By: Brent Parrish The Right Planet This is a very informative documentary concerning the subversive activities of Soviet and communist operatives within the United States over the past several decades. I thought it would be a timely post, considering the post in memory of Larry Grathwohl from yesterday. There is a brief interview with Larry Grathwohl in the following documentary [54:00 min.], and some Bill Ayers … [Read more...]
Documentary: The KGB Connections: An Investigation into Soviet Operations in North America
Tell the Truth About Leftist Terrorists in Memory of Larry Grathwohl
Bringing Down America July 18 marks the first anniversary of Larry Grathowhl’s untimely death. In memory of Larry – and in response to the recent Fox News programs that gave Weatherman Bill Ayers a primetime platform to lie about his acts of terrorism – we are asking that bloggers, radio folks, podcasters, and others in the media use July 18th to tell the truth about violent leftist radicals like Bill Ayers … [Read more...]
Gramsci & Frankfurt School, Quick & Dirty: Mutating Our Entire Society’s Perception of Reality
The greater Communist movement's infiltration into public policy, public office, and government is nothing new. In fact it is a much needed factor in the successful transformation of an entire society. As Whitaker Chambers (Ex-Soviet Spy turned Soviet defector) had noted: That power to influence policy has always been the ultimate purpose of the Communist Party's infiltration. It was much more dangerous, and, … [Read more...]
‘Venezuela’s Chavez Bans Gun Ownership and Firearms Sales’
The warning for America from the land of Venezuela, a focus of Barack Obama's friend Bill Ayers and his devious little charge, Chesa Boudin: Hugo Chavez was able to become Venezuela's Marxofascist dictator while it was permissible to own firearms and now he can do this. From Jim Kouri, Law Enforcement Examiner: In a move sure to make the American gun-control lobby green with envy and Second Amendment advocates wary, … [Read more...]
New York Times Promotes Freedom for Terrorist
Accuracy in Media Sara Bennett, an attorney for convicted communist terrorist Judith Clark, is optimistic that her client will benefit from a New York Times Magazine article advocating her release from prison. “Did I think they did a good job for my client? Yes I do,” she said in a telephone interview. She said she is hoping for a meeting with New York Governor Andrew Cuomo to ask for clemency for Clark. A member … [Read more...]
The AFL-CIO’s Revolutionary Activist
Accuracy in Media The AFL-CIO is making headlines by running ads promoting “Occupy Wall Street.” One seriously doubts that members of the working class have much in common with the left-wing professional agitators running these protests and the tent cities they are erecting illegally in private and public parks in New York, Washington, D.C. and other cities. The most interesting part of this story, however, is … [Read more...]
Soros-funded Criminals Lobby Sparks Prison Revolt
Convicted serial killer Charles Manson, whose deranged followers killed a pregnant movie actress and then stuck a fork into her stomach, was recently in the news when it was discovered that he had a cell phone that had been smuggled to him in prison. Far less attention was given to Georgia inmates who used contraband cell phones to organize and stage a “strike” in several prisons. This uprising struck a chord with … [Read more...]
Update: Hugo Chavez Militarily Confiscating Farms of Venezuelan Patriots? Using Foreign Forces?
Update See these Gulag entries, by Swedish Citizen journalist, Ulf Erlingsson. A Totalitarian Christmas Gift: Merry Chavismo, Venezuela! December 25, 2010 Venezuelan Students Vow to Depose Chávez, ‘At Any Cost’ December 28, 2010 Late Sunday night, we began to see sketchy reports from individuals that farmers in the region of Sur del Lago, Venezuela were being attacked by Venezuelan as well as foreign … [Read more...]
Will the Truth Catch Up to Bill Ayers and his Comrades?
Christopher G. Kennedy, chairman of the University of Illinois Board of Trustees, led the effort to deny Bill Ayers the title of professor emeritus because Ayers had written a book dedicated in part to the killer of his father, Robert F. Kennedy. But this “book,” titled, Prairie Fire: The Politics of Revolutionary Anti-Imperialism, had been written back in 1974. Let’s hope that Christopher Kennedy’s expression of … [Read more...]
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