Yes, Time to Place a Terror Status on Drug Cartels, President Trump

Founders Code President Trump has long pledged to sign off on declaring drug cartels as terror organizations going back to at least March of 2019. Mexican security forces on Sunday killed seven more members of a presumed cartel assault force that rolled into a town near the Texas border and staged an hour-long attack, officials said, putting the overall death toll at 20.The Coahuila state government said in a … [Read more...]

Katie Pavlich on Obama’s Lies and Cover-up of Fast and Furious

Accuracy in Media Katie Pavlich, who literally wrote the book on Operation Fast and Furious, delivered a very timely talk to the Accuracy in Media “ObamaNation: A Day of Truth” conference on September 21st. It was the day after the Justice Department’s Inspector General issued a report on the scandalous gun walking operation that resulted in the death of Border Patrol agent Brian Terry, and ICE agent Jaime … [Read more...]

Obama Has Done his Job Well: USA All But Destroyed

By now, I assume everyone who isn’t comatose has heard about the Standard & Poors downgrading of the USA’s economic stability from AAA to AA+.   Despite the White House feverishly working to spin the news for we-the-proletariat -- and hinting that "it really means nothing" -- I suspect there is much celebrating going on behind the scenes.  Since ratings were established, this is the first time in History that the … [Read more...]

Ideology Bound Libertarians Look a Lot Like Leftists

Libertarians on Drugs #2 Mark Thornton, writing for the libertarian Mises Daily, points out that “drug reform” is a hot issue. By drug reform, he means decriminalization or legalization of drug use. He writes: Political candidates, politicians, former presidents, interest groups, and even the Global Commission on Drug Policy are all calling for drug-policy reform He rhetorically asks “why the interest in this … [Read more...]

Hezbollah in Mexico

New Zeal From the San Diego News: A terrorist organization whose home base is in the Middle East has established another home base across the border in Mexico. “They are recognized by many experts as the ‘A’ team of Muslim terrorist organizations,” a former U.S. intelligence agent told 10News. The former agent, referring to Shi’a Muslim terrorist group Hezbollah, added, “They certainly have had … [Read more...]