, unafraid to … [Read more...]
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