"George Soros met with Hillary and Obama. Soros said his agenda was to tear this economy down to the ground. Obama said, 'no problem.' Hillary said, 'no way.'"PolitiJim's Rants PolitJim I’m going to take you on a little journey that – even I’m not sure I believe. But it is newsworthy, in my opinion. One of my key True The Vote heroes was asked to be on the blogtalkradio station Red Right & Blue this past … [Read more...]
Did Obama Assassinate Clinton Delegates?
How Energy is Being Used to Enslave Us: Technocracy

Witholding energy is a tool set for coersion and control. Perhaps this is why the Technocrats are so intent on preventing cheap, abundant, national energy flowing via pipelines and American drilling. Video, "Technocracy - Patrick Wood " And is this not why Barack Obama promised us that under his policy energy prices would "necessarily skyrocket?" Technocracy has never died; it has always been taught … [Read more...]
Warren Buffett a Baron of Political Corruption, by Peter Schweizer’s Research

"Public-Private Partnership" is statism, is crony capitalism, is in today's world, most often global Marxofascism. Think of that when you see the triple-P phrase. Also: "smart growth," or "sustainable development," or "triple bottom-line finance," or just "green." We will copy our prior post and add this, which covers more ground, including the very, very dirty Baron Buffett. Hear the entire interview and … [Read more...]
Greece, et. al. Blowing Up; Federal Reserve Scheming, Skimming, and Debauching Up QE3

Some are aware that the socialist collapse of Greece and other European nations causes massive loan transactions among Europe's deeply corrupt central banking complex, largely through the EFSF. Further, some are aware that the "Federal Reserve" is actually a concoction of these corrupt central bankers and that their voracious beast is "fed" indeed by the confiscasted and drained wealth of America and Americans, … [Read more...]
OWS & Democratic Socialists of America Push for Transaction Tax (not just Herman Cain)

Trevor Loudon has introduced us to Marxist Maria Svart of Democratic Socialists of America (DSA). When you think "democratic socialist" think of the insidious, creeping and clutching gradualist, Fabianist, structural Marxism of Gramsci, Trotsky, the Frankfurt school -- and by now, most of America's Democratic Party and much of the influences upon the GOP, too. Many have warned about the governmental control … [Read more...]
‘The Occupation Manifesto,’ But Do You Want the Whole Story?

What do you think? Is this what you come to Gulag Bound, to see? - - the obvious already happening before the world's noses? Should we say, "We told you so?" since we apparently broke the story of this movement on the Internet, on August 10th (a half-hour before the site was brought down again) and revealed these people as the globalist, Marxist enemy of America? Yes, that is what these "occupiers" are, … [Read more...]
Organized Call from American Military Veterans for White House Impeachments & Resignations

Ironic timing for Gulag Bound, since we find ourselves being hacked from within the U.S.A.F. Electronic Systems Group. Read the entire article in WorldNetDaily. OBAMA WATCH CENTRAL Vets call for resignations, impeachments in Washington 'Call to action' says purge of corruption required to restore constitutional republic Posted: October 04, 2011 11:04 pm Eastern By Bob … [Read more...]
Is Congress Refusing to Stop the Obama Syndicate Crimes?

With all of its pretense of sending open letters to Obama pleading with him to stop his illegal and Congressional bypassing behaviors, Congress patently refuses to stop Dictator-in-Chief Obama from destroying the United States of America and enslaving its people. The latest “plea” that prompted this column is the 26 September 2011 Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) begging letter to the US “dear leader.” In it, Grassley … [Read more...]
Solyndra’s Worst Problem is American Economy’s Endemic Crisis

The Solyndra Dilemma click to listen to article The political dilemma is not that surprising. Politicians can be expected to give special favors to their major contributors. Rarely are these political rewards so brazen, or so costly, as the $535 million loan guarantee given to the company whose major investor just happened to be George Kaiser, a major fund raiser for President Obama. Even more scandalous, was … [Read more...]
Break the False Paradigm of Haves & Have Nots

The Doom of History by Robert F. Beaudine The ancient Roman rhetoricians developed rules for their oratory. They began with “the exordium,” an emotional or ethical appeal to put the audience in a receptive mood. The “narratio” followed, a narrative of the events leading to the situation to be discussed and an explanation of their manner of treatment. The main body of their speech delivered the proof of their … [Read more...]
Ray Stevens’ Financial Advise from the Firm of Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Geithner & Bernanke

Let's all debauch. Let the iniquity money flow. For what the Bible says about it: Debauching Our Currency and ‘The Moral Issues of Money’ by Gabriel M. Mueller h/t: Patrick Humphries … [Read more...]
GunWalker – Fast & Furious: Promote Field Supervisors – Get them the Heck to Washington DC

in Maggie's Notebook Three supervisors in the murderous Fast and Furious GunWalker scheme have been promoted. P.R.O.M.O.T.E.D. What do you do when you failed to silence some of those at the top that have perhaps implicated superiors (Department of Justice)? You learn quickly, promote two field supervisors who managed the program out of Phoenix, and the deputy director for the West and get them the heck to … [Read more...]
Ecofascist Termites after our Homes & Mobility

Where's the exterminator? Listen to this column online Termites don't care whether there's a hurricane or tornado raging outside. They just keep chomping away at the foundation of their host structure. Homeowners care. When a hurricane, tornado or storms threaten, homeowners do whatever they can to prevent their home from blowing away. Rarely are they even aware that the termites are chomping away, night and day, … [Read more...]
NASA Tests Show Warming by Greenhouse Gases a False Crisis

Man-made global warming - not so much. Man-made global Marxofascism - now there's a crisis. New NASA Data Blow Gaping Hole In Global Warming Alarmism By James Taylor | Forbes – Wed, Jul 27, 2011 NASA satellite data from the years 2000 through 2011 show the Earth's atmosphere is allowing far more heat to be released into space than alarmist computer models have predicted, reports a new study in the … [Read more...]
When the Dictator Speaks We Must Listen or Else & Congress Establishing the US’ First Politburo

To anyone with a functional mind. it is inarguable that Obama has established a dictatorship--replacing the USA’s former Republic--with his own brand of totalitarian dictates (“executive orders and commandments”) that bypass and replace US Constitutional law. For example, Obama could not get his Cap & Trade through Congress, so he bypassed Congress and issued an order declaring the EPA as the regulator for his … [Read more...]
Updated: Look Who’s Buying Up Flood Ravaged Farm Land

June 26, 2011 - 8:42am CT Published by Andrea Shea King at Radio Patriot Who’s buying up flood ravaged farm land Double Red Alert Posted by Ann Barnhardt – June 24, AD 2011 9:01 AM MST Missouri River Flooding Cattle commodities broker Ann writes: Two HUGE intel leads in my email box this morning from way-back contacts that I’ve had for years, that are actually somewhat connected concepts. 1. File … [Read more...]
Why Panetta? Is Slashing Defense the Real End Game Here?

New Zeal Why does President Barack Obama want Leon Panetta to be Secretary of Defense? Anyone familiar with Panetta’s record as a Congressman in the 1980s, knows that Panetta is both a leftist and markedly hostile towards the US military establishment. Panetta has no military backgound. he has a Budget background. He was once head of the Office of Budget Management. What does this suggest to you? Was … [Read more...]
SWAT Use – There’s Something Happening Here…

NoisyRoom By: AJ Buffalo Springfield - Stop Children What's That Sound A dear friend of mine described the horrific scene at her daughter’s home when a SWAT team emerged – based on a false report. A portion of the story is documented here: On Tuesday, June 7, 2011, a West Virginia family sat in their living room watching “Deadliest Catch” when a very loud thump was heard at their front door. The … [Read more...]
Progressive Republican Traitors Have Spoken

NoisyRoom By: AJ When Paul Ryan’s budget bill failed to pass in the Senate and there were reports that five Republican Senators joined the Democrats and voted against it, it only took a few seconds to guess three of the five. All I had to do was think of the Progressive (Socialist) Democrats who are posing as Republicans. The two Maine(iac) Progressive Senators, Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins, were at … [Read more...]
Left West, Right West, and Other Matters of Balance

"I'm up on the tightrope, one side's hate and one is hope But the top-hat on my head is all you see.... I'm up on the tightwire, linked by life and the funeral pyre Putting on a show for you to see" -- Leon Russell "Tight Rope” One-time Obama supporter and Princeton professor, Cornel West, has come under scathing attacks by the liberal media for daring to criticize Obama. They do so hate it when one of … [Read more...]
Oath Keepers Rally to Honor Jose Guerena and Oppose SWAT Searches

NoisyRoom By: OathKeepersOK … [Read more...]
Unions vs. Boeing – Yet Another Obama Regime Assault On The Constitution!

NoisyRoom Read more at the 912 Project... NIKKI HALEY: OBAMA ADMIN’S JOB-KILLING BOEING DECISION IS ‘WORST TH... … [Read more...]
Gulag Night: Eco-Fascism in America; Guests: William Kay & Mark Musser

Archived: Gulag Night - Monday, May 9, 10pm ET to Midnight Stream or call in at 310-807-5060 The hard core fascism behind the Green movement in America and the world Trace its corrupt development to the present Soft War on American Sovereignties. In our first interview with Mark Musser, he related the European, Nazi side. Today, we will further discuss the American side, including Wisconsin's … [Read more...]
Richard Trumka: Fight, Mobilize, Educate Workers

NoisyRoom Hat Tip: Brian B. - From: GRITtv More GRITtv Spoken like a true Communist. The union members are being used horribly by the union leadership for political and monetary gain. … [Read more...]
Rothschild Money has Directly & Chiefly Funded & Promoted George Soros

Please pardon me for being so ignorant. I knew that one Ed R. (Edmund Leopold de Rothschild) was a primary backer of the man-made global warm-up to Marxofascism of Maurice Strong. What I did not know was that it was another Eddie R's loot, whatever set of objectives were coupled with it, which fed George Soros' rise to power. Ignorant, that is, till a flitting tweet presented Arnaud de Borchgrave's April 28th … [Read more...]
The Council Has Spoken!! 04/29/11

NoisyRoom From: The Watcher's Council The Council has spoken, the results are in and another Watcher’s Council contest is history, carved in stone and immutable. What happens when Leftist governments lean so heavily on business that they seriously retard economic activity and kill the Golden Goose? This week’s winning essay by Bookworm Room entitled What happens when government (state or federal) is … [Read more...]
Journalist and Grieving Father Calls for Mass Mexican Protests; Anonymous says ‘Wait for Us’

From a mid-February article posted on Breitbart: "We are sick and tired of you politicians... because in your struggle for power you have torn asunder the fabric of the nation."— Javier Sicilia, Mexican Journalist Javier Sicilia, poet and columnist for two of Mexico's leading publications, has declared his outrage, following the murder of his son, Francisco, 24, and four close friends. Mr. Sicilia is calling … [Read more...]
Debauching Our Currency and ‘The Moral Issues of Money’

"This is not a fairytale. This is not a conspiracy theory. This is real life." The following article, published at Ludwig von Mises Institute on Good Friday, April 22, presents one of the truly rapacious sins which rests upon heads of the People of America and the world, the debasement of the "trust" that is our very currency. Our fiat currency system, run by a criminal network of super-wealthy central banksters … [Read more...]
The Globalists’ Takeover of Argentina is a Blueprint for America

NoisyRoom By: AJ Yes, George Soros was involved in the global elites’ takeover of Argentina which de-industrialized their country, eliminated their middle class and plunged their citizens into massive starvation and unspeakable poverty. Yes, Argentina’s President and politicians were “in” with the global elites, and their Unions were “in” with the corrupt government officials… just as … [Read more...]
Gordon Brown Touted for IMF Bankster Boss; Update: to Key World Economic Forum Role

Update ~ according to UTV Business, Gordon Brown's candidacy for replacement of Dominique Strauss-Kahn as the IMF's managing director has been blocked by UK Prime Minister, David Cameron (however that happens). But, Fabianist, Brown has been slated instead, to chair a new "'policy and initiatives co-ordination board,' [of the likewise collectivist/communitarian, World Economic Forum] which will oversee talks about … [Read more...]
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