Muslims Crucifying ‘Infidels’ in Egypt, via US Backed Arab Springworks

  Barbarians at the Gate NoisyRoom Hat Tips: Nancy Jacques, BB The Muslim Brotherhood, radical Islam and Iran are slouching towards the borders of Israel and are vowing to wipe her from the face of the earth. When psychotic, murdering tyrants speak, the world should listen. Iran is openly calling for a military alliance among Islamic nations to wage war against Israel. Even countries who have long … [Read more...]

Ambassador John Bolton Takes On the United Nations

NoisyRoom By: Fern Sidman John Bolton, former United States Ambassador to the United Nations, had some strong words for the world body on Monday evening, July 18th as he delivered a broad-based foreign policy speech during the Chairman's Club dinner at the sixth annual Christians United For Israel (CUFI) national summit in Washington, DC. Speaking from the podium of the Washington Convention Center, … [Read more...]

Disinformation Story Against Israel?

New Zeal Disinformation is the trick  of spreading plausible, but basically false or twisted stories, in order to confuse or misdirect an enemy or target audience. The Soviet Union/Russia is the world leader in this black art. The best way to identify disinformation is to track the original source of the report and look at who stands to gain by it. Right now Moscow and her Islamic allies are trying to … [Read more...]