NoisyRoom Hat Tip: Nancy Jacques / Ask Marion Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness... Treasured guarantees from the Declaration of Independence. Except that life depends on water and in a stealth power grab of staggering scope, governments and agencies have laid claim to the very rain itself. This ties into the socialist precept that the government shall own the means of production, including the … [Read more...]
Making Oregon a ‘Dry State’
Gradual Adjustment – to Obama’s Marxist Deprivation
NoisyRoom Shell shocked doesn't quite convey what we felt last week when we filled up with gas here and the price per gallon jumped 35 cents in two days. We spoke to others filling their tanks and they were all dazed and angry as well. Our only difference is we saw this coming even before Obama was elected. Then came the fun-filled trip to the store (we go to a variety of them here and all had similar results), … [Read more...]
Bad Dreams In The Night
NoisyRoom A terrifying new concept has recently reemerged in the global climatology fight and the clarion call is heralded by a book that Zombie just read: The Weather Conspiracy: The Coming of the New Ice Age. So, let me get this straight... In the 1970's, we were all going to freeze to death in a new ice age. In the 2000's, we were going to be baked alive because of global warming. Now - old is new again … [Read more...]
An American Descent into Hell
NoisyRoom It's hard not to see the signs all around us that America has begun a cataclysmic downward spiral in finances and morality. It's like watching a slow motion murderous wreck, all the while denying that it is actually occurring. I assure you, what is unfolding in the US now is all too real. It's a reality that is about to smack Americans full frontal in the face and many will never … [Read more...]
Beck: 4 Keys to Immigration Reform
NoisyRoom - Hat Tip: Brian B. Glenn Beck Watch the latest video at … [Read more...]
Senate Seeks to Create Caesar
NoisyRoom The Apotheosis Of Barack Obama Senatus Populusque Romanus -- Imperius Rex et Populusque Americanus While all of America is distracted and focused on the death of Osama bin Laden, our President and his minions have been fast at work laying the groundwork for S. 679: Presidential Appointment Efficiency and Streamlining Act of 2011 to speed through the Senate and then make its way into the House … [Read more...]
The Move to Undocument the Documented
NoisyRoom Do you remember the legislation that now dictates that passports must be shown at US land borders? It went into effect on June 1, 2009 I believe. That's almost two years ago. Here is a link to the old passport application form. When this became law, many of us shrugged it off with the reasoning that is was for homeland security and that it was logical to show papers to get back into the country to … [Read more...]
White House Legislation for DHS Control of all ‘.gov’ Domains (and as always, more)
Firstly, "White House legislation;" what's wrong with that picture? Well, that's not so uncommon (except in the Obama administration, where he usually hides behind Congress, while his comrades type and type and type). Anyway... I remember reading a comment in a forum or somesuch, in maybe the Spring of 2008. Maybe it was in The commentator asserted that Barack Obama was not a liberal; … [Read more...]
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