CRITICAL UPDATE: False-Flag Terrorism Planned, Border and Afghani, per Diana Larkin, Robin D. Bullock, Amanda Grace, Veronika West

Diana Larkin publishes in Twitter: @JournalDiana11, Gab @journal, CloutHub @JournalDiana11, and search “Diana Larkin” in UPDATED 8/27: See my entries in "Comments" below this article for further items by Diana Larkin, Robin D. Bullock, and Veronika West, which both confirm and expand upon the urgency of this prophetic intervention. It is a call for intercession -- and for raising attention, … [Read more...]

Baptist Child and Family Services: An Entity in Bed with the Obama Regime (& Catholic Bishops)

By: Andrea Shea King The Radio Patriot The Conservative Treehouse’s “Sundance” has done his homework on the international organization known as “Baptist Child and Family Services” that is in cahoots with our federal government, AKA the Obama Regime. Knowledge is power. Read this. Share it with your circle. Then send it to your Congressional reps. Reposted here: Soccer Balls, Sanctimony and A Billion Dollar … [Read more...]

Chemical Weapons Spurred Benghazi Raid; Sending to Turkey? If so, why?

Original posting, 10/26 at 6:30am CT According to some reports, numerous public and private servants of the United States are, in effect, taking up where Russia has brutally left off, in an attempt to keep America and NATO from initiating an unjust and immoral war in Syria -- a war that could bring about World War III. The whistle blowers are not only leaking documents, they are informing numerous journalists, … [Read more...]

Obama Reelection Insurrection Imminent [?] Interview with Doug Hagmann

Note: also see first comment below article, by Arlen Williams Recently, I read Doug Hagmann’s column "The planned re-election of Obama, revolutionary style” in which Doug cited a “deep-throat” DHS source.  The following interview is a continuation of that column and it is bone-chilling. Bio Douglas J. Hagmann is the founder and director of the Northeast Intelligence Network. Hagmann is a 26-year veteran private … [Read more...]

Colorado Dark Knight Shooting & False Flag Suspicions

Well, the latest mass shooting has occurred. So far, fourteen innocent lives have been lost. Our compatriot, Maggie Thornton is covering the incident and its mass media coverage in this multi-update article: James Holmes Kills 14 Wounds 50 at Batman Movie Aurora Colorado: James Holmes White Man Aurora Shooter July 20, 2012 By Maggie Just after midnight Rocky Mountain Time today, a man opened fire on … [Read more...]

‘Suspended Election Revolution’ by Barry & the Obamunists; Does it Play?

Presented for you now, an exercise in considering the incredible: that Barack Obama, et. conspiratorial al. would plan to suspend elections in an orchestrated national emergency, perhaps a false flag operation blamed on his opposition. I do not say this will happen, nor am I selling the idea. The point is, this should be scrutinized and in principle when such things are fully sounded out, their probability -- that … [Read more...]