By: Denise Simon | Founders Code How would Nellie Ohr be able to connect with Yulia Tymoshenko, the former Ukrainian Prime Minister that was in prison? This was a woman charged with ordering the contract killing of a parliamentary deputy and businessman in 1996. That was one of many charges. During the time that Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, 2013, she was in support of Tymoshenko and worked to get … [Read more...]
Schiff and Pelosi Protecting Hillary Clinton’s Channel to the Ukraine?
Tim Kaine’s Radical Beliefs and Anti-American Ties
By: Renee Nal | New Zeal In the wake of heavy speculation that Hillary Clinton has found her running mate, a look at Trevor Loudon's KeyWiki file on "civil rights attorney" Senator Tim Kaine is in order. Kaine was governor of Virginia for four years prior to becoming a senator in 2012. As readers of are well aware, Loudon traces the ties between elected officials and anti-American radicals. … [Read more...]
Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, the Joke
Hey, there's a new funny going around, very timely this July. Here's one version. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton were invited on a Pacific cruise with wealthy donors. Mid-ocean, a terrible storm seemed to come from nowhere and they were shipwrecked. Hillary and the Donald found the same life raft, alone at sea. At one point he saved her life, at another, she saved his. They washed ashore on a … [Read more...]
The Rule of Law is Dead in America I have lost all faith in both parties and our government. Yesterday, the rule of law in America officially died. There was no fanfare or pretense... only corruption. As Ayn Rand said: "When you see that trading is done, not by consent, but by compulsion - when you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing - when you see that money is flowing to those … [Read more...]
Talking the Insanity of Hillary vs. Trump with Dan Lynch, KUBC
Are so many Americans so jaded, they can't see tyrants in front of their faces anymore? Or, that ignorant? Both, you say? Conservatives included? Yeah. I have tended to let others do the talking in Gulag Bound, lately. For example, Terresa Monroe-Hamilton is a much better news hound, with excellent perspective. Cream of the crop. And Sam Vaknin, Ph.D. is perhaps the world's most authoritative source on Donald … [Read more...]
Hillary Clinton vs. The Second Amendment Hat Tip: The New Americana Hillary Clinton just outright refused to say during an interview yesterday that owning a gun was a constitutionally protected right. I'm not surprised in the least, but she is certainly getting more and more brazen about it. George Stephanopoulos asked her point blank concerning the issue: "Do you believe that an individual's right to bear arms is a constitutional … [Read more...]
AIM Editor Talks About Hillary’s Legal Problems
Accuracy in Media AIM Editor Roger Aronoff was a guest last week on The Tami Jackson Show to talk about Aronoff’s recent column “More Evidence of Clinton Corruption Yields Little Interest from the Media.” While the FBI continues its twin investigations into Hillary Clinton’s conflicts of interest at the State Department and transmission of classified information on her homebrew server, the Obama … [Read more...]
Hillary Clinton’s Lies Are Starting to Catch Up with Her
By: Roger Aronoff Accuracy in Media The mainstream media appear eager to distract from the substantive issues raised by the email scandals continuing to plague Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. One example is the media’s focus on the timeline surrounding a Select Committee on Benghazi subpoena for her emails, and when those emails were deleted. As I recently argued, the media wish that these stories … [Read more...]
Saturday Night Live’s Kate McKinnon Captures Hillary Clinton’s Essence
Please Kate, keep it. Don't release it upon us again. Now say to yourself: it's only a video... it's only a video... it's only a video... Oh wait, no. She's actually running. God save America from itself. … [Read more...]
Hillary’s Emailgate Explained
By: Bethany Stotts Accuracy in Media Exclusive to Accuracy in Media. Clinton’s 2016 presidential chances undoubtedly have been harmed by the revelation that she exclusively used a private email address while serving as Secretary of State. But while the media remain mired in calculations about whether Mrs. Clinton can survive this latest crisis, and who the villains are in this unfolding story, additional … [Read more...]
Dirty Dealing for Bowe Bergdahl: Hillary Clinton, Haqqani & Taliban
Founders' Code The dealing with Haqqani/Taliban goes back to 2009 and had underlying objectives such that many players worked the deal(s) extending sweet honey to Haqqani/Taliban masked in a trade for Bergdahl. Bowe Bergdahl was a proven risk in Afghanistan going back as far as 2009, when more than once he left his post telling some in his unit he no longer believed in the American mission and wanted to do … [Read more...]
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