Accuracy in Media A former AFL-CIO political director, who is now running a project to establish a “progressive Congress,” walked away in disgust last week when I tried to question her about a trip she had made to Castro’s Cuba. The exchange, such as it was, occurred at the “Take Back the American Dream” conference in Washington, D.C., where Karen Ackerman had appeared on a panel about how to elect progressive … [Read more...]
The AFL-CIO’s Revolutionary Activist
Accuracy in Media The AFL-CIO is making headlines by running ads promoting “Occupy Wall Street.” One seriously doubts that members of the working class have much in common with the left-wing professional agitators running these protests and the tent cities they are erecting illegally in private and public parks in New York, Washington, D.C. and other cities. The most interesting part of this story, however, is … [Read more...]
American Labor’s “Tet Offensive”
New Zeal The US labor movement is on the ropes. Membership is way down and they are having huge problems gaining public support. As leading SEIU activist Stephen Lerner told a March 19, 2011, Building Solidarity through Community Power: Community-Labor Coalitions panel at New York's Left Forum Unions are almost dead we cannot survive doing what we do but the simple fact of the matter is community … [Read more...]
Richard Trumka: Fight, Mobilize, Educate Workers
NoisyRoom Hat Tip: Brian B. - From: GRITtv More GRITtv Spoken like a true Communist. The union members are being used horribly by the union leadership for political and monetary gain. … [Read more...]
The Progressive-Communist Alliance
Various communist and socialist groups were photographed and filmed during the October 2 “One Nation Working Together” rally in Washington, D.C. But the real controversy could be found in the fact that the Communist Party USA, a group that served as a subversive pawn of Moscow for decades, was officially invited to be part of it. The CPUSA was an official “endorsing organization” and was given space to set up a … [Read more...]
Why Do Progressives Defend Communists and Terrorists?
As incredible as it may seem, the giant labor federation, the AFL-CIO, used to be run by a staunch anti-communist. George Meany had his disagreements with conservatives on domestic issues but he mostly agreed with them on foreign policy. Indeed, Meany was so anti-communist that he was dubbed a “right-winger” by liberals in the media. He criticized détente with the Soviet Union. He didn’t like communists and refused … [Read more...]
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