By: Cliff Kincaid Barack Hussein Obama’s “fundamental transformation” of America is happening now. We have a communist insurrection in the streets that includes the burning of churches, tearing down of historical monuments, and attacks on businesses, homeowners, and police by the revolutionary mob. There is ongoing censorship of conservatives by Big Tech, coming after a Supreme Court decision by a … [Read more...]
Obama’s Transformation of America is Happening Under Trump
Is Huma Abedin the Next Van Jones?

Accuracy in Media Senator John McCain has become a left-wing media darling for defending Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin against truthful charges that she has family connections to the pro-terrorist Muslim Brotherhood. Andrew McCarthy notes there used to be a time when McCain was alarmed by the advance of the Muslim Brotherhood. We commented on this new phase of McCain’s career when he showed up at a … [Read more...]
One-Percent Progressives Honor the 99 Percent

By: Cliff Kincaid Accuracy in Media “Thanks for the free booze” was the cry from the audience, as members of Occupy Wall Street were given the “Paul Wellstone Citizen Leadership Award” on Monday night at the “Take Back the American Dream” conference. Several “occupiers” made it clear they were happy to be recognized at the Awards Gala Dinner, but it was unclear how they got into the event, since most tickets … [Read more...]
Communist Defector Speaks Out on America’s Marxist Future

Accuracy in Media A top communist defector is warning of an unprecedented “alliance” between the Democratic Party and the Communist Party, reflected in the CPUSA’s endorsement of Barack Obama for president in 2008 and the party’s continued support for Democratic Party policies. But is this warning going to be too hot to handle for the media? And the Republicans? Lt. Gen. Ion Mihai Pacepa, the … [Read more...]
‘Climate Change, Green Jobs’ and Communism

New Zeal The Campaign Against Climate Change Trade Union Group is organizing a Climate Jobs Caravan in England and Scotland in May 2012. Based on the Million Climate Jobs report, produced with the assistance of Public and Commercial Services Union, the University and College Union, the Communication Workers Union and the Transport Salaried Staffs' Association, the caravan will highlight how creating climate … [Read more...]
Occupy Wall Street #OWS Training: Their Target is the Tea Party

NoisyRoom Photo by Julie Dermansky at The Atlantic Hundreds of OWS training workshops took place this month throughout the country, in all 50 states, including small rural areas. Inside one of the training workshops, attendees report that OWS is “specifically instructed to go to any and all Tea Party gatherings, rallies, etc., to be confrontational and create havoc and disruption.” They are being trained to … [Read more...]
Van Jones: Scalia Wants To Let People Die

NoisyRoom Appearing on HBO's Bill Maher Show Obama's former Green Job Czar Van Jones attacks Supreme Court Justice Scalia over his questioning in the Obamacare SCOTUS arguments. Same tired old rhetoric and surprise, surprise! On Maher's hatefest of a show. It's Van Jones who wants blood to run in the streets. … [Read more...]
Van Jones Launches Rebuild the Dream campaign in Hawaii

Hat Tips: Nancy Jacques / BB Van Jones: Death to the 'great white suburbs' Van Jones rallies Hawaii crowd in support of green projects, against Wall Street … [Read more...]
The American Spring Bears Poisonous Fruit

NoisyRoom Hat Tip: Judy W. Persephone ate 6 pomegranate seeds after being abducted by Hades, thus condemning her to 6 months a year in the Underworld and 6 months above with the Gods of Greek mythology. Once upon a time there was a bright, shining city on a hill... An evil, so vile as to level the city bore down upon it with its hellish dark army and vicious commanders rejoicing in the destruction of … [Read more...]
Occupy Geniuses (the Constitution vs. Southern Occupiers)

Hat Tip: Logan C. Churchwell Accuracy in Media Van Jones promised back in November that the Occupy gang will put up over 2,000 candidates for election in 2012. After AIM’s Ben Johnson did some man-on-the-street pop quizzes in the south this past week, we sure hope they come through on Jones’ promise. Ladies and gentlemen: we present to you the fruits of public school social studies programs. … [Read more...]
Obama’s OWS Grows More Violent, Threatens Young Children

For those of you who continue to tell me the Occupy Wall Street radicals aren’t politically connected with one party, I say balderdash. First, in September ObamaFriend Van Jones told ObamaChannel MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell that there was going to be a progressives’ “October Offensive against Capitalism.” Then, Obama mentor and persona non grata in virtually every country save ObamaLand (aka the former USA), is … [Read more...]
Democratic Socialists of America Goes National For Occupy Wall Street

NoisyRoom Hat Tip: Gulag Bound Adding one more to an extensive list of Marxist supporters of Occupy Wall Street, Democratic Socialists of America joined the leftist fray with a page dedicated to the movement today. And why not? They share the goals of chaos and top down, bottom up, inside out that the radical left jointly embraces. They are targeting the young, filling them to the brim with propaganda and … [Read more...]
Van Jones Hopes “Operation” Movement Co-Opts Democrats, Republicans

NoisyRoom Hat Tip: BB Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy Read more at Real Clear Politics... … [Read more...]
‘Occupy Wall Street’ to Push for Global Tax

Accuracy in Media Jumping on the anti-Wall Street media bandwagon, Josh Boak of Politico says Democratic Rep. Peter DeFazio’s measure to tax Wall Street has “newfound momentum.” The Soros-funded Think Progress blog quickly jumped on the report, saying the plan is being seriously considered on the Hill. There is only one problem: DeFazio hasn’t introduced any such bill in the current Congress. Despite the … [Read more...]
Van Jones at Occupy Wall Street

NoisyRoom … [Read more...]
Van Jones Media Mouthpiece Gets Russian Cash

Accuracy in Media Progressive TV and radio star Thom Hartmann took time off from covering Van Jones and his “Rebuild the Dream” movement on Wednesday to briefly talk to this columnist about his relationship with the Vladimir Putin regime of Russia. The conversation quickly went sour when Hartmann objected to questions about how much he is being paid by Moscow. He grabbed my video camera, covering the lens briefly … [Read more...]
Van Jones Fights Back Against the ‘Worst People in America, With the Worst Ideas’ – That’s You Folks

New Zeal The Democratic Socialists of America/Institute for Policy Studies front Campaign for America's Future has teamed up with Van Jones' American Dream Movement to run the Take Back the American Dream conference currently being held in Washington DC. Here Van Jones outlines his vision for building a socialist counter force to the Tea Party movement. This conference is the transmission belt from … [Read more...]
The Return of Van Jones and Marxist Street Protests

Accuracy in Media A “Take Back the American Dream” three-day conference in Washington begins on Monday that features Van Jones, the disgraced former Obama Administration “Green Jobs Czar,” a Russian TV star, and a veteran of the Venceremos Brigades to Cuba who works for the AFL-CIO. Such is the nature of the modern progressive movement. “I think everybody should hold onto your seats,” said Jones on Thursday’s … [Read more...]
Van Jones Warns America: ‘Hold on to Your Seats’ Because the ‘Progressive Fight Back’ Is Coming in October

NoisyRoom Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy Read more at The Blaze... Transcript via MSNBC: >>> i will buy everyone in here a drink if by the end of this year there is not action on the jobs end. members of congress have explaining to do when they go home for the end of the year recess, if they’ve done nothing, nothing, to address the urgent need to … [Read more...]
‘U.S. Day of Rage’ Orchestrated for ‘Worldwide Democracy’ (think pseudoanarchist, neo-Marxist, globalist)

by Arlen Williams, Tallulah Starr, CJ in TX original posting in 8/10/2011, 10:16am CT We thought this would be happening, now didn't we. A movement is suddenly springing up from nowhere (ah-huh) to take on the free enterprise, "capitalist" system. In America, they are especially targeting Wall Street, a place still somewhat constitutionally sovereign to the … [Read more...]
Red Reps 11: Karen Bass, Just Another Cheeky Little California Red

New Zeal Red Reps 10 here. Karen Bass When former California State Rep. Karen Bass took over Diane Watson’s Congressional seat in 2010, the voters of California’s 33rd district merely exchanged one pro-Marxist representative for another. Clearly marked out for big things, Bass was selected by then Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi to serve on the prestigious Steering and Policy Committee which sets the … [Read more...]
Agenda 21 – Ending Liberty in America

NoisyRoom By: AJ Long Island City Housing Projects The picture above represents the kind of structure we’ll soon be herded into – you, me, our families – everyone in America. Well… everyone except the powerful politicians and elites who are working to corral us into these government housing tenements. The streets will be replaced with trains and the cars will be gone. Unbelievable you say? You … [Read more...]
AFL-CIO Union Chief Pledges 12 Million Workers to Van Jones Progressive Tea Party

NoisyRoom What an arrogant Marxist Trumka is. Shameful... Unions using American workers to pad their wallets. Do not fall for this lie. Read more at The Blaze... A very well done analysis of the deception being spread by the Progressive Left. This is the most incredible twisting of facts I have ever heard. Van Jones is the liar of liars - their new movement is a massive astro-turfing effort. They'll … [Read more...]
Commie Van Jones to Start Socialist Tea Party

NoisyRoom Read more at Gateway Pundit... The Washington Post reported: At last weekend’s Netroots Nation gathering in Minneapolis, liberal activists expressed frustration that they lacked the political power or media focus given to the conservative tea-party movement. Former White House environmental official Van Jones is hoping to change that with a new political effort dubbed “The American Dream … [Read more...]
Former Obama Advisor Fighting for the Tea Party – Not

NoisyRoom Hat Tip: Brian B. By: UpTakeVideo Ah, more propaganda aimed at the Tea Party. Sweet words meant to enslave. Progressive platitudes wrapped in a sweet sounding shroud of Marxism. What utter bull crap. Van Jones is truly an evil Marxist. … [Read more...]
Radical Muslims, Environmentalists, and the Green Jihad

Gulag Note: Mark Musser is tentatively our guest for the second time on Monday, May 2nd's Gulag Night, to discuss this subject and the development of the green movement in America. In our first interview, broadcast April 4th, Mark presented the roots of that movement in German post-enlightenment philosophy and ensuing NAZI culture. See his recent article in Gulag Bound: "NAZI Political Biology: The Hotwiring of … [Read more...]
Mother Earth Rights – A Rose by Any Other Name

NoisyRoom By: T F Stern - T F Stern's Rantings For all the marbles here in America, the communist agenda must first eradicate the widely accepted idea of rights come from God and are bestowed to individuals while powers are granted unto government by the governed. If this one thought is ever lost in the shuffle, then communism will have won out and government will have gained the power to enslave us all. Van … [Read more...]
U.S. Socialist Leaders Incite Youth Revolutionaries

By: Trevor Loudon New Zeal I posted here on an upcoming national activist "teach-in" on "Debt, Austerity and Corporate Greed" being organized by Democratic Socialists of America leaders Frances Fox Piven and Cornel West. D.S.A. and its youth wing, Young Democratic Socialists, and their various fronts are getting right behind the event: To join that movement and escalate the activism planned in the days, … [Read more...]
Racist Van Jones Rally Cheered 9/11 Attacks

by Kristinn Taylor and Andrea Shea King in The Radio Patriot also published on 3/25/11 at Big Government When Obama administration Green jobs czar Anthony “Van” K. Jones resigned late Saturday night, September 3, 2009 over the long Labor Day weekend, a storm of breaking news about his radical anti-American history was being reported by conservative bloggers. One such storm was about the racist, hate-America … [Read more...]
Suddenly, It’s Not OK to Call a Commie-Truther-Cop-Killer-Supporter a Commie-Truther-Cop-Killer-Supporter

also posted in Read more at Gateway Pundit... More from Jim Hoft: Andrew Breitbart got caught in another dust-up with a far left nut this week. Yes, I know… Nothing new there. But, apparently Andrew struck a nerve when he went after Commie-Truther-Cop-Killer-supporter Van Jones at the Daily Caller. It was enough to get him banned from Huffington Post – Not because it was untrue, but because … [Read more...]
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