Is America Prepared for Total War?

New Zeal It is my contention that the US will probably eventually face an all out war against the combined forces of Russia and its vassal states, China, Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Iran, North Korea and possibly  several other major countries, including even Brazil, Mexico, India and Pakistan and conceivably even Japan, Turkey, Egypt and Indonesia. These countries all lag the US in military technology, but … [Read more...]

Syria – The Tipping Point Into Hell

NoisyRoom Ask yourself, what happens if we intervene in Syria? Nothing good will come of it. As the Responsibility to Protect Doctrine raises its rough countenance and swivels its sights towards Syria, America should pause and consider where this road leads. Straight to a world war drawing in Iran, Russia and China, courtesy of the Obama administration and its thuggish goons. I have no love for the Ayatollahs … [Read more...]

Russia Today Interviews Richard Perle

New Zeal Very interesting interview with Richard Perle on Iraq, Iran and North Korea. Moscow propaganda outlet Russia Today meets its match. … [Read more...]

New Black Panthers Gird Your Loins, This Is War Against Capitalist Bloodsucker America

NoisyRoom NakedEmperorNews Gird Your Loins, This Is War Against Capitalist Bloodsucker America: New Black Panther President Shabazz Tells Harlem Audience To Fight War Here At Home … [Read more...]

Raising the Colors – 10 Years Later

NoisyRoom By: Garry L. Hamilton A former Marine, and a man I'm proud to call friend, recently had a flag raising ceremony at his home in Pennsylvania. The flag raising was attended by Ken's friends and neighbors (one of whom -- a Vietnam veteran himself -- helped with the heavy lifting), and an active duty Marine Sergeant Major. They raised three flags: Old Glory, the Marines Standard and the flag of a … [Read more...]

Anti-American Terrorism Goes on Unabated:

The Hate That Never Ended NoisyRoom (9/5/2011) 10 years... 10 long years. I don't know about you, but I don't feel as if justice has been served since 9-11. Justice would have been simultaneous hits on Afghanistan and Iran, bringing their leadership to their knees and leaving their countries a pile of rubble. But that's not how it happened. Americans are still fighting and 9-11 was one strike against America in … [Read more...]

Shine a Spotlight on the Chopper Crash in Afghanistan

I am not saying that a suicide bomber was definitely the cause of the explosion, but it is certainly a possibility is it not?  -  G u l a g  -  B o u n d  - "I guess we are all going slowly through the completion of our tour of duty, i.e. death.  I look at death as a new adventure with a don't sweat it attitude.  Any footprints you may have accidentally made will be washed away with the next wave.  Life is loaned … [Read more...]

Congressional Black Caucus’ Dangerous Violent Rhetoric: Declares ‘War’ on Racist Tea Party

NoisyRoom From: Naked Emperor News  'This is WAR' Congressional Black Causes' Travels American Cities Using Dangerous Violent Rhetoric: Declares 'War' on Racist Tea Party, Says Tea Party Wants To Lynch Blacks, Calls for Bank Runs, Civil Unrest in Their Neighborhoods and Homes … [Read more...]

Communist Party Amps up Rhetoric: “Prepare for War”

New Zeal The Communist Party USA is amping up its rhetoric as it prepares to confront the "Tea Party" and the GOP in the coming months. Ohio Communist Party leader Rick Nagin sets the tone in today's Peoples World:   The best thing that can be said about the distasteful debt ceiling deal is that it is behind us and hopefully the real challenges and issues facing the American people can now be … [Read more...]

How the Debt Ceiling Deal Endangers National Security

New Zeal Debate on the "Debt Ceiling" crisis has almost entirely ignored one major point - perhaps THE major point. That is how will this deal impact US national security, and by extension, international security. Kim R. Holmes, Ph.D. Vice President, Foreign and Defense Policy Studies, and Director, The Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis Institute for International Studies, addresses that key issue in this … [Read more...]

Fast & Furious with Zeta Druglord Terrorists, Barnhardt weighs in – Red Alert

NoisyRoom By: Andrea Shea King The Radio Patriot Earlier today I sent out a blast email detailing the info below. Ann Barnhardt, our Annie Oakley-Joan of Arc has posted it at her site too. I’d send you there, but Ann doesn’t use permalinks on her website. Instead, she encourages her readers to copy, paste and spin it out into the blogosphere. Happy to oblige. Red Alert: Obama State Dept. Selling Arms to … [Read more...]

Did You Love America?

NoisyRoom Hat Tip: Nancy Jacques By: Neo Do you realize our country, the country many of us loved, and were willing to lay down our lives for, is no more? Don’t despair my fellow refugees and citizens of our beloved former America, but please do come to terms with the fact that our country was ill and dying for decades and it has now ceased to exist as we once knew it. Nevertheless, this is not intended … [Read more...]

“We Are Here to Stay” Says Prime Minister Netanyahu

NoisyRoom By: Fern Sidman Introduced by Pastor John Hagee, the founder and chairman of Christians United For Israel (CUFI), Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed a gathering of thousands of ardent Christian Zionists via satellite from Jerusalem on Tuesday afternoon, July 19th at a special "Middle East Briefing" session at the sixth annual CUFI national summit in Washington. Greeted with over … [Read more...]

Ambassador John Bolton Takes On the United Nations

NoisyRoom By: Fern Sidman John Bolton, former United States Ambassador to the United Nations, had some strong words for the world body on Monday evening, July 18th as he delivered a broad-based foreign policy speech during the Chairman's Club dinner at the sixth annual Christians United For Israel (CUFI) national summit in Washington, DC. Speaking from the podium of the Washington Convention Center, … [Read more...]

Glenn Beck; John Hagee Stir Crowd at CUFI Summit

NoisyRoom By: Fern Sidman Receiving numerous rousing ovations and thunderous applause, FOX television personality Glenn Beck told an audience of over 5000 gathered at the Christians United For Israel (CUFI) national summit in Washington that if the pernicious trends in global anti-Semitism culminate in another genocide "then count me as a Jew, and come for me first." Mr. Beck delivered these remarks as part … [Read more...]

Judith LeBlanc: Top US ‘Peace’ Activist and Communist Leader

New Zeal The US “peace movement” can take at least part of the credit for the Obama Administration’s proposed cuts in defense spending. For years the movement has campaigned to end every US war, dump every possible weapons system, close all US bases abroad and divert US military spending to domestic social programs. Judith LeBlanc One of the key leaders of the US peace movement in recent years has … [Read more...]

Center Urges Rejection of Proposed $700 Billion in Defense Cuts

New Zeal Defense Sec. Leon Panetta This is is what its all about folks. This has always been the big goal of the US left. Its all been leading up to this. From the Center for Security Policy: Washington, DC; July 7, 2011: Media reports today indicate that national security spending could be cut by as much as $700 billion as part of a deal on the debt limit – almost twice the amount originally proposed … [Read more...]

Appearance of Democracy: Cover for a More Aggressive Russia

New Zeal This excellent piece is written by Lauren Goodrich of Stratfor. Very few have such a good grasp on the way the Kremlin thinks and operates, and the growing threat it represents. This is one of those articles that you read and then email on to friends. Russia has entered election season, with parliamentary elections in December and presidential elections in March 2012. Typically, this is not an issue of … [Read more...]

Aerial Bombing, No Longer an Act of War

NoisyRoom Welcome to a whole string of kinetic military actions employed through the Responsibility to Protect Doctrine of the Obama Administration. You know, where aerial bombing of a country is no longer considered an act of war. It's humanitarian don'tcha know... And Congress is now totally useless in fact and deed. The official deadline for the War Powers Resolution came and went with minor protests and … [Read more...]

Vetting Obama – “Palling Around With Terrorists”

NoisyRoom By: AJ Counter MSM News “Palling around with terrorists,” a phrase made famous by Governor Sarah Palin during the 2008 Presidential Campaign, has just risen to new heights in its accuracy with regard to Obama. Palin Criticizes Obama's 'Terrorist' Connection Obama and Hillary Clinton are reaching out to the Muslim Brotherhood, a radical Islamic fundamentalist group committed to the … [Read more...]