By: Cliff Kincaid Accuracy in Media We don’t remember any outrage from the media over the alleged roles played by Obama associates Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn in the 1970 bombing murder of San Francisco police officer Brian V. McDonnell. In fact, the media peddled the nonsense that Ayers and Dohrn, who helped launch Barack Obama’s political career, were “anti-war activists” who bombed a few buildings and never … [Read more...]
It’s Racist to Not Die for Obama

I knew this day was coming and have even written about it in past years’ columns. It was a fait accompli when Barack Hussein Obama entered what was once our White House and only a matter of time until he implemented this Orwellian portion of his program. We are already being called racists if we object to having our country invaded by foreign entities; many of whom are diseased, many gang-banger murderers … [Read more...]
The Terrorists Among Us… Like Bill Ayers

By: Brent Parrish The Right Planet Cliff Kincaid takes Megyn Kelly to task for her water-downed interview with Bill Ayers in this recap of current events for Cliff has also got some interesting information on terrorist fugitive Elizabeth Ann Duke, and possible White House involvement in the case. But getting back to the Megyn Kelly interview with Bill Ayers. Admittedly, I didn’t even … [Read more...]
Tell the Truth About Leftist Terrorists in Memory of Larry Grathwohl

Bringing Down America July 18 marks the first anniversary of Larry Grathowhl’s untimely death. In memory of Larry – and in response to the recent Fox News programs that gave Weatherman Bill Ayers a primetime platform to lie about his acts of terrorism – we are asking that bloggers, radio folks, podcasters, and others in the media use July 18th to tell the truth about violent leftist radicals like Bill Ayers … [Read more...]
Dinesh D’Souza vs. Bill Ayers Live Streaming Tonight 7:30pm ET

TONIGHT at 7:30 p.m EASTERN you can LIVE STREAM the debate between Dinesh D'Souza and domestic TERRORIST and author of Barack Obama's book "Dreams from My Father" at this link. Related from via Gulag: D’Souza to Debate Bill Ayers: What’s So Great About America? Bill Ayers is known for his 1960s radical … [Read more...]
Clinical Mental Health Therapist on Common Core Techniques

Sher Zieve's article, "Behind Common Core: Forcing Marxism/Nazism on America’s Children" has gained significant attention and deserves much more. In it, she interviews Christina Michas, an exemplary activist. Ms. Michas in turn, alludes to a new Web site by like minded patriots, concerned for America's children and future, Their Twitter account is @CUREnat. There, on their Twitter page, I've just … [Read more...]
Behind Common Core: Forcing Marxism/Nazism on America’s Children

Recently, I met a remarkable woman who has accomplished an extraordinary work in her mission toward educating the American people of a clear and present danger to their children and the methods by which said danger can be stopped. This lady’s accomplishments speak for themselves. BIO: Christina Michas is the Founder and Leader of the Palm Springs Patriots Coalition and President, Eagle Forum Palm Springs. … [Read more...]
Terrorist Professor Bill Ayers & Obama’s Federal School Curriculum

By: Mary Grabar Accuracy in Media Three years after the Department of Education announced a contest called Race-to-the-Top for $4.35 billion in stimulus funds, some parents, teachers, governors, and citizen and public policy groups are coming to an awful realization about the likely outcomes: A national curriculum called Common Core Regionalism, or the replacement of local governments by federally … [Read more...]
How Clint Eastwood, ‘The Enforcer,’ Trailed Bill Ayers After Larry Grathwohl

Video, "The Enforcer Trailer" note the female voice issuing the terrorist challenge, a few seconds in In the conclusion of Clint Eastwood’s 1976 “The Enforcer,” Dirty Harry blows away a Bill Ayers like figure with a bazooka after dispatching a revolutionary terrorist group (called the People’s Revolutionary Strike Force in the film) running loose on the streets of San Francisco. Throughout the film, … [Read more...]
The Most Important Press Conference Ever Held at Any Time in U.S. History: Part II

NoisyRoom By: James Simpson Right Side News This is the sequel to the Part I exclusive published by Right Side News on Wednesday, August 1st. In Part I, Trevor Loudon, who was among the first to expose Obama's radicalism, exposes the relationship between President Obama and a high level, pro-Soviet operative, Alice Palmer, actively involved with known Soviet and communist front organizations at the height of … [Read more...]
The Most Important Press Conference Ever Held at Any Time in U.S. History: Part I

Right Side News By: James Simpson for Right Side News The Vetting: Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connnection On Thursday, July 19th, Cliff Kincaid of America’s Survival held a critical National Press Club event: The Vetting: Obama, Radical Islam and the Soros Connection. At this pivotal time, we face a national election that may well determine the fate of our great country. And as America goes, so goes the … [Read more...]
A Terrorist, OBAMA’S FRIEND Bernadine Dohrn Advocates Communism to Sheeple

NoisyRoom … [Read more...]
Bill Ayers: ‘I Get Up Every Morning and Think…Today I‘m Going to End Capitalism’

NoisyRoom Hat Tip: Nancy Jacques Fox Nation: William Ayers: 'I Get Up Every Morning Thinking ... Today I'm Gonna End Capitalism' William Ayers, in a pep talk to an Occupy Wall Street gaggle, said he wakes up every morning thinking about how he's going to end capitalism -- though he acknowledged he goes to bed "every night disappointed." The co-founder of the radical, Vietnam-era Weather Underground … [Read more...]
Jerome Corsi’s Interview with Thomas Ayers’ Mailman

Jack Cashill's account of postman Allen Hulton's encounter with presidency-targeted Barack Obama, circa 1988, in front of Bill Ayers' red utilityman daddy's house, has been entered into Gulag records: "What the Mailman Knows about Ayers and Obama." Now we excerpt the beginning of Jerome Corsi's, WND article on Hulton and show the attached video: WND EXCLUSIVE Postman: Ayers family put 'foreigner' Obama through … [Read more...]
What the Mailman Knows about Ayers and Obama

Doorbell! American Thinker March 19, 2012 A few days ago I got a call asking whether I knew anything about the Ayers family mailman. I had heard of him, I said. I remembered liberal blogger Steven Diamond having interviewed the fellow a few years back but paid it little mind as the information seemed too limited to pursue. The caller then sent me a video interview with the mailman by WND sleuth Jerome … [Read more...]
The American Spring Bears Poisonous Fruit

NoisyRoom Hat Tip: Judy W. Persephone ate 6 pomegranate seeds after being abducted by Hades, thus condemning her to 6 months a year in the Underworld and 6 months above with the Gods of Greek mythology. Once upon a time there was a bright, shining city on a hill... An evil, so vile as to level the city bore down upon it with its hellish dark army and vicious commanders rejoicing in the destruction of … [Read more...]
Exclusive: Breitbart Has Dinner With Bill Ayers

NoisyRoom Hat Tip: BB Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dorn auctioned off an evening for dinner in their home in Chicago and Tucker Carlson of "The Daily Caller" took advantage of the opportunity. For $2,500 Tucker and a few of his friends secured an evening with the radical couple. Tucker invited along Andrew Breitbart who called into Stephen K. Bannon's "The Victory Sessions" and gave a … [Read more...]
The Obama Man’s Coming to Get You!

Reneging on one of his campaign promises (now there's a surprise -- not), Obama recently lifted a ban on the slaughtering of horses for use as food. One imagines that kids getting "My Little Dog-food" toys under the Christmas tree will be less than thrilled, and Obama may well become the new "boogie man" of the 21st century. Link Link Parent: "You had best be good, or the Obama Man will get you -- he'll come … [Read more...]
Obama Went to France While in College?

On Thursday, while in Cannes for the G-20 Summit, President Barack Obama casually said the following, “The last time I was in the South of France – or the first time, rather, was as a college student, and I’ve never forgotten the extraordinary hospitality of the French people and the extraordinary views that are available here.” To Obama followers, this comes as news. In his 1995 memoir, “Dreams from My Father,” … [Read more...]
The Soros Conference

New Zeal Cross-posted from Grand Old Partisan: The insidious influence of George Soros was the theme of an event hosted by Cliff Kincaid, yesterday at the National Press Club. Headlining the Soros Files conference were Larry Grathwohl, Brandon Darby, Zubi Diamond, Tina Trent and Trevor Loudon. See for more information. Larry Grathwohl is renowned for having infiltrated the Weather … [Read more...]
The Ayers Brothers Connection: Coaching #OccupyChicago, Calling for School ‘Occupations’

New Zeal Crossposted from Big Government by Trevor Loudon Former Weather Underground terrorist leader, and long time colleague of president Barack Obama, Bill Ayers is actively supporting the Occupy Wall Street movement in his home town of Chicago – while his education activist brother, Rick Ayers, wants to see the movement extended to the nation’s schools. In an October 16 interview with the … [Read more...]
Know Hegelian NeoMarxism & the Overton Window, a Simple 2.5 Minute Intro

This video is homespun -- and excellent in cutting right to the quick, of the mass psyops of neo-Marxism. It is also the kernel for the Mackinac Center for Public Policy's analysis of the "Overton Window," duly made (in)famous by Glenn Beck about a year ago. Video: "Illuminati Media Mind Control - Hegelian Dialectic Explained" To the mind of the 21st Century revolutionary, as Obama workmate Bill … [Read more...]
‘U.S. Day of Rage’ Orchestrated for ‘Worldwide Democracy’ (think pseudoanarchist, neo-Marxist, globalist)

by Arlen Williams, Tallulah Starr, CJ in TX original posting in 8/10/2011, 10:16am CT We thought this would be happening, now didn't we. A movement is suddenly springing up from nowhere (ah-huh) to take on the free enterprise, "capitalist" system. In America, they are especially targeting Wall Street, a place still somewhat constitutionally sovereign to the … [Read more...]
Birthers Invite Colin Powell to an Examination

When the Rockefellerian, transnational progressive "Republican," Colin Powell endorsed Barack Obama for president in 2008, he called Obama a "transformational figure." His national psyop was tactically timed, two weeks before the election. Further, he propagated the lie that William Ayers has had only a "very, very limited relationship" with the putative president now making clearer than ever, his own strategic … [Read more...]
Obama’s Chavez-Style Ploys are not Working

If you listened carefully to Barack Obama's speech last Monday night and if you are familiar with the history of Venezuela under Hugo Chavez, you likely noticed Obama continuing to follow in the footsteps of the Marxist goofball down south. Gulag Bound has noted more than once, the consultant they have shared: William "Bill" Ayers, violent Weather Underground terrorist and co-author of the neo-Marxist manifesto of … [Read more...]
Literary Detectives Deconstruct Obama, Find Literal Fraud

Sometimes when no one is looking, the most delightful wildflowers grow out of cracks in the sidewalk. Someone found this sunflower and brought it to our attention. No, we didn't make this video or solicit it. It grew on its own. Here's a spontaneous thank you to movieskool for creating "The Literary Detectives" (4:16 min.). Gulag Notes: Senior beatniks -- smooth, urban jazz -- and Deconstructing Obama … [Read more...]
Is the FBI Investigating Obama?

In a front page story about a major FBI terrorism investigation, The Washington Post has reported that the targets include “Chicagoans who crossed paths with Obama when he was a young state senator and some who have been active in labor unions that supported his political rise.” The implication is that the trail could lead to the White House. This is an unusual investigation that does not primarily involve … [Read more...]
Why Panetta? Is Slashing Defense the Real End Game Here?

New Zeal Why does President Barack Obama want Leon Panetta to be Secretary of Defense? Anyone familiar with Panetta’s record as a Congressman in the 1980s, knows that Panetta is both a leftist and markedly hostile towards the US military establishment. Panetta has no military backgound. he has a Budget background. He was once head of the Office of Budget Management. What does this suggest to you? Was … [Read more...]
Neo-Marxist Fraud: Deconstructing Obama in 7.5 Minutes

...thanks to Jack Cashill... ...and William Charles Ayers. For further information -- Deconstructing Obama, by Jack Cashill, available in better bookstores, online, and in libraries (and if you don't see it in your local library, ask if they take book donations). So who's your daddy, BHO? … [Read more...]
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