Still the BEST video on #Israel - Palestine conflict ever made. h/t .@BillWhittle #tcot #teaparty #StandWithIsrael — C. Steven Tucker (@CSteven) August 10, 2014 ------GB------ Gulag Note: the book A Century of Palestinian Rejectionism and Jew Hatred | Encounter Books … [Read more...]
The Rocks in Tom Friedman’s Head
By: Dr. Michael Widlanski Accuracy in Media (Exclusive to Accuracy in Media) On Easter/Passover Eve, New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman served up “A Middle East Twofer,” his newest seasonal Mid-East peace plan combining Friedman’s own special home recipe of hypocrisy, lovingly layered with finger-licking idiocy: “Palestinians need to accompany every boycott, hunger strike or rock they throw at … [Read more...]
Pro-Israel Activists Take on Jihadi Sympathizers at Columbia University
NoisyRoom By: Fern Sidman Tensions flared between dozens of pro-Israel demonstrators and members of "Students for Justice in Palestine" on Sunday afternoon, October 16th outside of Columbia University on the third and final day of the 2011 National Students for Justice in Palestine "teach-in" organized by members to prepare for their upcoming Israel Apartheid Week events across college campuses throughout … [Read more...]
The Audacity of Dopes Band brings you ‘Guns, Guns, Guns!’
NoisyRoom By: Latma Caroline Glick: The Audacity of Dopes Band Proudly Presents: Guns, Guns, Guns … [Read more...]
Provoking the Whirlwind
NoisyRoom By: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton The Tea Party vs. Adam Kokesh Recently, I posted videos of the arrests at the Jefferson Memorial by those who were dancing in violation of a court ruling prohibiting such actions at the monument. While I still stand by my original objection, which was against a heavy handed police overreaction and a violation of Constitutional rights, I have had time to ponder what … [Read more...]
Palestinians Sign Unity Pact – Preparation for Statehood
New Zeal Moves to establish a Palestinian state are fast gathering momentum. From the Communist Party USA’s Peoples World: Leaders of 14 Palestinian political parties including Fatah and Hamas announced a unity agreement in Cairo on Wednesday. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, who also heads the Fatah party, joined Hamas leaders Khaled Mashaal and Ismail Haniyeh for the … [Read more...]
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