Cloward-Piven Strategy Resurgence in the Form of BLM and ANTIFA Led Riots

Richard Andrew Cloward and Francis Fox Piven are two names that are largely unfamiliar to the average American, but their historical relevance is being seen all over the country today as we watch civil unrest in the form of riots ensue.  The Cloward-Piven strategy is well known among modern day revolutionaries including democratic socialists. These two individuals have long been members of the Democratic … [Read more...]

A Country Within a Country: Massive Immigration’s Cultural Invasion of America

Rudy Giuliani said what most of us have known for a long time now - Barack Hussein Obama does not love America. Who transforms a country he loves? What is it that he wants to transform it into? What will "The United States" look like after this fundamental transformation? Let us revisit an article that may help explain some of what is happening. From September, 2008, James M. Simpson's "Barack Obama and the … [Read more...]

BREAKING: Obama Creating a ‘Country Within a Country’ with Illegals

DC Independent Examiner On Thursday, Mark Levin interviewed Sue Payne on the subject of Obama's illegal alien amnesty plans. Payne is a Maryland activist who co-hosts WCBM's Pat McDonough radio talk show on Saturday nights with Maryland Delegate Pat McDonough, himself an outspoken critic of illegal immigration. Payne was able to insinuate herself into a series of three White House conference calls regarding … [Read more...]

Black Criminals, White Victims, and White Guilt

Accuracy in Media The media have relentlessly fanned the flames of racial hatred, while engaging in a systematic pattern of misinformation and blatant suppression of facts surrounding the perpetrators and victims of crime. As a result, so-called “criminal justice reform” is now being proposed to release more criminals from jails, supposedly to make amends for the unjust “mass incarceration” of black … [Read more...]

CONGRATS, TEXAS! Valerie Jarrett Working Behind the Scenes to Cede Your State to Mexico

Doug Ross @ Journal President Jarrett is reportedly the driving force behind a campaign designed to turn Texas blue through illegal immigration, thereby ensuring that all presidential elections end up with a Democrat victor. According to Capitol Hill sources, de facto president Valerie Jarrett wants Texas and its 38 electoral votes... badly. More troubling is she has apparently been working very hard to make the … [Read more...]

When All that Remains is Deceit, Tyranny and Treason

When even Marxist and “progressive” icon Noam Chomsky is sounding the alarm about Obama’s dissolution of human tights and the US Republic, one knows that America is in the deepest trouble it has been in since prior to the American Revolution in the 1700s. I would even venture to state that the situation in which we find ourselves today is far more dire than in those early days; when my ancestors fought in the … [Read more...]

Obama’s Hidden Bread Lines

NoisyRoom   Americans are experiencing sticker shock and it is about to get a whole lot worse thanks to Obama. Between gas and groceries, our household is sinking fast. My husband works about 35 miles from here, so gas is an issue. For a household of three, where two drive for work, our gas bill this month will be close to $900. Groceries will come in at a modest $1000 since we have cut back. And folks, we … [Read more...]

Austerity and How to Avoid it in America

Bankster-controlled nations are liberally flooded with spending and debt, all in the name of egalitarian fairness for the disadvantaged (see Cloward-Piven). Then, the economy and government financing collapse, together. Then, austerity measures are pressed upon this very "proletariat," subsidized into the ghettos of perpetual disadvantage. Both ways, they lose. Both ways, everyone but the 1% of 1% of 1% of 1% and … [Read more...]

Progressive Vote Fraud and Intimidation EXPOSED

Hat Tip: Logan Churchwell Accuracy in Media WASHINGTON, May 8, 2012 ? Accuracy in Media’s Center for Investigative Journalism released a special report exposing the history, current tactics and implications of progressive vote fraud and intimidation. “The ultimate goal is systematized, taxpayer-funded voting machinery that will guarantee maximum participation from the Left’s voting demographic while … [Read more...]

The Left’s National Vote Fraud Strategy Exposed

Accuracy in Media This report reveals the Left’s vote fraud strategy for the 2012 elections. Like a KGB operation, it is thorough, multi-faceted and redundant. It has overt and covert, illegal and legal elements, the latter of which are designed, at least in part, to facilitate illegal activities later. It is a deliberate, premeditated, comprehensive plan to win the 2012 presidential election at all costs, and is … [Read more...]

Economic Collapse, Gingrich, Romney, Obama & Pat Robertson’s New Year’s Word

Fear of man vs. Fear of God The following is from CBN's program, "The 700 Club," on New Year's Day 2012, or very shortly thereafter. The visitor may have seen scoffing treatments of it, at leftist Web sites. Here it is, from the source. I have observed some past occasions of Mr. Robertson's words and senses, ostensibly of the Holy Spirit (something shown a gift of God in our age, in the book 1 Corinthians, ch. … [Read more...]

Leveraging Racism for Chaos – Gateway to Communism

NoisyRoom By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton The New Black Panther Party Revolution - The Beatles: You say you want a revolution Well, you know We all want to change the world You tell me that it's evolution Well, you know We all want to change the world But when you talk about destruction Don't you know that you can count me out Don't you know it's gonna be all right All right, all right You say … [Read more...]

U.S. Failing, Debt Higher than Greece per Capita: Why?

We focus on the complex behind Barack Obama and its apparent implementation of the evil Cloward-Piven strategy (also Vladimir Lenin's strategy) of overburdening America's governmental budgets with unbearable loads of debt. This is being done, to create the weakness, suffering, chaos, and discontent necessary for revolt, with the globalist central banking complex coming to the rescue. We call that The Failed State … [Read more...]

America Still Suicidally Ignorant, as Ohio Shows

It has been a gross failure for America's governors, including Wisconsin's Scott Walker and Ohio's John Kasich, not to make it utterly clear that collective bargaining for public workers, who are forced to join unions led by Marxist revolutionaries, does the following in present day America: Drains the lifeblood of these workers and taxpayers' money through union dues, to feed essentially socialist candidates … [Read more...]

Obama Eats Lobster not Peas, as America Suffers

NoisyRoom Of Secrets, Jobs and Tea   The Obama's jetted off to Martha's Vineyard in separate luxury jets, right after Obama completed his Magical Misery Tour while playing Debt Man Walking in his Leninesque blacked out train bus caravan. Then it was off to playing golf and getting in some serious rest from the pressures of being the most powerful man in the world. Right... Unless of course you mean the … [Read more...]

‘U.S. Day of Rage’ Orchestrated for ‘Worldwide Democracy’ (think pseudoanarchist, neo-Marxist, globalist)

by Arlen Williams, Tallulah Starr, CJ in TX original posting in 8/10/2011, 10:16am CT     We thought this would be happening, now didn't we.     A movement is suddenly springing up from nowhere (ah-huh) to take on the free enterprise, "capitalist" system.  In America, they are especially targeting Wall Street, a place still somewhat constitutionally sovereign to the … [Read more...]

An American Descent into Hell

NoisyRoom It's hard not to see the signs all around us that America has begun a cataclysmic downward spiral in finances and morality. It's like watching a slow motion murderous wreck, all the while denying that it is actually occurring. I assure you, what is unfolding in the US now is all too real. It's a reality that is about to smack Americans full frontal in the face and many will never … [Read more...]

U.S. Socialist Leaders Incite Youth Revolutionaries

By: Trevor Loudon New Zeal I posted here on an upcoming national activist "teach-in" on "Debt, Austerity and Corporate Greed" being organized by Democratic Socialists of America leaders Frances Fox Piven and Cornel West. D.S.A. and its youth wing, Young Democratic Socialists, and their various fronts are getting right behind the event: To join that movement and escalate the activism planned in the days, … [Read more...]

Traitorous Teachers, Union Whiners, and Democratic Fleebaggers

“U.S. patriotism is inseparable from imperial warfare and white supremacy.  U.S. flags are the emblem of the invading war machine in Iraq today.  They are the emblem of the occupying power.  The only true heroes are those who find ways that help defeat the U.S. military.” —Nicholas DeGenova, Columbia University professor “This is not a video game.  This is not a movie.  This is not like anything you’ve ever … [Read more...]

Violence: Frances Fox Piven Caught in the Crosshairs of Her Own Words

Glenn Beck continues to suffer an onslaught of programmatic propaganda by progressives, who accuse him, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, and Sarah Palin's kitchen sink of inciting violence -- while at the same time assailing Beck for his exposing the true violation of Americans' lives and livelihoods by these neo-Marxists. Recently they are attacking Beck over Marxist agitator, Frances Fox Piven, who, in her old age, has … [Read more...]

Frances Fox Piven: The Tea Party is all about Sex – She Prefers Violence

Democratic Socialists of America honorary chair  Frances Fox Piven is great!  If you are unsure what position to take on an issue, listen to what Fran says -  then do the opposite. Video, 1/14/2011, "Frances Fox Piven: The Tea Party Is All About Sex," Naked Emperor News Video, 10/23/2010, "Frances Fox Piven on Violence," Brenth1029 in YouTube … [Read more...]

Dabbling into Witchcraft (& Manufacturing Marxist Revolution) in the White House, Updated

Dabble, dabble... Marxist babble... demolish the country... to rubble and rabble.... Remember Barack Obama's mother in law? (link) (link) Remember Hillary Clinton and her personal seances? (link) Apparently, with familiar spirits and the persona of Eleanor Roosevelt? (link) If you're into more dabbling, you can see "Great Dabblers Throughout History," from Doug Ross. E.g.: Then again, it could be said that … [Read more...]

Obama – More Debt in First 19 Mos. than Washington to Reagan – Combined

Wow, Barack! You sure can spend, spend, spend (other people's money), while at the same time, calling for fiscal responsibility. Reported yesterday in CNSNews, the federal debt under the Obama Administration, increased by a whopping $2.5260 trillion. That's more than the cumulative debt amassed between presidents George Washington and Ronald Reagan—combined. “CBO currently estimates that the deficit for 2010 will be … [Read more...]

Frances Fox Piven Advocating Violence

Frances Fox Piven (of the Cloward-Piven Strategy) speaking at the University of Wisconsin in November, 2004, advocating the use of violence - so long as it's "a big part of your strategy." A couple of excerpts from the video: "I have considerable respect for non-violence, but I don't treat it as inevitably a necessary rule. The reason I have respect for non-violence, is I think it helps to protect … [Read more...]

Proof – Richard Cloward was a ‘DSAer’

The late sociologist Richard Cloward, was together with his wife, Frances Fox Piven, the originator of the famous Cloward Piven Strategy. Allegedly adopted by ACORN and other groups on the left, the strategy involved deliberately loading as many people as possible onto state welfare rolls, to the point of the system was bankrupted. Then the Federal Government would be forced to step in to take over local welfare … [Read more...]