Misunderstanding of the Bush-Hussein (Saddam, not Barack) WMD issue is the direct result of the media’s pervasive, saturation psyops. It drowns out the truth to the point that even intelligent, well-read patriots buy into it. This is Jim Simpson's follow-up to his new item, "Democrats Lied, People Died: Massive WMD Stockpiles Existed in Iraq." -- AW In 2005, I wrote an article by that title. It was meant … [Read more...]
Democrats Lied, People Died: Massive WMD Stockpiles Existed in Iraq
The New York Times is now admitting that WMD always existed in Iraq, they were discovered many times, even injuring our soldiers, but the despicable leftists would crucify anyone who told the truth. So people lied to save their own skins. "Bush lied, people died," as the slogan went. But the liars are, were and have always been the Left. Chief among them was presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, … [Read more...]
Islamic State’s Ultimate Goal: Saudi Arabia’s Oil Wells
Claud Salhani OilPrice.com via Noisy Room For the terrorist group known as the Islamic State, Syria and Iraq were a good place to start their campaign, but in order to survive and prosper it knew from the outset that it had no choice but to set its sights on the ultimate prize: the oil fields of Saudi Arabia. It is in that direction that the battle for control of the world's largest oil fields is currently … [Read more...]
Malicious Compliance: Relief Aid from USA to Iraqis a Horrific Joke
NoisyRoom.net Hat Tip: Nelson Abdullah Iraq is turning into a massive killing field. Mount Sinjar runs red with the blood of the Yazidi, who are being systematically exterminated. The entire place smells of death and suffering. And Obama hits the golf course, because only Christians and non-Muslim Iraqis die young in Iraq. So who cares? Fore! Looking for a wild time? I've got just the right place for … [Read more...]
ISIS Sweeps the Middle East in a Method Reminiscent of Genghis Khan
NoisyRoom.net *** Warning: This post contains graphic pictures and video. Due to the barbaric and brutal nature of the material, please be advised this content is not for those with a weak stomach. I am going to take you into hell today... not because I revel in the horror of it all (like you, I would rather turn away), but because I believe you cannot fight true evil unless you know what you are up … [Read more...]
Communist Propaganda Coup: Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans Trash Medals at NATO Summit
New Zeal A Communist Party USA propaganda video, shot during the recent communist led protests against NATO in Chicago. U.S. veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars threw their medals towards the site of the NATO Summit May 20, in what was called the most dramatic antiwar action by ex-GIs since Vietnam. One-by-one, 45 service members from all branches of the military took to the stage to tell their stories … [Read more...]
Who Dropped the Ball on 9-11?
In a well-produced audio documentary released on September 20, independent producers John Duffy and Ray Nowosielski attempt to trace the 9-11 intelligence failure to its source. Titled “Who is Rich Blee,” the production is a model of fairness that the producers’ pampered peers in the major media would do well to emulate. It deserves more attention than it has gotten. That much said, if “Rich Blee” has one … [Read more...]
Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, and Burning Qur’ans
“There are such ‘social values’ today in Europe, America and Australia only because [for a] thousand years, the Christians of Europe possessed the warlike power to do what the Christians of Asia and Africa had failed to do—that is, to beat back the Moslem [sic] invader.” — Theodore Roosevelt (1858 -1919) Twenty-sixth President of the United States “This is a piece of theater set up…by the bipartisan group that … [Read more...]
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