Hillary Clinton vs. The Second Amendment

NoisyRoom.net Hat Tip: The New Americana Hillary Clinton just outright refused to say during an interview yesterday that owning a gun was a constitutionally protected right. I'm not surprised in the least, but she is certainly getting more and more brazen about it. George Stephanopoulos asked her point blank concerning the issue: "Do you believe that an individual's right to bear arms is a constitutional … [Read more...]

Franklin Graham & Richard Land: WRONG on National Background Checks for Gun Buyers

In ReligionToday.com's "Evangelical Leaders Back Universal Background Checks for Gun Buyers": Rev. Franklin Graham, president of Samaritan’s Purse, and Dr. Richard Land from the Southern Baptist Convention told TIME Magazine they supported the proposal. Their favoring universal (central, national) background checks for gun purchases is a classic example of those who should be patriots compromising themselves (and … [Read more...]

Sen. Feinstein You Lie! Infantry Grade Firearms are Mandated for Citizen Militias

What part of "Militia... Arms..." do they pretend not to understand?   See the liar lying and getting away with it. Senator Feinstein says she is not a 6th grader and she comes from a different place than Sen. Cruz, who would honor his Oath of Office to the Constitution. She claims "weapons of war" are not to be included in our Second Amendment protections. Yet, Senator Cruz did not ask her why then … [Read more...]

Demand a Plan for Celebrities & Sunny to Ban Guns (not that she isn’t a celebrity, video)

We are the world, We are the people, We are the ones you all watch on TV, So let's ban guns.     Video, "Demand a Plan Parody"  We know, Sunny.   Ban ads with more than ten celebrities who can't get a grip.   … [Read more...]

Cutter Promises Obama’s Campaign Cockroach Corps vs. 2nd Amendment

The Obamunists are counting on their network of apparatchiks, collectivist dupes, government dependents, and, well... minority racists, once again. At TownHall.com, by Leah Barkoukis; it's short so we'll show the whole thing, but ask you to click over there anyway: Cutter: We Will Activate the Campaign Network to Take on the NRA We haven’t seen much of Stephanie Cutter since the election but she recently … [Read more...]

Assault Beer, Assault Soda, Assault Prescription…

Glimpse into the mind of the authoritarian/collectivist propagandist and "know your enemy" hard at work to "fundamentally transform the United States of America." You go into some of these small towns in Pennsylvania and like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them. It's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to … [Read more...]

Dictator Obama: No More Bill of Rights–No Compromise on Demands

First and foremost, I offer my most sincere condolences to the families and loved ones mourning the loss of so many small children as well as the staff members of Newton, Connecticut’s Sandy Hook School.  The massacre of so many is, yet, another horrific act by, yet, another madman who slipped through the cracks of the liberalized US mental health system…a system which insanely allows even the violent mentally ill … [Read more...]

Patriotic Christian Gun Owners Treated as Mental Patients: Plans & Process

Gulag Update, 8/16 Many noticed that GulagBound.com was down, beginning at approximately 5am today. Here is the explanation from a source involved: "There was an inbound network based attack on the server this morning...." This was the most immediately posted prior article. ------------- I suggest our patriots not worry so much about SWATing and more about this. And I suggest reading both excerpted articles in … [Read more...]

Reid & Schumer’s Democrats Worsen CyberSecurity Bill: Gun Control

The following is an copy in full, from AmericanVisionNews.com. By the way, my personal interpretation of the U.S. Senate gives the nod to Charles Schumer as the hard core Marxist power broker in Harry Reid's malignant majority. Dems slip gun control amendment into cybersecurity bill by Joel McDurmon on Jul 30, 2012 The Hill reports, Democratic senators have offered an amendment to the cybersecurity bill that … [Read more...]

CRITICAL: Today’s Katie Pavlich Video on Fast & Furious Travesties

Gulag Bound should not be reporting the gunwalking of Operation Fast and Furious. The collection of its lethal doses of treachery should be one of the most highly scrutinized and publicized news stories of the past few years. And by this time, justice should have been served in our Department of Justice, the White House, and the long-time corruption-tainted Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF). That … [Read more...]

Colorado Dark Knight Shooting & False Flag Suspicions

Well, the latest mass shooting has occurred. So far, fourteen innocent lives have been lost. Our compatriot, Maggie Thornton is covering the incident and its mass media coverage in this multi-update article: James Holmes Kills 14 Wounds 50 at Batman Movie Aurora Colorado: James Holmes White Man Aurora Shooter July 20, 2012 By Maggie Just after midnight Rocky Mountain Time today, a man opened fire on … [Read more...]

Congressional Warning: Small Arms Treaty Threatens U.S. Sovereignty, Violates 2nd Amd.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." - The Constitution for the United States of America "A free people ought not only to be armed, but disciplined; to which end a uniform and well-digested plan is requisite; and their safety and interest require that they should promote such manufactories as tend to … [Read more...]

BREAKING: Holder-Obama Guilt in Fast & Furious Now Confirmed

After refusing on Tuesday to provide Darrell Issa with the promised winnowed-down-by-Boehner-to-1,300 requested emails, Holder asked Obama Wednesday to approve Executive Privilege to end his provision to Congress of any and all additional materials that could harm him and Obama.  Suffice it to say, Obama immediately signed off on it and issued yet another infamous ObamaFiat.  Judge Andrew Napolitano advised that this … [Read more...]

‘Venezuela’s Chavez Bans Gun Ownership and Firearms Sales’

The warning for America from the land of Venezuela, a focus of Barack Obama's friend Bill Ayers and his devious little charge, Chesa Boudin: Hugo Chavez was able to become Venezuela's Marxofascist dictator while it was permissible to own firearms and now he can do this. From Jim Kouri, Law Enforcement Examiner: In a move sure to make the American gun-control lobby green with envy and Second Amendment advocates wary, … [Read more...]

Ted Nugent Stands His Ground; Secret Service Sent – Why?

One of my favorite people, now being investigated by the Secret Service for statements he made in the following video. Watch the whole thing: (Gulag Note: Nugent's most pointed remarks criticizing the progs in federal government begin at 3:19) NRA Video: "2012 NRA Annual Meetings: Ted Nugent on the NRA News se ,"Caption: At the 2012 NRA Annual Meetings in St. Louis,Cam Edwards talks to Ted Nugent, who takes … [Read more...]

Gingrich: Advocate Right to Bear Arms Internationally vs. Romney: Gun Problems

Video, "Newt: Right to Bear Arms is a Human Right"  These perhaps pivotally important remarks in the history of the defense of the right to keep and bear arms, need no further comment. They should be left to ring in the ears of the listener. Yet, some are tempted to use this stance as an "I told you so," in their claims that Newt Gingrich is a one-world globalist. That is patently false, as a careful … [Read more...]

The 4 America-Betraying Treaties Obama is Poised to Sign

Gulag Bulletin 4/29/2012: See the Sovereignty Campaign, Exploratory Committee (@SovCam) for a new initiative to protect our national sovereignty by vetting candidates for the US Sentate and House of Representatives. Nice Deb Republished with thanks, by permission, from February, 3, 2012 Could Obama really be on the verge of making our worst conspiracy theory nightmares about a “new world order” come … [Read more...]

‘Fast and Furious’ Smoking Guns: Gunwalker a Ploy for Gun Control

Exclusive: Tom Tancredo asks, 'Who in the White House assisted in the cover-up?' Originally published, "A smoking gun for 'Fast and Furious," Oct. 7, 2011, WND The other shoe has dropped in the "Fast and Furious" gun-walking scandal, and it has landed on Eric Holder's doorstep. Members of Congress are calling for his resignation, and the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee has called for a special … [Read more...]

Obama, Joyce Foundation Director: Spent Mega-Wealth to Disarm America

in Maggie's Notebook Had you forgotten, or perhaps never knew that Barack Obama was director of the “non-profit charitable” Joyce Foundation from 1994 to 2002? Along with “education,” one of their focuses is gun control which they charaterize as “gun violence.” Never mind that a gun can’t be “violent” without a person being violent first. Barack Obama worked diligently to take down the Second Amendment. There was … [Read more...]

GunWalker – Fast & Furious: Promote Field Supervisors – Get them the Heck to Washington DC

in Maggie's Notebook Three supervisors in the murderous Fast and Furious GunWalker scheme have been promoted. P.R.O.M.O.T.E.D. What do you do when you failed to silence some of those at the top that have perhaps implicated superiors (Department of Justice)? You learn quickly, promote two field supervisors who managed the program out of Phoenix, and the deputy director for the West and get them the heck to … [Read more...]

Obama Has Done his Job Well: USA All But Destroyed

By now, I assume everyone who isn’t comatose has heard about the Standard & Poors downgrading of the USA’s economic stability from AAA to AA+.   Despite the White House feverishly working to spin the news for we-the-proletariat -- and hinting that "it really means nothing" -- I suspect there is much celebrating going on behind the scenes.  Since ratings were established, this is the first time in History that the … [Read more...]

Super Congress a Universal Uber-Congress? Gun Control and More

A Gun Owners of America Press Release purports the new Super Congress authority will supersede  the mere restriction of existing government programs, or even tax matters.  It can be used to introduce many leftist (neo-Marxist) programs including gun control, according to GOA. Congress to decide whether Super Congress could impose gun control Monday, 01 August 2011 12:07 Gun owner registration … bans on … [Read more...]

Welcome to the OSA (formerly USA) Fellow Slaves!

Today, it all changes.  Everything we have known is being transformed.  The Obama States of America is officially being established by the former Democrat and Republican parties.  Today, we are all Obama-Stalinists and will now happily give everything we own over to the Obama government.  In other words, we will embrace our slavery with smiles on our faces--or else. Despite our efforts to stop it, both Republicans … [Read more...]

When the Dictator Speaks We Must Listen or Else & Congress Establishing the US’ First Politburo

To anyone with a functional mind. it is inarguable that Obama has established a dictatorship--replacing the USA’s former Republic--with his own brand of totalitarian dictates (“executive orders and commandments”) that bypass and replace US Constitutional law.   For example, Obama could not get his Cap & Trade through Congress, so he bypassed Congress and issued an order declaring the EPA as the regulator for his … [Read more...]

Fast & Furious Coverup: Eric Holder Stutters, Stutters, Stutters, Can’t Hear! Issa Says Holder Lied

Maggie's Notebook Congressman Darrell Issa (R-CA) questioned Attorney General Eric Holder on what he knew and when he knew it, regarding Operation Fast and Furious and Project GunRunner. In the video you will see Holder stutter, and stutter again, and again, and then claim he can’t hear/understand the question. Can’t wait for body language guru Tonya Reiman to analyze this one, but then it really doesn’t need … [Read more...]

The Phony Right-Wing, Part 3: Willard ‘Mitt’ Romney

"The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened." - Norman Thomas (1884-1968) six time U.S. Presidential candidate for the Socialist Party of America. Norman Thomas and Gus Hall, the U.S. Communist Party Candidates, both … [Read more...]

Red Reps #5 Michael Paymar: Soros Linked Secret Socialist in the Minnesota State Legislature

New Zeal - Red Reps #4 here The U.S.'s largest Marxist organization, Democratic Socialists of America has infiltrated members and supporters into several state legislatures across the nation. Usually posing as Democrats, the covert socialists are then used to promote D.S.A. legislation and causes, such as gun control, single payer health care, leftist labor legislation etc. at the state … [Read more...]

NPR, the Spokane Bomber, and Far Left Nazis

“One other thing you can look at is how universities are regarded by a Democratic Congress versus a Republican Congress.  ...It’s much more about anti-intellectualism than it is about [anything] political….  [Academia is] liberal, because it’s intellectual—a pursuit of knowledge.  That is traditionally something the Democrats have funded and Republicans have not.” (Link) "The current Republican Party is not … [Read more...]

The Man the Marxist ‘Elite’ Fear: This Guy

August 2007 video, "No, I Will Not Comply! Period" He is a man of conviction. He has the major facts down, about the Declaration and the Constitution. He communicates the truth boldly. He wears a purple shirt and tie, and black pants, with white athletic shoes. He has guns and ammo. h/t: Netty W. & Jim O. … [Read more...]

Laredo, Texas & Zeta Gun Battle Rumors

Update at Bottom The Cypress Times, Digger, Michelle Iamnotabirther Malkin, and many others are tracking these rumors (Digger is a significant source of them).  We will likely update this very post with more, soon. See these stories for more: BREAKING: MULTIPLE RANCHES IN LAREDO, TX TAKEN OVER BY LOS ZETAS Published 07/24/2010 - 2:30 p.m. CST and updated Why The Los Zetas Ranch Story Matters - Confirmation … [Read more...]