If the recent and growing scandals plaguing the tyrannical ObamaGov weren’t so serious, the idiotic antics of those at the top of the D.C. food chain would be almost comical. But, they are and their antics are not at all humorous. They are, in fact, criminal. While Obama tells the gullible and refuse-to-be-educated-on-the-truth masses that he will “get to the bottom” of the current (three, four, five…more?) … [Read more...]
SPLC: Phony ‘Civil Rights’ Group Dishes Out Hate for ‘Hate Groups’
In a story about the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) accusing conservative Christian groups like the Family Research Council of “hate,” The Washington Post described the SPLC as a “civil rights organization.” But The Social Contract, a public policy journal, investigated the SPLC in a recent issue and found that it used “ritual defamation” as a weapon “to advance a far-left agenda and a device to raise more money … [Read more...]
TSA Torment: ObamaGov Police State Tightening its Grip on We-the-People
The Obama & Co controlled TSA (“Transportation Safety Administration“) now demands either a full-body scan or a vigorous and intrusive “pat-down” (aka “sexual groping”) from all passengers boarding outbound planes in the USA. That is, everyone but the group that caused the reason for the illegal search in the first place. That would be Muslims, folks. It seems that the Islamic terrorist-supporting and … [Read more...]
The Candidates Behind Neal Rauhauser’s Twittergate: Ongoing
Gulag Note: More coming here, but it may not be today (Nov. 2). These are the candidates listed by Progressive PST, the social media ops company behind the "Twittergate" scandal associated with Neal Rauhauser. They are shown in the order listed by P-PST. If you have not read our initial expose', you may find it here: The Strategy Behind Neal Rauhauser’s Twittergate: Social Media Marxofascism by Progressives, … [Read more...]
Updated: Houston’s King Street Patriots vs. Vote Fraud ~ Battle of the Polls
Articles bringing us up to date in this particular battle From Emerging Corruption, Anita MonCrief, Editor in Chief: . . BREAKING: Harris County, TX Senior Assistant County Attorney and Democrat, Douglas Ray, admits publically that King Street Patriots are not intimidating voters! November 1, 2010 by Ann "Babe" Huggett . . . . . King Street Patriots And Voting Chaos: State … [Read more...]
Democrats: Voter Fraud for Thee, But Not Me
Gulag Note: Is a psyops plan continuing to be executed, to cause Americans not to listen to "the boy who cried wolf," but to think that pervasive elections irregularity is... regular? Even as any attempts to guard the integrity and accuracy of this sacred trust are deemed "undemocratic" (and, of course, "racist")? Did the little piggy cry "wee-wee-wee-wee", all the way home? Then, for what what are we supposedly … [Read more...]
Update: ‘Mug Shot’ – Commander Fitz Could Use Your Help; Walter Fitzpatrick Arrested
Lt. Commander Walter Fitzpatrick III (US Navy Ret.) has been arrested by the Monroe County Sheriffs Department. http://www.thepostemail.com/2010/10/27/monroe-county-gestapo-beat-and-taser-retired-naval-commander/ Readers are probably aware that Mr. Fitzpatrick ("Commander Fitz") has been in a longstanding "feud" with the Monroe County judicial (and law enforcement) system. The disagreement first broke over … [Read more...]
The Strategy Behind Neal Rauhauser’s Twittergate: Social Media Marxofascism by Progressives, Part 1
"I don't believe society understands what happens when everything is available, knowable and recorded by everyone all the time.... "I mean we really have to think about these things as a society; I'm not even talking about the really terrible stuff, terrorism and access to evil things…" "…we know roughly who you are, roughly what you care about, roughly who your friends are." Google also knows, to within a foot, … [Read more...]
Update: Beck Strikes Back ~ Tides CEO Drummond Pike Threatens Glenn Beck Advertisers with Blood!
Original post, October 19, 4:35pm CT After a deranged individual apparently attempted to do him in for Glenn, last July, the Sorosian Tides Foundation CEO Drummond Pike cries there will be blood...! Read about it from a variety of sources. From Sam Stein of the Huffington Post: "Tides Foundation CEO To Fox News Advertisers: Drop Glenn Beck Or Have Blood On Your Hands," Friday, October 15, 2010 A classically … [Read more...]
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