While the Obama administration appears to have used its power once again to force the issue of net neutrality, the FCC has been rebuked in the courts twice before, and is likely to lose on this one as well. On Feb. 26, the five FCC commissioners voted 3-2 to place the Internet under strict common-carrier rules of Title II of the Communications Act of 1934. It was a party line vote, with the … [Read more...]
Reid & Schumer’s Democrats Worsen CyberSecurity Bill: Gun Control
The following is an copy in full, from By the way, my personal interpretation of the U.S. Senate gives the nod to Charles Schumer as the hard core Marxist power broker in Harry Reid's malignant majority. Dems slip gun control amendment into cybersecurity bill by Joel McDurmon on Jul 30, 2012 The Hill reports, Democratic senators have offered an amendment to the cybersecurity bill that … [Read more...]
Soros, Egypt, Ghonim, Google & the Alliance for Youth Movements: Net 2.0 Becoming the Insurrection
entitled by By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton at Youth, High Tech and the Fundamental Change that is Revolution Image from the People's Cube Over the last couple of weeks, I have heard many ask who was behind the Egyptian Revolution. Few will admit what should be obvious to all by now. Forces that I consider to be nothing short of evil have joined in what they see as their 'chance' to bring down the … [Read more...]
Even Now, Progs Push ‘Internet Kill Switch’ in Congress
The obvious use of Internet censorship, blocking, and shutdown by despots in trouble -- what else is it for? Especially in America, hacking, cracking, viruses, and malware may be fought by much, much more sophisticated, rifle-shot means. Even though such governmental powers are shown for their true use, for example in Red China, in Venezuela, and in the last few days, in Egypt, the authoritarian, "transnational … [Read more...]
Republicans: We Did Not Rehire You to Continue Business as Usual
The US Republican Party’s first order of business since the 2010 midterm elections was to compromise with the Dictator-in-Chief Barack Hussein Obama. Acting as if they hadn’t won a resounding victory in the House of Representatives, Republican leaders met with the usurper and agreed that if he would ‘allow’ them to continue with the Bush tax cuts, they would give him even more money to fritter away at taxpayers‘ … [Read more...]
The Candidates Behind Neal Rauhauser’s Twittergate: Ongoing
Gulag Note: More coming here, but it may not be today (Nov. 2). These are the candidates listed by Progressive PST, the social media ops company behind the "Twittergate" scandal associated with Neal Rauhauser. They are shown in the order listed by P-PST. If you have not read our initial expose', you may find it here: The Strategy Behind Neal Rauhauser’s Twittergate: Social Media Marxofascism by Progressives, … [Read more...]
UPDATE ~ Video: ‘Twittergate – Democrats Hire Twitter-Thug’
The video without music is now shown below, with the same warning: certain portions of its content are evil and vile. The progressives performed their usual trick of yanking on the collar of the copyright holder of the previous video's background music (Sony Entertainment, in this case) which in turn, yanked on the collar of YouTube/Google, which in turn pulled the entire video, instead of disabling its audio … [Read more...]
Newest Net Neutrality Bill Cuts FCC out of Internet Authority
at Emerging Corruption September 27, 2010 By Warner Todd Huston It looks like House Energy and Commerce Chairman Henry Waxman, (D-Calif) is so desperate to get a Net Neutrality bill out of the House before the recess that he was willing to strip the FCC authority from it this week. For months he Federal Communications Commission has been angling to take power over the Internet and left-wing Net Neutrality … [Read more...]
Google Search Catering to Reds? Care to Test it Too?
I did a Google search for Bill O'Reilly, this morning. I confess, I wanted to make sure I was spelling "O'Reilly" right. Here are the very top results: News for Bill O'Reilly The Guardian O'Reilly ignores Beck's own words in defending him? - 10 hours ago Earlier tonight, Bill O'Reilly pledged to defend his Fox News colleague, Glenn Beck, against "the people generating the attacks" against him … [Read more...]
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