What the Broad Crisis Behind the White House Fence Jumper Implies about ‘Federal’ Government

Chelsea Schilling at WorldNetDaily.com has written an excellent article revealing the background of Friday's White House fence jumper and his self-alleged motivation. Title: "Fence-jumper: Another victim of 'psych crisis' at Fort Hood?" How it begins: Only five months after a senior neuropsychologist in charge of Fort Hood’s outpatient psychiatry clinic revealed to WND a crisis in psychological testing and … [Read more...]

Counterpatriotism, Violence by Another Insane Collectivist, and a Flag Of Inconvenience

NoisyRoom.net Predictably, the Obama lapdog media is pushing the meme now that the husband and wife, nutjob duo who killed two cops and a civilian in Las Vegas a few days ago, before offing themselves, were white supremacists and Tea Party. I can tell you this much, they weren't Tea Party... they weren't Three Percenters... they weren't Oath Keepers. They were deranged psychopaths who conveniently fit a … [Read more...]

Where Do We Go from Here America? Will there be Anything Left?

We warned you in 2008 not to vote for this man unless and until you had vetted him.  You did not listen, you refused to vet him and voted for the honey-laced lies that dripped from his lips. For over five years, we have warned you about  the increasing loss of liberty via illegal Executive Orders that are now treated as laws (even by a thoroughly cowed and supplicant Congress) and the removal of the ability to … [Read more...]

Photos, Conspiracy Logic, Evidence, on the Boston Marathon Bombing

It would be inappropriate and I believe, unjust and potentially delinquent, to idly sit on the side of withholding the knowledge and perspectives of experienced conspiracy researchers and theorists, when they tend to come to agreement about critically important, breaking events, based at least in large part, on valid information. Here is Tuesday's synopsis and commentary, from a Lt. Col. Roy Potter. The above … [Read more...]

Reporting or Blogging CPAC now? Ask These Two Questions: Militarism

Are you a blogger or paid media pressman attending CPAC in Washington DC right now? If so, we have a suggestion for you, a rather stern one. When you meet members of Congress (and other leaders there) whether in the media room, or elsewhere, ask one or both of the following questions. Then let us know, so we can publish the results, or if you prefer, just link to your chosen venue. We have given them to two … [Read more...]

ObamaGov: Story of a Tyrant and a Collaborative Congress

It’s becoming harder and harder for a great number of people to make sense of what the government is doing.  So, instead of actually looking to and accepting the obvious and logical reasons (aka Occam’s Razor) for what it occurring, media personnel (it has become increasingly difficult to call them journalists or reporters) continue to scratch their heads and ask ‘what is Obama doing’?  The answer is obvious to all, … [Read more...]

Oppose Obama… Prepare to Die!

By now, most of you are likely aware of the 16-page DOJ memo outlining Obama’s plan to kill US citizens at will…whenever and wherever he likes.  The “rules of law’ the Obama syndicate members appear to be using are those laws consisting of Obama’s plans to bring them into existence via Executive Orders and existing law that he and his attorneys will deem--whether they are or not--supportive of their master’s  “right” … [Read more...]

Battered America Syndrome

NoisyRoom The assault on the Constitution and our Founding Principles has accelerated. Americans seem to be assailed by Marxist/Progressive propaganda at every turn. The most serious threat to our God-given rights currently, is the attack being mounted on the Second Amendment by the Progressive Left. They worked hard to manufacture a crisis with the Fast & Furious project which, to their disappointment, was … [Read more...]

Obama Reelection Insurrection Imminent [?] Interview with Doug Hagmann

Note: also see first comment below article, by Arlen Williams Recently, I read Doug Hagmann’s column "The planned re-election of Obama, revolutionary style” in which Doug cited a “deep-throat” DHS source.  The following interview is a continuation of that column and it is bone-chilling. Bio Douglas J. Hagmann is the founder and director of the Northeast Intelligence Network. Hagmann is a 26-year veteran private … [Read more...]

Obama Hires Personal Murder Czar, Dems Continue to Threaten SCOTUS

When any country’s leader reaches comprehensive dictator status, he begins either incarcerating or killing off his opponents (aka enemies).  One need only look at the rich and murderous histories of Josef Stalin, Adolph Hitler, Mao Zedong, Pol Pot and other tyrannical rulers to know that this is a fait accompli in all totalitarian regimes.  In one way or another, each of these tyrants conducted their own personal … [Read more...]

InfoWars Exposes Army Cover-up of US Re-education Camps (Video)

We will have more context for this soon, following up our report, "CORROBORATION, Context & Analysis, Internment Camps & Re-education Report," May 7, 2012, 11:11 am But for the moment, we'll take this directly from TheAlexJonesChannel at YouTube. If you are prone to discount by reacting to other claims made by Alex Jones and his enterprises, for the moment I'll just ask: focus now... focus. And click … [Read more...]

Obama: ‘2012 is Make or Break for American Marxism’

Campaigning non-stop since 2008, except for his frequent golfing and vacation adventures, he has never ended his ongoing run for POTUS.  On Saturday 5 May, Obama continued along this course and gave, yet, another campaign speech on Saturday 5 May.  Although repeating one of his oft-used campaign mantras that the upcoming 2012 elections “will be a make or break moment for the middle class,” as Obama has actually been … [Read more...]

BREAKING: Leaked Documents, Internal US Internment & Re-Education

Gulag Bulletin - see: CORROBORATION, Context & Analysis, Internment Camps & Re-education Report, May 7, 2012 In the morning, editorial "we" will relate perspective, background information, and perhaps further new information - that after some study, reflection, and speaking for myself, after continuing with tasks required for the Sovereignty Campaign - something of utmost pertinence - @SovCam. For … [Read more...]

Obama: A Very Angry Outsider is Coming for You in November – PE

By Dr. Laurie Roth The Post & Email (site is under maintenance at time of publishing) The gloves come off - my claws and fangs are growing - move on out Mr. flip off America Obama. Obama is systematically and quickly putting in place a tyrannical, Communistic dictatorship. This is SO not tinfoil helmet and conspiracy theory anymore. We have already followed and watched in horror, (no thanks to mainstream … [Read more...]

Summarizing the National Defense Authorization Act: Rendition, Detaining Americans, the Reality?

Maggie's Notebook December 26 The huge 1000-page National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 (NDAA) passed handily after being submitted late, with little time for Congress to read it. The bill funds all facets of the military. The bill was late being submitted. There was little time to read it. I remember hearing Senator Rand Paul say he would not sign it, even if he agreed with it, because he was not given the … [Read more...]

Ron Paul Explains his Opposition to NDAA, ‘Citizens are Not Exempt’

We will let the Senator and presidential candidate speak for himself, pleased by his candor. Video: "Ron Paul explains his opposition to the NDAA 12/19/11" See attached categories and tags below, for more. … [Read more...]

Why? ‘Sniper Detectors Coming to America’s Heartland’

  The militarization of policing and the pervasiveness of surveillance continue, even as America welcomes more and more Muslim immigrants from nations such as Somalia and Libya. If the powers that be are not afraid of militant Islamists, why are they mapping out our country as a "battleground?" Are we starting to get the picture, why this grand, global exercise is not called the War on Militant … [Read more...]

The Nazification of America

In The Constitution Times The Nazification Of America Posted on Wednesday, December 7, 2011 by Stillie Mason The fact that someone would claim that the Holocaust was “a big deception” is absurd. Yet, Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has made that statement, as well as saying that Israel should be, in his words, “wiped off the map.”  Countless wars haven’t stemmed the tide of man’s hatred, any more than the … [Read more...]

Defense Authorization’s Unconstitutional Aggression upon Citizens; TruNews Radio Notes

It was my privilege to record an interview with Rick Wiles of TruNews.com about the Disappear a Dissident (a.k.a., "Suspected Terrorist," a.k.a., "belligerent" in the "homeland") provision in the Defense Authorization Bill that passed the U.S. Senate last Thursday, by a 93-7 vote. It now awaits Congressional conference and a remedy is possible, if enough pressure is put on Congress. Here is a page that makes it easy … [Read more...]

Iron Curtain Begins Descending onto the United States of America

As Barack Hussein Obama’s real (internal) poll numbers continue to plummet into oblivion, Obama and his increasingly complicit Congress secretly pass laws that will enslave, incarcerate and even murder their fellow Americans--for the explicit purpose of those who are currently in power remaining in power.  It is now becoming clearer and clearer that both the Marxist-Democrats and their RINO brothers and sisters may … [Read more...]

Compare Obama + Occupy to the Russian Revolution

That is what FederalObsever.com asks us to do. COULD THIS BE THE BASIS OF OCCUPY (OPERATION) WALL STREET? The following will present Part 1, of a PBS documentary which looks into how Communism started with Vladimir Lenin’s Bolsheviks revolution. Also offers testimony of members of the Red Guard, party activists, students, and workers striving to build a modern industrial state. Communism is a social structure … [Read more...]

ALERT: Final Implementation Phase of Obama Formal Dictatorship has Begun

Today may mark the real beginning of the end of the United States of America.  We-the-People are being forced into the deadliest phase of the Obama Plan, yet - that of his overwhelming implementation of his US Police State. Obama and his syndicate have now declared the usurpation of the State of Tennessee and its melding into the Obama government to be official.  After extensive testing to see how far employees of … [Read more...]