NoisyRoom After The Journal News gave rapists, thieves and murderers a road map of the homes these criminals can target, they hired armed guards. The Journal News published the names and addresses of residents in New York’s Westchester, Rockland and Putnam Counties who have pistol permits, thereby letting criminals know which homes to avoid... and which to target. They did this to further their … [Read more...]
New York Tells Rapists, Thieves and Murderers Which Homes to Target
NoisyRoom If you live in New York’s Westchester and Rockland counties, The Journal News gave rapists, thieves and murderers the best Christmas present they could ever hope for... a roadmap of the homes they should avoid and those which they can target without fear. The Journal News decided to aid and abet criminals by publishing the names and addresses of hundreds of law abiding citizens who have a legal … [Read more...]
Rep. Keith Ellison: Failing America & Supporting Terrorist Front Groups?
NoisyRoom Hat Tip: Patrick Poole at PJ Media Chris Fields and Keith Ellison – Candidates for Minnesota’s 5th Congressional District How are the people in Minnesota’s 5th Congressional District doing while Congressman Keith Ellison spends his time and energy protecting the interests of known terrorist front groups? What about America’s interests? Where does he stand on issues that are important to us? And … [Read more...]
John McCain is a Threat to National Security
NoisyRoom Reuters: Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin, left, Representative Michele Bachmann, centre, and Senator John McCain, right. When did we start using Senator John McCain’s “friend” list instead of FBI background investigations to determine whether an individual should receive access to sensitive and classified government information? John McCain (R-AZ), Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and John Boehner … [Read more...]
Occupy and Tea Party – Does the Media Tell You The Truth?
NoisyRoom Take a look at what goes on at a Tea Party gathering. Lydia Ortega, Brian Sussman, Mimi Steel and Neil Mammen were speakers at California's Silicon Valley Tea Party. Silicon Valley Tea Party - 15 April 2012 - Lydia Ortega (A Professor at San Jose State University!) Silicon Valley Tea Party - 15 April 2012 - Brian Sussman Silicon Valley Tea Party - 15 April 2012 - Mimi … [Read more...]
City Council Awakens to Agenda 21 Evil and Defeats It
NoisyRoom The City of Colfax, CA reportedly defeated UN Agenda 21 by a 4-0 vote and passed Resolution No. 12-2012. Ken Delfino, one of the City Councilmen, reportedly wrote a letter describing what he learned about UN Agenda 21 and urges others to educate themselves about it too. You can help by sending these three items of information to your City Council Members. If they’re uninterested, be sure to … [Read more...]
Nancy Pelosi Pushes Agenda 21 On House Floor
NoisyRoom Hat Tip: Darin Moser and Heather Gass What you are about to see in this video is Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) spearheading HC Res 353 on the House floor to pursue United Nations (UN) Agenda 21. She calls out “Agenda 21” twice and clearly states that it is the “United Nations Sustainable Development” program. Advance to 11:43:30 on the video and watch until 11:51:48. Representative Eliot Engel (D-NY) … [Read more...]
‘Raising the Debt Ceiling’ For Dummies
NoisyRoom Lost in all the politics of raising the debt ceiling is a simple understanding of why it is so dangerous to do so. The government-controlled media is trying to ensure that the public doesn’t have the facts, lacks a clear understanding of the problem and chooses sides based on emotion. The fact is, at the end of 2008, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) reported, “At the end of 2008, that debt … [Read more...]
California’s Jerry Brown Passes “Dream Act”
NoisyRoom By: AJ California Governor Jerry Brown said, “At the end of the day, if we're going to continue as a powerful, equal-opportunity society, we're going to have to invest in our people." Here’s the problem… Jerry’s not investing in those who enter our country and live in California illegally; he’s taking money from American families via taxation and giving it to people who have broken our … [Read more...]
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