By: Trevor Loudon New Zeal The brilliant Karen Straughan gives a very blunt, honest and cogent defense of traditional marriage, patriarchy and the traditional family. … [Read more...]
Public Broadcasting Mobilizes Against Romney
Accuracy in Media As Mitt Romney says, it doesn’t make sense to borrow money from China to pay for public TV or radio. But terminating the funding is easier said than done. The reason: there are more than 900 local public radio stations and more than 350 local public television stations which receive support from the taxpayer-financed Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) and lobby for the money. These … [Read more...]
Back to Basics, a Necessity at Debate Time
By: Toddy Littman It would seem the genius of We The People, as it is often referred to in The Federalist Papers, has been thwarted by our educations. Many may immediately argue this fact, however, irrespective of the educational facts we set aside, there remains our approach, our angle and perspective, how we derive our conclusions. Much of this can be taught both by what we reject and what we accept, a … [Read more...]
Trevor Loudon Outs Leon Panetta: Video + Ron Paul’s Foreign Policy
NoisyRoom By: Maggie Thornton Maggie's Notebook New Zealander Trevor Loudon, the force behind the blog New Zeal speaks at this rally about Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta and who he really is. This is a life work for Loudon. Not so long ago, when Panetta was going through the Senate confirmation process, Trevor and others including GulagBound’s Arlen Williams and Terresa Monroe Hamiton at Noisy Room, sounded … [Read more...]
Janesville Wisconsin: Hope & Change by Fraud
By: Toddy Littman Paul Ryan was accurate in fact, regarding the Janesville, Wisconsin GM plant, Mitt Romney's team better back him up 100%. First to the historical facts, footnotes omitted: “On February 13, 2008, Democratic Presidential Candidate Barack Obama stated, "This can be America’s future. I know that General Motors received some bad news yesterday, and I know how hard your Governor has fought to … [Read more...]
Obama’s Hidden Bread Lines
NoisyRoom Americans are experiencing sticker shock and it is about to get a whole lot worse thanks to Obama. Between gas and groceries, our household is sinking fast. My husband works about 35 miles from here, so gas is an issue. For a household of three, where two drive for work, our gas bill this month will be close to $900. Groceries will come in at a modest $1000 since we have cut back. And folks, we … [Read more...]
Allen West to Obama – ‘Take Your Traveling Road Show Somewhere Else’
NoisyRoom Hat Tip: BB Read more at The Shark Tank... … [Read more...]
Neo-Marxism Means Big Business in South Africa – and it’s Bombing
The article below, "South Africa: Only a Matter of Time Before the Bomb Explodes," was written by Moeletsi Mbeki, the brother of the former Post-Apartheid President of South Africa, Thabo Mbeki, and son of an African National Congress (ANC) leader. Read my commentary below in light of this article and its author. If you still can't buy the message after that, then I must conclude your mind is fatally shut! South … [Read more...]
Obama’s Alternative Energy Cabal
By: A. Dru Kristenev and Toddy Littman Although the word ‘cabal’ came into common use after the early 1600s, the Chaldean root: to acquire, fits right in with the more modern definition of a conspiracy or plot, as in overthrowing a government. Why else create a ‘cabal’ if not to acquire power? You have got to be wondering why I’ve chosen this particular word to describe what President Obama is about when he … [Read more...]
A Doctor in the Senate: Interview with Sen. Tom Coburn
Accuracy in Media Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) showed why he is so highly regarded by conservatives, when he went up against a panel of left-wing journalists on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, and made them look ridiculous. It was the second day after Ted Cruz, the Harvard-educated lawyer of Cuban descent, had won the Texas Republican primary over the establishment favorite, Lt. Governor David Dewhurst. Cruz is a Tea Party … [Read more...]
Dancing on the Global Fiscal Cliff
NoisyRoom And the depths of chaos beckon while the financial sands beneath our feet shift into oblivion. Today, we offer you a metaphor salad to describe the current progress of the financial apocalypse. Yep, more happy news from the economic war front. To say we are skating on thin ice globally as well as here in the US is an understatement of epic proportions. It's the new and improved walking dead … [Read more...]
Riots in Spain
New Zeal Kremlin propaganda channel Russia Today covers riots in Spain. At least 76 people have been injured in Madrid as clashes flared up between protesters and police, the latter using rubber bullets. Thousands of Spanish anarchists, communists and labor unionists turned out against new austerity measures introduced by the Socialist government. … [Read more...]
Nations will be Nations: ‘Euro Zone Fragmenting Faster than EU can Act’
Spain is likely to do the trick. The jolt from that nation's banking collapse is about to "tilt" the rickety EU pinball game, as the score of debt is racked up higher and higher. This is no time to be in debt, personally. Prepare for the tsunami from the seismic shift across the Atlantic. And here we've been told (at least since 1913) that central banking prevents collapses -- well, for the central banksters, that … [Read more...]
Gerald Celente – The BANKS are TAKING OVER the WORLD! (Europe, Iran, WW3, U.S.)
New Zeal While I strongly disagree with Gerald Celente's advice to boycott the 2012 election and his assessment of US military strength, he speaks a lot of truth here on our potential economic future. … [Read more...]
Killing Obamacare Before It Kills Us – Part 1: The Political Battlefield
NoisyRoom Hat Tip: MJ Click here to enlarge... There are two battlefields in the war against Obamacare. There is the political battlefield which gave us Obamacare and there is a second battlefield where Obamacare can be made moot on a state-by-state basis. The political battlefield requires us to organize and educate the voting public so that in November, we can ‘repeal’ the corrupto-crats who support … [Read more...]
Obama Lies, Taxes Rise
NoisyRoom The People's Cube - OBAMACARE: Let's Celebrate the Sweet Road to Serfdom The Supreme Court ruling on Obamacare came as a severe shock to me as I am sure it did to all of you. I was literally ill after I heard the decision. It has taken me a couple of days to settle down enough to write on this and I am sure that my take will differ from many of my colleagues who are willing to read into Justice … [Read more...]
Obama Stimulus Money for Video Games and Racial Studies
Accuracy in Media An important revelation from author Edward Klein is the name of the Obama ally who allegedly offered a $150,000 bribe to Obama pastor Jeremiah Wright to be quiet until after the 2008 election. Klein named him as Dr. Eric Whitaker, executive vice president and associate dean at the University of Chicago Medical Center. A close friend of Obama, and black himself, he leads the Urban Health … [Read more...]
Obama, King of Pain
NoisyRoom By: Toddy Littman I thought I'd try a little change in format and hope the following demonstrates the evaporation of life as we know it. 2008 began the continuing epic reality show saga as the “POTUS with the leastus” was inaugurated, and the era of America's Dear Leader was born. And, as it is the normal Progression of centralized power, Barack Obama bears an uncanny resemblance to the character … [Read more...]
‘Why Marxism?’ Why Indeed?
New Zeal An excellent expose of Marxism, from C. Bradley Thompson. I learned economics through the works of the Foundation for Economic Education. Great to see FEE still doing its great work. … [Read more...]
A Wicked Financial Storm Descends On America
NoisyRoom Ever since 2008, this blog has been warning about economic devastation heading our way. You see it everywhere you look today, if you bother to look that is... Gas prices are at close to an average of $4 a gallon and in parts of California, it is now hitting $7, with no end in sight. Food inflation that is rising so precipitously, it takes your breath away - but the government says there is no … [Read more...]
Bill Ayers: ‘I Get Up Every Morning and Think…Today I‘m Going to End Capitalism’
NoisyRoom Hat Tip: Nancy Jacques Fox Nation: William Ayers: 'I Get Up Every Morning Thinking ... Today I'm Gonna End Capitalism' William Ayers, in a pep talk to an Occupy Wall Street gaggle, said he wakes up every morning thinking about how he's going to end capitalism -- though he acknowledged he goes to bed "every night disappointed." The co-founder of the radical, Vietnam-era Weather Underground … [Read more...]
Van Jones Launches Rebuild the Dream campaign in Hawaii
Hat Tips: Nancy Jacques / BB Van Jones: Death to the 'great white suburbs' Van Jones rallies Hawaii crowd in support of green projects, against Wall Street … [Read more...]
Gradual Adjustment – to Obama’s Marxist Deprivation
NoisyRoom Shell shocked doesn't quite convey what we felt last week when we filled up with gas here and the price per gallon jumped 35 cents in two days. We spoke to others filling their tanks and they were all dazed and angry as well. Our only difference is we saw this coming even before Obama was elected. Then came the fun-filled trip to the store (we go to a variety of them here and all had similar results), … [Read more...]
Econonomic Sabotage? A Case for the FBI? Occupy Wall Street and the Cuban Connection
New Zeal Occupy Wall Street and its hundreds of offshoots, cost the U.S. hundreds of millions of dollars in a few short months. Cleanup costs, police overtime, lost and disrupted production and countless smaller issues hit cash strapped communities at a time they could least afford it. If, as some (including myself) predict, the movement expands and becomes better organized and more violent next Spring and … [Read more...]
Rep. Mike Kelly’s Statement During Education and Workforce Committee Markup
New Zeal I saw Rep. Kelly speak in Los Angeles. He was great. This man "gets it." This is well worth repeating to set the tone for 2012. Video Link Gulag Note: Mike Kelley (official site) is of Pennsylvania's 3rd Congressional District. … [Read more...]
Apocalypse Nowish
NoisyRoom I can't take it any more. Did someone order an apocalypse? I know there is always one bearing down on us somewhere, but come on! Have you read the headlines lately? By Friday of last week, I was ready for a major meltdown. Looks like I wasn't the only one: Or... Oh, how I can relate. (Massive screaming and hair pulling.) What the hell is wrong with us? Everything is upside down and … [Read more...]
Barnhardt Goes Galt
Gulag Bulletin: To see Ann Barnhardt's article on why she is abandoning the state administered sabotage of the futures trading business, see "Going Galt Indeed…." November 17, 2011 ------------- Andrea Shea-King The Radio Patriot Wow. Now I’m thinking I should pull my retirement account out of my brokerage house and stash it in… what? Diamonds? Gold? Food? Weapons? Ammo? BCM Has Ceased Operations … [Read more...]
The Other Rick Perry Gaffe
Accuracy in Media One of the best questions in the GOP debate was offered by Jim Cramer, the hyper CNBC host, near the end of the event. Interestingly, it came from a viewer. Unfortunately, the Republicans with a chance to answer it had no answer. “I’m going to be quoting Joanne Kornbly (ph),” Cramer said. “She e-mails us. She says, ‘Our stock market has turned into a casino with high- frequency … [Read more...]
D.S.A. Marxists Neck Deep in “Occupy” Movement
New Zeal Crossposted from Big Government: By Trevor Loudon From baking brownies to providing legal, medical and organizational support, the US’ largest Marxist group Democratic Socialists of America, and its youth wing Young Democratic Socialists, is heavily involved in “Occupation” actions across the country. To keep D.S.A.’s more than 6,000 members abreast of events, the organization has set … [Read more...]
‘Atlas Shrugged’: A How To Manual for the Obama Administration?
NoisyRoom … [Read more...]
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