While I sometimes disagree with Dennis Prager's perceptions of certain principles and solutions, I recommend his and any honest examination of this question. Such a study reveals very harmful strategies and tactics by global collectivists (they like to say "communitarian") elites for generations. For more on this intentional distortion of current events, history, and political philosophy, I … [Read more...]
‘Why Isn’t Communism as Hated as Nazism?’ Dennis Prager Wants to Know
Obama’s Kathleen Sebelius Tells How They are Fascists, in 17 Seconds
Q: What is Fascism? A: It is what Fascists do. Listen to Kathleen Sebelius, Barack Obama and the Democrats' Director of the Department of Health and Human Services give us a textbook example of Fascism, in seventeen seconds. Presented at YouTube by "codefilms" with its caption: Sebelius: We Are Bringing Western Civilization to its Knees with Obamacare Published on Oct 8, 2013 In a bizarre statement, US … [Read more...]
The Idolatry of the Modern Progressive
American Thinker, originally: "The Easter Mythology of Modern Progressivism" Modern progressivism, belief in human progress, various brands of socialism, and even communism itself are all steeped in a modern philosophy of history that is rooted in the Judeo-Christian apocalyptic tradition. Unlike the Greco-Roman world, which believed that history was either strictly secular or inextricably bound up with pagan … [Read more...]
Hate Speech
Most crimes are objective in nature, as they can be observed or measured. For instance, murder means someone is dead. Theft means something was taken (can be electronic as well as physical, but there is a record). Speeding means that there is a limit to the maximum speed and it can be accurately measured. Assault means someone was physically attacked, or verbally threatened with physical attack. When it comes to … [Read more...]
Human Experiment with Diesel Gasses, Our EPA Shows its Eco-Fascism
Believe it or not, but the EPA is currently being sued right now for treating more than 40 human beings like guinea pigs. The experiment itself was even more shocking. They piped in diesel fumes mixed with some air directly into the lungs of people from a running truck into a gas chamber. From where does EPA get such authority to conduct such fascist experiments? October 6, 2012 An Eco-Fascist Gassing Experiment … [Read more...]
Propagandist at Washington Times Perverts WWII History to Scorn Serbs
By: Julia Gorin Right Side News If nationalists win an election in Serbia, it follows that there will be an article in The Washington Times by the paper’s resident Croatian-supremacist Jeffrey T. Kuhner. And so there was, as usual angling for a new war against Serbia - by making the argument that Serbia wants it. ("Did Serbia Vote for War: New ultranationalist president promotes instability" - May 24) “Mr. … [Read more...]
The Nazification of America
In The Constitution Times The Nazification Of America Posted on Wednesday, December 7, 2011 by Stillie Mason The fact that someone would claim that the Holocaust was “a big deception” is absurd. Yet, Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has made that statement, as well as saying that Israel should be, in his words, “wiped off the map.” Countless wars haven’t stemmed the tide of man’s hatred, any more than the … [Read more...]
Friedrich Nietzsche and His Proto-Nazi Ecofascism
Originally posted at American Thinker In his youth, second only to Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860), Adolf Hitler treasured the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900). Both Schopenhauer and Nietzsche were early German forerunners of what could be easily characterized as a natural existentialism. Both men argued that nature or existence is so permeated with the natural driving force of will that it … [Read more...]
Navy Jacks, Palin, & Apologies Demanded from Racist Democrats
Muckrakers have been digging up some dirt on Sarah Palin lately, and my reaction is "big frigging deal." I cannot begin to tell you how sick and tired I am of the double-standard hypocrisy of liberals. Link Link If a liberal woman had done what Palin is purported to have done, then the MSM would laud her, throw petals in her path, and praise her as a righteous feminist breaking new ground, forging new paths, … [Read more...]
Oslo and Profanity for Profane Times
"Under certain circumstances, urgent circumstances, desperate circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer." - Mark Twain (1835-1910) "If you can't say f--k, you can't say, 'f--k the government.'" - Lenny Bruce (1925-1966) "I've been accused of vulgarity. I say that's bulls--t." - Mel Brooks Before getting into the meat of this article I would like to briefly discuss the recent acts of … [Read more...]
NAZI Homosexuals and the Slow Steady Seduction of America
"The American homosexual movement really only began in the 1940s after the Allied defeat of the Nazis. ...the center of international "gay" power in the world did in fact shift from Germany to the United States after the demise of the Third Reich. This represented a huge setback for the "gay" movement, requiring it to begin "from scratch" as it were, since America in the 1940s was at least as family-centered as … [Read more...]
Eye Witness Defeats Deniers with Truth of Holocaust
Reported in the Jerusalem Post: Soldier 92, Breaks Silence over Auschwitz Heroics LONDON - It took him more than 60 years to break his silence, but in a new book 92-year-old Denis Avey tells the story of how he broke into Auschwitz concentration camp twice to witness for himself the horrors of the Holocaust. Avey was a British soldier captured during World War Two and sent to a labor camp close to … [Read more...]
Anarcho-Syndicalist Adolf Hitler did not ‘Abolish Unions’ he Augmented them
I guess the time is overripe to do some writing about Naziism and its parallels to Obama's "Organizing for" and nationalization of America. Much of that has to do with union domination of both public and private concerns. Here is an excellent little report from The Graph, which scratches the surface. It explains how the current group-think blather of neo-Marxists, so often repeated in Madison, Wisconsin lately … [Read more...]
NPR, the Spokane Bomber, and Far Left Nazis
“One other thing you can look at is how universities are regarded by a Democratic Congress versus a Republican Congress. ...It’s much more about anti-intellectualism than it is about [anything] political…. [Academia is] liberal, because it’s intellectual—a pursuit of knowledge. That is traditionally something the Democrats have funded and Republicans have not.” (Link) "The current Republican Party is not … [Read more...]
A Totalitarian Christmas Gift: Merry Chavismo, Venezuela!
Cross-posting from Ulf Erlingsson's blog: Venezuelas’ Hugo Chávez gave his subjects a very special gift on the eve of Christmas: A full-blown totalitarian dictatorship. Just like Hitler’s Nazis blindly followed their leader, so did many in Venezuela wish each other Feliz Chavidad (Merry Chavismo) instead of Feliz Navidad (Merry Christmas). So many, in fact, that Chavidad was on the twitter popularity list in … [Read more...]
Nazis were Green; They had Hitler & Goebbels; We have Maurice Strong & Al Gore
In Emerging Corruption: Nazi Dreams were Green Dreams by Alan Caruba In Flopping Aces: The Gullibility of the Public by Skookum Meanwhile, Maurice Strong responds by swinging at softballs from the propaganda pitching machine. From The Guardian, Environment Blog: Maurice Strong on 'Climate Conspiracy,' Bilderberg, and Population Control … [Read more...]
The Left’s Dirtiest Secret – the Relationship of Communism & Nazism
Video posted on YouTube, 5/14/2010, "Soviet Story Segments" Thanks to Matthew … [Read more...]
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