The War Bubbled-up thru MSNBC and Fox News Last Night

America exists in a state of semi-covert civil war. I believe it began in earnest with the "selection" as Jeremiah Wright put it, of globalist, collectivist Barack H. Obama to be U.S. President. The election and actions of our nationalist and to a significant degree, sovereigntist President Trump is a representation of the counterinsurgency. (Actually, "The Donald" is poignantly representative of currently prevalent … [Read more...]

Vince Lombardi’s 100th Birthday Comes on June 11

Drawn to Vince, lately. I know of no man in my lifetime who has exhibited greater force of leadership, to involve one's fellows in focused and energized preparation, execution, and victory. Maybe Norman Schwarzkopf and John Wooten are among those who rank with him. Just found out the 100th anniversary of Vince Lombardi's birth comes in one week. He was born on June 11th, 1913, a time when our very special nation … [Read more...]

Reporting or Blogging CPAC now? Ask These Two Questions: Militarism

Are you a blogger or paid media pressman attending CPAC in Washington DC right now? If so, we have a suggestion for you, a rather stern one. When you meet members of Congress (and other leaders there) whether in the media room, or elsewhere, ask one or both of the following questions. Then let us know, so we can publish the results, or if you prefer, just link to your chosen venue. We have given them to two … [Read more...]

Lessons America Can Learn from the Rwandan Genocide

Against All Enemies On Sunday, 11 November 2012, Major (ret.) Brent Beardsley gave a powerful presentation reflecting on his experience as a Christian Soldier in Rwanda during the Rwandan genocide from 1993-94.  He served as the personal staff officer to then Canadian General Romeo Dallaire before and during the Rwandan genocide that engulfed that nation and ultimately claimed the lives of approximately 1 million … [Read more...]

Progressive CJ John Roberts Solidifies Socialism in U.S.

With full and enthusiastic support from SCOTUS Chief Justice John Roberts, Usurper and Dictator-in-Chief Barack Hussein Obama has now effectively “transformed” America into his personal empire if dying cash-cow. Supplanting the US Constitution and Republic with what some pundits are calling “political correctness” (a view of Roberts’ behavior to which I do not subscribe), Roberts has now placed the United States of … [Read more...]

Tell the Truth Now! Allen West: Obama is a Marxist

This is a critically important milestone, or it least it must be, for members of the United States Congress, in confessing what they know to the American public. You may recall Representatives Broun in November of 2008 and Bachmann in March of 2009, pronounced the words, "Marxist" and "Marxism," respectively, in describing Barack Obama and his ideology and objectives.  They were then compelled by someone(s),  … [Read more...]

Governments Foreign & Domestic Given Geo-Tracking of U.S. Citizens

Tracking isn't just for our feds anymore NoisyRoom Ever hear of TruePosition software on cell phones? Neither had I... Looks like not only will American Big Brother have tabs on us, foreign governments and entities will as well. Welcome to the worldwide police state. This software has been around now for several years. It's utilized by T-Mobile and AT&T. Originally, just like all security sold to … [Read more...]

The United Nations’ (UN) Colonization of America Fueled by Obama

NoisyRoom By: AJ Hat Tip: MJ/Nancy Pletcher/Susie C. The pith helmet is an icon of colonialism   Can you feel things intensifying? Does it feel like there’s more going on than meets the eye? The things you’ll read about in this article are out in the open – available for all to see – and their disturbing and destructive nature are consistent with the transformation we’re experiencing. Let’s first … [Read more...]

Left West, Right West, and Other Matters of Balance

"I'm up on the tightrope, one side's hate and one is hope But the top-hat on my head is all you see.... I'm up on the tightwire, linked by life and the funeral pyre Putting on a show for you to see" -- Leon Russell "Tight Rope” One-time Obama supporter and Princeton professor, Cornel West, has come under scathing attacks by the liberal media for daring to criticize Obama.  They do so hate it when one of … [Read more...]

Interview with Jed Babbin on America at War and the State of the Union

In an exclusive interview with Accuracy in Media last week on Veteran’s Day, former Deputy Under Secretary of Defense and bestselling author Jed Babbin said that now that the Republicans have made big gains in Congress, they will have to deliver or else face the same fate the Democrats met earlier this month. And he is warning that the Obama administration is doing damage to the military, and may not be up to … [Read more...]

What does Soldier of Fortune have to do with it?

James Simpson, who has written for them, writes about their often cutting edge role, in the often fiery hot "Cold War."  As we now also face the Sorosian soft warfare of global Marxism, America has been conditioned by the Marxstream media to unlearn the utter evil of atheistic, authoritarian empire building in the guise of collectivism.  Soldier of Fortune is like a bucket of water in the face of our so opiated … [Read more...]

The Two Faces of Our Commander-In-Chief

In a February 2009 speech, newly inaugurated President Barack Obama promised the faithful that come August 31, 2010 he would end combat operations for U.S Troops in Iraq, just in time for the mid-term elections. In the interest of accuracy, Obama did not exactly say “just in time for the mid-term elections.” I added that. He just thought it. And sure enough, when August 31, 2010, rolled around, Obama proudly … [Read more...]

Understand America’s Problem, But You Want the Solution?

James Simpson has gotten a large cross-section of America to realize the truth about "Barack Obama and the Strategy of Manufactured Crisis."  We now understand the Marxist revolution that is tearing down America and willfully destroying and robbing us of our income, property,  livelihoods -- and our very Sovereignty.  But after Jim explains this, people ask: what can be done about it? That question can not go … [Read more...]