Hat Tip: Logan Churchwell
Accuracy in Media
WASHINGTON, May 8, 2012 ? Accuracy in Media’s Center for Investigative Journalism released a special report exposing the history, current tactics and implications of progressive vote fraud and intimidation.
“The ultimate goal is systematized, taxpayer-funded voting machinery that will guarantee maximum participation from the Left’s voting demographic while undermining the ability to manage elections and prevent fraud,” special report author James Simpson said. “The strategy is a deliberate, premeditated, comprehensive plan to win the 2012 presidential election at all costs, and is in keeping with the organizational methods, associations and ethics of the Community-Organizer-in-Chief, Barack Obama.”
Accuracy in Media (AIM) Chairman Don Irvine explained the necessity for the investigation today.
“For too long, the American public had only held a fragmented knowledge of vote fraud and intimidation,” Irvine said. “The mainstream press have treated the issue as if it were a grab-bag of accusations, rumor and conspiracy theories for electoral losers. This report is intended to be the go-to resource for understanding the entire threat to our representative Republic.”
The complete special report can be found here.
James Simpson is a former Office of Management and Budget economist and budget analyst. Best known for his exposé of the Cloward Piven Strategy of manufactured crisis, his writings have been published in American Thinker, Big Government, Washington Times, FrontPage Magazine, Whistleblower, Soldier of Fortune and others. His blog is Truth and Consequences.
Email Logan.Churchwell@aim.org to schedule an interview.
Accuracy in Media is the leading citizens’ media watchdog whose mission is to promote accuracy, fairness and balance in news reporting. AIM exposes politically motivated media bias, teaches consumers to think critically about their news sources, and holds the mainstream press accountable for its misreporting. For more information, please visit www.aim.org.
- Despite public perception, ACORN is alive and well today.
- The Cloward Piven Strategy is being used to commit vote fraud.
- States are forced to answer to groups such as ACORN, Project Vote.
- Eric Holder’s DOJ and Project Vote have coordinated legal action against States.
- More strategies are being promoted to worsen American voting systems.
- … Operates in 18 states as “bullet-proof Frankensteins,” including four national and 13 international entities.
- … Its voter registration arm, Project Vote, is Soros funded and holds direct ties to the DNC and Barack Obama.
- … Organizers utilize the “Swamping Method” to over-burden voting systems/rolls.
… The poorer classes are expanded to overwhelm and crash all voting systems.
… Aggressively lobbied for the National Voter Registration Act of 1993.
… NVRA requires minimal ID verification requirements with nominal oversight.
… MO, LA, OH, IN, GA, NM, PA have or will face Project Vote’s lawsuits.
… Documents show coordinated lawsuits against Rhode Island and Louisiana.
… DOJ aggressively uses “Preclearance” powers to attempt to block all state voter ID laws.
… Whistleblowers have shed light on selective prosecution and radical hires in Holder’s DOJ.
… Universal Voter Registration seeks to combine all existing and stricken records.
… Felon voting would add 1.4 million to the rolls.
… Same Day Voting would facilitate fraudulent registration.
… Soros-funded groups seek to control all State Secretary of State positions nationwide.
View all findings and data in the AIM Special Investigative Report here.
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