Kremlin’s Channel Highlights American Socialist’s Conviction

New Zeal Kremlin propaganda channel RT (previously Russia Today) highlights the recent conviction of Occupy Wall Street demonstrator Cecily McMillan. An Occupy Wall Street demonstrator was found guilty of second-degree assault Monday in Manhattan following a months-long trial concerning a 2012 altercation she had with the New York Police Department. Cecily McMillan, 25, now stands to face as much as seven … [Read more...]

Obama’s OWS Grows More Violent, Threatens Young Children

For those of you who continue to tell me the Occupy Wall Street radicals aren’t politically connected with one party, I say balderdash.   First, in September ObamaFriend Van Jones told ObamaChannel MSNBC’s  Lawrence O’Donnell that there was going to be a progressives’ “October Offensive against Capitalism.”  Then, Obama mentor and persona non grata in virtually every country save ObamaLand (aka the former USA), is … [Read more...]

Despite Deceit and Lies Obama Syndicate and Dems Continue Push for Gun and People Control

Obama-supported Marxist Democrat Riots and Mayhem Continue With real polls (not the ones Obama has ordered the alphabet networks to counterfeit) continuing to fall for Dictator Obama, he is working as fast as he can to establish his tyranny as a fait accompli.  ObamaThugs calling themselves “Occupy Wall Street” (OWS) have taken their rioting, perversions, crimes, open defecations, and copulations, murders/deaths (at … [Read more...]

OWS & Democratic Socialists of America Push for Transaction Tax (not just Herman Cain)

Trevor Loudon has introduced us to Marxist Maria Svart of Democratic Socialists of America (DSA). When you think "democratic socialist" think of the insidious, creeping and clutching gradualist, Fabianist, structural Marxism of Gramsci, Trotsky, the Frankfurt school -- and by now, most of America's Democratic Party and much of the influences upon the GOP, too. Many have warned about the governmental control … [Read more...]

OWS: Become Immortal… Have Sex with Animals

"In technology and sexuality, everything seems to be possible. You can travel to the moon. You can become immortal by biogenetics. You can have sex with animals, or whatever." Video uploaded 10/9/2011, "'You can have sex with animals.' Zucotti Sq." By the way, I think this fellow speaks with a foreign accent. Another Marxist import in the Frankfurt School strategy? Huh. And it brings me to wonder. Maybe … [Read more...]

Updated 10/12: Special Moments of the ‘Occupy’ Movement

Caution: disturbed content 10/10 @ 1:55pm CT Spread the what? Oh, "filth!" I thought the man said "wealth." Repeat after your commissar: No! Say "repeat after your commissar." Much better, thank you. With the photo above as our banner, we the Bound assign this post, to the chronicling of the more tender moments, of the "occupy movement," pardon the expression. Occasionally, let this log, pardon … [Read more...]

Occupy L.A. Speaker: Violence will be Necessary to Achieve Our Goals

NoisyRoom Read more at The PJ Tatler... Here’s a transcript, starting at 32 seconds into the video: Occupy L.A. Speaker: “One of the speakers said the solution is nonviolent movement. No, my friend. I’ll give you two examples: French Revolution, and Indian so-called Revolution. Gandhi, Gandhi today is, with respect to all of you, Gandhi today is a tumor that the ruling class is using constantly to mislead … [Read more...]

‘Constitutional World Federation’ eh? James O’Keefe Stings Entrepreneurial Marxists at #OWS

Brother can you spare a billion? Thank you, Common American Journal Caution, of course: foul neo-Marxist language Posing as Banker, James O’Keefe Finds Anti-Capitalist Protesters Looking for Some Venture Capital at #OccupyWallStreet 10/11/2011Independent filmmaker James O’Keefe dressed as a Wall Street Banker and spoke with anti-capitalist protesters at “Occupy Wall Street.” Some of the … [Read more...]

‘Occupy Wall Street’ to Push for Global Tax

Accuracy in Media Jumping on the anti-Wall Street media bandwagon, Josh Boak of Politico says Democratic Rep. Peter DeFazio’s measure to tax Wall Street has “newfound momentum.” The Soros-funded Think Progress blog quickly jumped on the report, saying the plan is being seriously considered on the Hill. There is only one problem: DeFazio hasn’t introduced any such bill in the current Congress. Despite the … [Read more...]

‘Occupy’ Protester Want Ad: Earn $350-$650 per Week

From   “Make $350-650 a week “protesting” on Wall Street" Craig's List ^ | 10/7/2011 | Craigs List  Posted on Sun Oct 09 2011 19:11:52 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time) by PMAS The Working Families Party (WFP) ( is New York's most energetic, independent and progressive political party. Formed in … [Read more...]

Occupy Atlanta Silences Socialist Rep. John Lewis

New Zeal This is cultish and sick. Occupy Atlanta protesters demonstrate North Korea like group think as they reject a speaking slot for socialist Georgia congressman John Lewis. If the 'Occupy' mob will treat a fellow leftist this way, how would they deal with the rest of us if they ever gained power? … [Read more...]

Russians and George Soros Support Wall Street Protesters

New Zeal Moscow funded propaganda channel Russia Today continues to back US revolutionaries. Socialist supporting financier George Soros expresses sympathy for their cause. Surprise, surprise! Gulag Note ~ And their top dawg in the White House too. We wouldn't want to leave out Barry. For Soros, though, feel free to search Gulag Bound with "Soros" plus "Occupy" plus "Rothschild." … [Read more...]

Oath Keeper Leadership Goes Cultic with ‘Wayseers’ (and skips off to the ‘Occupy’ chaos)

EDIT See the following, from "The Occupiers’ Siren Song," October 6, 2011, emphasis added: Last week, I received word that Oath Keepers was joining Garret John LoPorto and the Wayseer movement. LoPorto heads Occupy Boston. This turns out to not be quite accurate and Oath Keepers claims that LoPorto is only a volunteer. In fact, he has since been removed as even a volunteer. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt … [Read more...]

Marxist Mother Duck, Frances Fox Piven Interviewed at ‘Occupy Wall Street’

Criminally grand socioeconomic saboteur, Marxist revolutionary, and inciter of violence, Frances Fox Piven recently appeared in a neo-Marxist "Democracy Now!" interview. Click in to hear and see it, via Real Clear Politics, but do finish this article and become familiar with what is linked. We are glad to have captured the classic, elitist yet ignorant impudence and the Luciferian smugness in the above … [Read more...]

Days Before Rage: Protesters are Dupes of Rothschild/Soros Banksters

New Updates ~ Are the protesters learning the banksters they'll be (so peacefully) "raging against" are the ones sponsoring them? Scroll down for Multiple Updates - The Bound are running to and fro, collecting and analyzing intel on the fake-anarchist Marxist malcontents putting these events together. We are checking out not only the pawns, but the upper echelons of entrepreneurial neo-Marxists up the ladder, … [Read more...]

‘U.S. Day of Rage’ Orchestrated for ‘Worldwide Democracy’ (think pseudoanarchist, neo-Marxist, globalist)

by Arlen Williams, Tallulah Starr, CJ in TX original posting in 8/10/2011, 10:16am CT     We thought this would be happening, now didn't we.     A movement is suddenly springing up from nowhere (ah-huh) to take on the free enterprise, "capitalist" system.  In America, they are especially targeting Wall Street, a place still somewhat constitutionally sovereign to the … [Read more...]