Allegations abound and evidence mounts, of highly sophisticated and pervasive election fraud in Brazil's re-election of their neo-Marxist president on October 26th. (Ms. Dilma Rousseff may be thought of as Barack Obama with more latitude.) Will any of America's general elections today suffer from the same kind of electronic fraud? Or in 2016? Or until electronic voting is eliminated and physical ballots are … [Read more...]
Electronic Election Fraud Apparent in Brazil; Done in America Today?
Video: Brazilians about to Boot Marxist President Rousseff, Jeer Her at FIFA World Cup
This is what we hear from the could-be-great nation of Brazil, currently hosting the 2014 FIFA World Cup soccer tournament. The good news: Brazilians don't like their New World Order neo-Marxist president, Dilma Rousseff all so very much. The bad news: She will probably be replaced by New World Order Fabianist-socialist, Aécio Neves, who is lining up someone from the payroll of George Soros (think … [Read more...]
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