DianaWest.net - Thursday, October 31, 2019 Last night, at the 42nd Annual Pumpkin Papers Irregulars Dinner, I delivered the following remarks to honor the memory of Vladimir Bukovsky. I never had the joy of meeting Vladimir Bukovsky in person. We connected over attacks against my book American Betrayal because they were so similar to attacks against his own work. He and his colleague Pavel Stroilov co-wrote two … [Read more...]
American Betrayal: Nuremberg and the Nazi-Soviet Pact (Diana West)

By: Diana West Today is the 75th anniversary of the non-aggression pact between the Hitler and Stalin, the latter becoming (after Hitler attacked Stalin on June 22, 1941) the member of the "Big Three" known as "Uncle Joe." In the commemorative essays discussing the twin dictators' earlier alliance of August 23, 1939, which would be followed by Hitler and Stalin's conquest of Poland the following month, the … [Read more...]
Update: Recorded, Streaming Interview: Diana West, Author of American Betrayal (10/29)

Gladly, we've received quite a bit of response to this interview, including the request of its recording, for those who missed it live. I confess I was challenged at times to boil-down my concerns into questions, but Diana was kind to follow their little white rabbits along their rabbit trails. We were also privileged to be joined by geopolitical research analyst and fellow PRN broadcaster, Denise Simon, and … [Read more...]
Can We Even Salvage a Mind Programmed by ‘Progressive’ Psyops? Clizbe, Bezmenov Vids

As Ted Cruz' filibuster goes on... How can we even begin by now, to communicate to an Obama supporter who should know better, just how horrible is the sabotage that is Obamacare? Or for that matter, how desperately evil the Obama regime and his collectivist collaborators are, overall? Watchmen of America and Patriots' Resistance Network Radio colleagues, Denise and Bobbi, Gulag Bound dissident author, … [Read more...]
Connecting the Dots of the Obama Story: Chicago Backdrop

Sixty-one pages that shouldn't be missed Before the general election four years ago, I decided to contribute to the cause by gathering onto just one page, the evidence of Barack Obama's numerous, significant involvements with ACORN. At about the same time a one megaton article was published at American Thinker, written by James M. Simpson. Actually it was the second in a series. It brought to light the … [Read more...]
New Video: The Frank Marshall Davis Story You Haven’t Heard – Until Now

By: James Simpson Right Side News AB Independent Productions, in collaboration with Veteran investigative journalist Cliff Kincaid of America’s Survival, has released a new video that reveals in detail for the first time, the story of how communist and probable Soviet agent Frank Marshall Davis – arguably the most influential person in Obama’s life – was discovered, and how the national media attempted to cover … [Read more...]
Communist Defector Speaks Out on America’s Marxist Future

Accuracy in Media A top communist defector is warning of an unprecedented “alliance” between the Democratic Party and the Communist Party, reflected in the CPUSA’s endorsement of Barack Obama for president in 2008 and the party’s continued support for Democratic Party policies. But is this warning going to be too hot to handle for the media? And the Republicans? Lt. Gen. Ion Mihai Pacepa, the … [Read more...]
Soviet Fronts Still Operational

New Zeal While the Soviet Union "collapsed" 21 years ago, all of its major international fronts are still active. They're all run by networks of communist parties and are still as virulently anti-American as ever. The largest front organization, the World Peace Council, has a big gathering coming up in communist controlled Nepal. Helping the Obama Administration with its goal of destroying US military … [Read more...]
Soviets Funded Black “Freedom” Journal

Accuracy in Media Newly declassified documents from Operation SOLO, an FBI program to infiltrate the Communist Party of the United States, reveal that a journal called Freedomways, which was influential in the black community for decades, was subsidized by the Soviet and Chinese Communist Parties. Freedomways has been called “one of the most influential African-American literary and political journals of … [Read more...]
Ex-Soviet Reports From Occupy LA

NoisyRoom Hat Tip: Janet Meyerhoff Blaze Leon Weinstein: On the 94th anniversary of the Russian Revolution (November 7) an ex-Soviet visits Occupy LA to videotape & report to his Russian friends if Americans started their own Socialist Revolution. Mr. Weinstein is the author of "Capitalism 101" which can be found at: http://capitalism101.net … [Read more...]
Former Soviet Citizen Who Confronted Occupy Wall Street Speaks

NoisyRoom Hat Tip: BB Read more at Townhall.com... … [Read more...]
Former Soviet Citizen Confronts Socialists at OW

NoisyRoom Hat Tip: BB Read more at The Right Scoop... … [Read more...]
Compare Obama + Occupy to the Russian Revolution

That is what FederalObsever.com asks us to do. COULD THIS BE THE BASIS OF OCCUPY (OPERATION) WALL STREET? The following will present Part 1, of a PBS documentary which looks into how Communism started with Vladimir Lenin’s Bolsheviks revolution. Also offers testimony of members of the Red Guard, party activists, students, and workers striving to build a modern industrial state. Communism is a social structure … [Read more...]
Mark Hatfield: Leftist Oregon Senator Was Targeted by Soviets

New Zeal Former Oregon Senator Mark O. Hatfield, died in Portland last week, aged 89. He served in the US Senate from 1966, until his retirement in 1997. Though nominally a Republican, the Senator was so far left and so committed to non-confrontation in the face of America's enemies, the Soviet Embassy in Washington DC marked him out for special attention. On July 28, 1970, the F.B.I. issued a top … [Read more...]
Super Congress: Echoes of Tyranny Rising

NoisyRoom And now for something completely the same... In the "those who won't learn from history, are doomed to repeat it" department, I give you a quote from the National Center for Constitutional Studies: America's Founders had just declared themselves free of a tyrannical government. They were determined that such tyranny would never be repeated in this land. Their new charter of government - the … [Read more...]
Whittaker Chambers, Alger Hiss, and Panettagate

New Zeal By: Cliff Kincaid, Accuracy in Media Whittaker Chambers On the 50th anniversary of Whittaker Chambers’ death, July 9, it is appropriate for the media to address the legacy of international communism and the Western response. Andrew G. Bostom has written a thoughtful essay, “Whittaker Chambers, Communism, and Islam,” which examines how radical Islam is a threat comparable in its external and internal … [Read more...]
Is the FBI Investigating Obama?

In a front page story about a major FBI terrorism investigation, The Washington Post has reported that the targets include “Chicagoans who crossed paths with Obama when he was a young state senator and some who have been active in labor unions that supported his political rise.” The implication is that the trail could lead to the White House. This is an unusual investigation that does not primarily involve … [Read more...]
Panetta Report 4: Leon Panetta’s Communist Friend and the Chinese Spy

New Zeal Panetta Report 3 here. Hugh DeLacy, 1940s From at least the mid-1970s until 1986, President Barack Obama‘s nomination for Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta, had a close personal friendship with Hugh DeLacy, a Santa Cruz, California activist and a life long Marxist-Leninist. Then Congressman Panetta and DeLacy exchanged letters over many years – almost all of which dealt with defense and … [Read more...]
Panetta’s War on Reagan’s Defense Policies – A Time for Choosing

Call your Senator at 202-224-3121. VS. Senate conservatives proudly call themselves “Reagan Republicans” because of Reagan’s “Peace Through Strength” military policies. But in Leon Panetta, whose nomination comes up for a full Senate vote for Secretary of Defense on Tuesday, they are being asked to endorse a man whose Congressional career was dedicated to fighting Reagan’s defense build-up … [Read more...]
Panetta Report 3: Leon Panetta and the Santa Cruz Socialists

New Zeal Panetta Report 2 here. It is now fairly well known that President Barack Obama enjoyed a close relationship with the socialists, Trotskyites and “former” communists, who made up the Chicago Democratic Socialists of America. It is less well known that while a California Congressman, Obama’s Secretary of Defense nominee Leon Panetta also worked closely with Santa Cruz based members of the US’s … [Read more...]
Willing Accomplices: New Book Documents Continuing Communist Subversion

New Zeal by Butte Metz The new book Willing Accomplices, by former CIA agent Kent Clizbe is a well researched book that harkens back to earlier works such as those from the Captive Nations Committee, exposing the Communist machinations in the free world. I have put the first 3 paragraphs of his book here as Mr. Clizbe says it better than I could tell you myself: In Willing Accomplices, using … [Read more...]
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