Dancing on the Global Fiscal Cliff

NoisyRoom And the depths of chaos beckon while the financial sands beneath our feet shift into oblivion. Today, we offer you a metaphor salad to describe the current progress of the financial apocalypse. Yep, more happy news from the economic war front. To say we are skating on thin ice globally as well as here in the US is an understatement of epic proportions. It's the new and improved walking dead … [Read more...]

A Wicked Financial Storm Descends On America

NoisyRoom   Ever since 2008, this blog has been warning about economic devastation heading our way. You see it everywhere you look today, if you bother to look that is... Gas prices are at close to an average of $4 a gallon and in parts of California, it is now hitting $7, with no end in sight. Food inflation that is rising so precipitously, it takes your breath away - but the government says there is no … [Read more...]

U.S. Failing, Debt Higher than Greece per Capita: Why?

We focus on the complex behind Barack Obama and its apparent implementation of the evil Cloward-Piven strategy (also Vladimir Lenin's strategy) of overburdening America's governmental budgets with unbearable loads of debt. This is being done, to create the weakness, suffering, chaos, and discontent necessary for revolt, with the globalist central banking complex coming to the rescue. We call that The Failed State … [Read more...]

The Funny Things to Know, Surrounding the New Fix for Greece

So Greece now has a new Prime Minister and its solution is supposedly coming down. But what kind of solution? Let us examine some facts, plus some items purported as fact which we need to track down. Lucas Papademos was educated at MIT, was the governor of Greece's central bank and was vice president of the European Central Bank (ECB). And now it is rumored that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) may … [Read more...]

Viv Porszolt: Kiwi Marxist Detained in Israel

New Zeal Vivienne Porszolt Long time Marxist activist, New Zealand born, Australian based Vivienne Porszolt, has been detained in Israel. This week, Vivienne Porzsolt, spokeswoman for the Australian arm of Jews Against the Occupation and a former Australian Greens MP Sylvia Hale, were detained by Israeli authorities. Jewish activist Porzsolt, a Kiwi who now lives in Sydney, and Hale flew to Tel Aviv … [Read more...]

Captain of “Audacity of Hope” Gaza Flotilla Ship Arrested After Leaving Port Without Permission

NoisyRoom Read more at Gateway Pundit... The usual suspects... Code Pink communists and Obama supporters Ann Wright and Medea Benjamin confront Greek authorities after the ship was apprehended off the coast of Greece. YNet News reported on the pro-Hamas activists: Greek authorities have arrested the captain of a boat that was to be part of a Gaza-bound flotilla trying to deliver humanitarian … [Read more...]

Greek Communists Organize Demonstrations “Like Those Which Are Taking Place in Spain”

New Zeal From the Greek Communist Party (KKE) website: A Planned People’s Struggle is Necessary “The large majority of the workers, of the people must declare this to the power of capital: We do not believe whatever you tell us. We are regrouping to win small and big battles and ultimately the war.” Aleka Papariga stressed this amongst other things when speaking to a mass and dynamic rally of the KKE on … [Read more...]

The Egyptian Disease Spreads to Europe

New Zeal From Cuba’s Prensa Latina: Greece witnessed on Monday another day of protests against further cuts that the Government intends to implement in exchange for the rescue package of the European Union and the IMF. Convened by the unions, hundreds of workers from the OTE telecommunications company took to the streets on Monday to reject the privatization plans that the adjustment … [Read more...]

Revolution Spreads to Europe

New Zeal As predicted by Glenn Beck and others, the revolutions that began in Tunisia and Egypt are being exported to Europe. Greece and Spain are already feeling the first effects. From the New Zealand’s Socialist Aotearoa website: A beautiful video of solidarity from the Egyptian revolutionary people to the youth of Spain, defying their failed political class to bring the Arab Spring to Europe. Now … [Read more...]