What was going on in the halls of power that apparently brought the Clinton/Reno "Department of Justice" to apply subterfuge to set-up and fire their own, contrastingly effective, FBI agent assigned to al Qaeda and Bin Laden? Set up for his all to ironic death at the WTC on 9-11-2001. For being too effective? For knowing too much? This video and associated reporting is must see information for perusal and … [Read more...]
Remember John P. O’Neill on 9-11, ‘The Man Who Knew’
Photos, Conspiracy Logic, Evidence, on the Boston Marathon Bombing
It would be inappropriate and I believe, unjust and potentially delinquent, to idly sit on the side of withholding the knowledge and perspectives of experienced conspiracy researchers and theorists, when they tend to come to agreement about critically important, breaking events, based at least in large part, on valid information. Here is Tuesday's synopsis and commentary, from a Lt. Col. Roy Potter. The above … [Read more...]
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