U.S. Gov. Raids Servers for Election Fraud Evidence? in Germany? Scytl Denies, Sources’ Claims Remain, Sidney Powell Almost Confirms?

Last Update of this article - 11/20 Sidney Powell confirms, to Glenn Beck, on 11/20, the day after the Trump legal team press conference. Fifteen minutes well spent. This is perhaps the greatest time so far in world history after the events recorded in The Bible. This entry serves numerous purposes. It introduces an article covering the latest to date on the somewhat substantiated report by Rep. … [Read more...]

Electronic Election Fraud Apparent in Brazil; Done in America Today?

Allegations abound and evidence mounts, of highly sophisticated and pervasive election fraud in Brazil's re-election of their neo-Marxist president on October 26th. (Ms. Dilma Rousseff may be thought of as Barack Obama with more latitude.)  Will any of America's general elections today suffer from the same kind of electronic fraud?  Or in 2016?  Or until electronic voting is eliminated and physical ballots are … [Read more...]

Doors Wide Open for Illegal Alien Voting in North Carolina, Project Veritas Finds

The video: Its caption: Published on 30 Oct 2014 A stunning undercover video exposes a reckless disregard of election law in North Carolina. Multiple campaign operatives and workers, both democrats and republicans, encourage felony voter fraud. A Project Veritas Action operative poses as an enthusiastic wanna-be voter, who also happens to be a non U. S. citizen. When she asks campaign managers and other … [Read more...]

Mark Udall Advocates Condone Voter Fraud: ‘That’s not even like lying or stealing’

Noisy Room    Media coverage includes: James O’Keefe Strikes Again What could go wrong? Volunteers go door-to-door ‘ballot harvesting’ in Colorado Colorado Man Makes an Offer to Purchase Mail-In Ballots for $5 Each 850 voters in NYC are officially 164 years old GOP Group Readies 1,000-Lawyer Army for Election Day NAACP Leader Calls For Creating Confusion During Midterm Election By … [Read more...]

Sheriff Joe Arpaio Seeks Grand Jury on Obama Birth Certificate Fraud

Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Mericopa County, Arizona, interviewed by  Rick Wiles of' TruNews July 31st, briefly excerpted here: YouTube video: "Sheriff Arpaio: Working on Getting Grand Jury Indictmentfor Obama Birth Certificate Forgery"  More at Birther Report and from Charles Kerchner … [Read more...]

True the Vote’s Restraining Order Motion vs. the Cochran Campaign in #MSsen Mississippi

Their announcement, sent via email, for those keeping score at home. God please grant justice to them -- and to the State of Mississippi and the nation -- True the Vote: TRUE THE VOTE FILES MOTION FOR RESTRAINING ORDER AGAINST MISSISSIPPI REPUBLICAN PARTY et. al. Destruction of Absentee Ballot Documents, Double Voting and Discarded Legal Votes Found Statewide JACKSON, MS. -- July 9, 2014: True the Vote … [Read more...]

UPDATE About: ‘Cochran Campaign Manager, Staffer Busted in Illegal Vote Buying Operation’

-------GB------- Updated July 1, 9:14pm CT [View the story "About: 'Cochran Campaign Manager, Staffer Busted in Illegal Vote Buying Operation'" on Storify] … [Read more...]

Voter Fraud: An Existential Threat to America (James Simpson)

Accuracy in Media It is difficult to describe the enormity of the crime being committed by the Obama administration and their Democratic allies. They flagrantly flout the law, while simultaneously turning it into a weapon against political opponents, use government agencies to target innocent Americans, attempt to create legal voters through amnesty, and undermine voter integrity measures to facilitate vote … [Read more...]

Project Veritas Video: Battleground Texas Illegally Copying Voter Data

This video is presented for its news value, to allow you to understand these aspects of current Marxofascist strategy and tactics, the weaponry brought to bear in the soft war against sovereign, free, and authentic America.   More: At ProjectVeritas.com: "NEW VIDEO: Battleground Texas Illegally Copying Voter Data" … [Read more...]

Supreme Court Does Something Right – for Election Integrity

Thank God! The Democrat Party, enemies of the United States of America, deceitfully manipulate and herd their voters to the polls over weeks, like sheep led to the slaughter -- the slaughter of all of us. When will the people that these political illegitimates (historical word, used in the King James Version of the Bible: "bastards") target, understand the horrific degradation they are duped to suffer?  How … [Read more...]

Obama is the #Gosnell President – Tweeting: #ObamaFraud

#ObamaFraud  There's the hashtag. Further explanation is not necessary for many. #Obama II is the #Gosnell #Infanticide #President. Why does "conservative" media persist in covering up his fraud? #tcot #Ccot | @jillstanek — Arlen Williams (@ArlenWms) April 13, 2013   Obama is the #Gosnell #President. Why does "conservative" media persist in covering up his fraud? @michellemalkin … [Read more...]

Obama: Give Me Dictatorial Powers or I’ll Take Your Country Out

Well…well.  The Obama has finally begun his now-open for all to see and hear demands for a dictatorship over the [former] United States of America.  A few days ago, Dictator-in-Chief Barack Hussein Obama laid out his demands to Congress for not yet pushing the current USSA (aka “Amerika”) and its people over the ostensible fiscal cliff.  These demands include:  a doubling of his campaign “promise” to $1.6 Trillions … [Read more...]

It’s Official: Obama Voter Fraud Reason for ‘Reelection,’ Growing Totalitarian Government

The truth about the Obama syndicate’s “victory” in November due to the most massive voter fraud in American history has become increasingly dire and overwhelming.  It is also merely the latest treasonous act perpetrated upon We-the-People by our slave masters.  And--with the exception of the still-sycophantic Obama-media who enthusiastically embrace totalitarianism--said “win” by Obama shows how quickly he and the … [Read more...]

Live Blogging SUNDAY UPDATE, YET MORE OBSTRUCTION: Allen West’s Full Retabulation

We may presume that Allan West is discussing the non-results, the new and uncertified results, and the results known to be bogus, with his legal counsel and others. We may also presume that those opposed to American principles are preparing for his next steps, as they plan their contingencies. From approx. 12:17pm CT: Tanya Grimsley THEY HAVE ASKED US TO CALL GOVERNOR SCOTT'S OFFICE - CRIMINAL CHARGES NEED … [Read more...]

Investigation & Suit, Allen West vs. Patrick Murphy for Congress, FL, Update

UPDATES - in chronological order (original post, November 10, 4:04pm CT) Some may have seen a headline today in the leftist Huffington Post stating Allen West has lost his re-election bid and will not have a recount. That is flatly incorrect. From Tanya Grimsley, electoral activist in the Allen West campaign, posted today in Facebook: Because the challenger Murphy jumped the gun as did most of the media … [Read more...]

Patriots Declare: We Shall Not Let Vote Fraud Stand!

PolitiJim's Rants In Lord of the Rings, on the road to destroy the Ring which threatened tyranny over people through centralized power and evil, Gandalf the Grey needed to buy time for his fellow hobbit warriors from the certain destruction by an evil Balrog.  On a narrow bridge, he sacrificed himself so that their mission could survive and challenged the superior evil force declaring, “YOU SHALL NOT … [Read more...]

The (National) GOP Can Not Legally Help Stop Vote Fraud, No Joke

PolitiJim's Rants My good friend Alan Vera of True the Vote told me long ago that we have a two party system: the Corrupt Party and the Stupid Party.  To that fact, during the weekly True the Vote webcast, Catherine Engelbrecht related a meeting she had with RNC Chairman Reince Priebus, asking what the GOP would do about voter integrity.  The answer? Nothing.  They aren’t legally able to.  (I’m not … [Read more...]

Pennsylvania: Election Tampering, Vote Fraud (updating)

Articles listed in chronological order by date entered in Gulag Bound In 59 Philadelphia voting divisions, Mitt Romney got zero votes Philadelphia Inquirer, philly.com, November 12     to be continued (see tags, below) … [Read more...]

16M White Votes ‘Missing’ – Smell like Election Tampering?

Sixteen million? That many, less inclined to come out and vote for Mitt Romney, against the radical Obamacare Obama we have come to see, who is blowing up U.S. debt beyond any hope for positive change? Compared to voting for the likes of John McCain, against Obama the moderate sounding "feel good candidate," in 2008? Remember just a few days ago, seeing the polls show extremely high voter intensity numbers for … [Read more...]

Massive Voter Fraud and I am ANGRY (please share)

In response to receiving this note I sent out the following email. Feel free to copy and paste it to your own email and send to everyone you know. I am not depressed. I am angry! Romney did not lose. There was massive voter fraud everywhere! Check out a few websites (and this is just a start). Go though the links and see for yourself. ObamaVoterFraud -- Look at this one … [Read more...]

Florida: Election Tampering, Vote Fraud (updating)

Did Mitt Romney actually win the legal part of this election? We are taking election tampering and fraud head on, featuring key states with the worst apparent offenses, head on, in running entries/threads. This is Florida. ------------- This story was published on General Election Day, Nov. 6. It will be updated in Gulag very soon, but we will start here: Certified GOP Poll Watchers Turned Away in … [Read more...]

Wisconsin Election Tampering, Vote Fraud (updating)

Did Mitt Romney actually win the legal part of this election? We are taking election tampering and fraud head on, featuring key states with the worst apparent offenses, head on, in running entries/threads. This is Wisconsin. ------------- This comes from a thread in an article that brings up questions about the vote in St. Lucie Co., Florida. Seth Alu November 10, 2012 11:10 AM LOOK AT THESE NUMBERS!! -- … [Read more...]


11:09am CT PolitiJim PolitiJim's Rants From Patriot Alan Vera who needs patriots in WI, OH, PA & VA: Another Stolen Election??? The popular vote results reported by the respective secretaries of state of the key swing states last night are a little more than suspect. The concession by Mr. Romney and the GOP was, at best, premature. The election results are not official until the party electors meet to … [Read more...]

True The Vote Announces National Election Integrity Hotline

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Logan Churchwell media@truethevote.org TRUE THE VOTE ANNOUNCES NATIONAL ELECTION INTEGRITY HOTLINE Citizens encouraged to report illegal activity at the voting polls by phone, email and video HOUSTON, TX. November 5, 2012 ? True the Vote (TTV), the nonpartisan election integrity organization, today announced the … [Read more...]

True The Vote Formally Responds to Rep. Cummings’ Accusations

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Logan Churchwell media@truethevote.org TRUE THE VOTE FORMALLY RESPONDS TO REP. CUMMINGS’ ACCUSATIONS HOUSTON, TX. October 5, 2012 ? True The Vote (TTV), the nonpartisan election integrity organization, formally responded to Maryland Congressman Elijah Cummings’ factually bankrupt allegations today in an open … [Read more...]

True The Vote Announces New Findings of Voter Fraud in Ohio, New York, Florida and Rhode Island

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Logan Churchwell media@truethevote.org TRUE THE VOTE ANNOUNCES NEW FINDINGS OF VOTER FRAUD IN OHIO, NEW YORK, FLORIDA AND RHODE ISLAND HOUSTON, TX. October 2, 2012 ? True The Vote (TTV), the nonpartisan election integrity organization, today announces new research findings of voter fraud in Ohio, Florida, New … [Read more...]

True The Vote Expands Absentee Voter Fraud Discovery Efforts

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Logan Churchwell media@truethevote.org TRUE THE VOTE EXPANDS ABSENTEE VOTER FRAUD DISCOVERY EFFORTS HOUSTON, TX. September 26, 2012 ? True The Vote (TTV), the nonpartisan election integrity organization, today announced the expansion of an ongoing research effort to expose interstate absentee voter fraud. “Our … [Read more...]

True the Vote Releases New Evidence of Cross-State Absentee Voter Fraud

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Logan Churchwell Logan@truethevote.org TRUE THE VOTE RELEASES NEW EVIDENCE OF CROSS-STATE ABSENTEE VOTER FRAUD HOUSTON, TX. September 25, 2012? True The Vote (TTV), the nonpartisan election integrity organization, today released preliminary research findings that already show evidence of 31 cases of absentee ballot … [Read more...]

Voting Integrity? Part 3: Scytl Voting via Mobile Phone: iFraud

Voting Integrity? Series, Part 3 Doo Doo Economics Scytl, the Spanish company which will famously be processing 2012 election results is claiming the ability to vote by iPhone and Android. Scytl has successfully implemented its online voting encryption technology on Google Android™  and Apple® iOS smartphones and tablet computers. By encrypting the ballot on the voter’s device before it is cast, Scytl is … [Read more...]

Voting Integrity? Part 2: Scytl & Apparent Snopes Cover-up

Voting Integrity? Series, Part 2 Doo Doo Economics - Joseph Stalin    For months now, a scandal has been swirling in the Internet winds about Scytl, the Spanish company that will count 2012 general election votes for many of the United States of America. It is unfortunate this got to be a question of whether or not George Soros has ownership in that firm. That is beside the point. Make that the points, … [Read more...]