By: Renee Nal New Zeal Republican presidential candidate Rick Perry seems to have largely escaped the scrutiny recently directed toward Scott Walker for hiring establishment operative Brad Dayspring who aggressively lied about the Tea Party during the hotly contested Mississippi primary last year. While Scott Walker, who this author has long suspected of having establishment sympathies, has been … [Read more...]
#RememberMississippi: Rick Perry and his Dodgy Campaign Staff
The Iowa Freedom Summit Hat Tip: BB ------- ‘We LOSE when we nominate RINOS’ – Freedom Summit’s standing ovation to thinly veiled anti-Romney speech 'Repeal every word': Potential GOP 2016 rivals hammer ObamaCare, IRS at Iowa summit … [Read more...]
Media Reporting on Governor Scott Walker a Cacophony of Lies
Accuracy in Media The news was filled last week with breathless headlines: “Scott Walker part of ‘criminal scheme,’” declared The Washington Post. The Milwaukee (Wisconsin) Journal Sentinel, which is intimately familiar with the facts of this case, nonetheless headlined “John Doe prosecutors allege Scott Walker at center of ‘criminal scheme.’” The New York Times, all the networks, CNN, MSNBC, and … [Read more...]
Blatantly Partisan Wisconsin Investigation Stopped Dead
DC Independent Examiner Wisconsin Democrats have gone to the mats to destroy Governor Scott Walker and anyone associated with him. There was the occupation of the capital for a month by "paid volunteers" of Wisconsin public employee unions in an attempt to stop Walker's union reforms, while state senate Democrats fled the state to deny the chamber a quorum for a vote. Then there was the recall, fraught with … [Read more...]
Scott Walker’s Advice to Mitt Romney
New Zeal Congratulations to Scott Walker for decisively winning the Governorship recall race in Wisconsin! After throwing everything they could into the battle, the unions/communists still lost by 9 points. The left is panicking now - and so they should be. I saw Scott Walker speak at CPAC and was very, very impressed. He knew exactly what was at stake in this election and he didn't blow it. On behalf … [Read more...]
6/6 UPDATING: Vote Fraud Reports in Wisconsin’s Walker Recall Election
UPDATE 6/6/2012, 11:49pm CT With the resounding Walker/Kleefisch victory and on the "cusp of a recall sweep" for Wisconsin Republicans, it's all over but the shouting yet to come and the investigations that must come (see below). I'll have one or two more update(s) to this entry. In the mean time... This insanity has afforded me the opportunity to get to know my polling officials better (thank you, unionistas). … [Read more...]
One of the Most Important Elections of the Year – Today
The recall election of Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker set for today, Tuesday, June 5th, 2012, is a critical bellwether that may foretell the future of our country. Will we continue along a path of ruinous government spending, where unions and their vested interests dictate terms through violence, thuggery and deceit, or will we throw off the shackles of incipient socialism and the societal collapse it portends? All … [Read more...]
NSFW: Vile Unionists, Occupy Protest Rahm Emanuel, Scott Walker
NoisyRoom Hat Tip: Nancy Jacques Language warning... eagfoundation: Not Safe For Work - Vile union protesters and radical leftists descended on an appearance in Milwaukee by Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel. It showed how the union and Occupy protesters truly are the fringe of the left. Their next objective? Recall Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker. … [Read more...]
Scott Walker Needs Our Help Now in Wisconsin Recall
As you may be aware, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker successfully passed legislation last year that put a few restraints on public sector unions, despite their disgraceful occupation of the State capital building, the death threats and everything else they tried. So the unions launched a recall petition against Walker and four Republican Senators who voted with him. The unions mobilized and garnered 1 million … [Read more...]
Calling for More Help in Wisconsin! From All Quarters
What a state I'm in... in Big Government Wisconsin Tea Party Groups Solicit Volunteers from Across the Country for Online Recall Signature Verification Project by Brett Healy Who said the Tea Party was dead? The MacIver News Service reportstoday:We the People of the Republic and The Wisconsin Grandsons of Liberty, two of Wisconsin’s most prominent ‘Tea Party’ groups, are … [Read more...]
America Still Suicidally Ignorant, as Ohio Shows
It has been a gross failure for America's governors, including Wisconsin's Scott Walker and Ohio's John Kasich, not to make it utterly clear that collective bargaining for public workers, who are forced to join unions led by Marxist revolutionaries, does the following in present day America: Drains the lifeblood of these workers and taxpayers' money through union dues, to feed essentially socialist candidates … [Read more...]
Anarcho-Syndicalist Adolf Hitler did not ‘Abolish Unions’ he Augmented them
I guess the time is overripe to do some writing about Naziism and its parallels to Obama's "Organizing for" and nationalization of America. Much of that has to do with union domination of both public and private concerns. Here is an excellent little report from The Graph, which scratches the surface. It explains how the current group-think blather of neo-Marxists, so often repeated in Madison, Wisconsin lately … [Read more...]
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