UPDATED BELOW "Our sons were willing to give all for this republic and today we look for answers, from a government who has failed to give us answers, who has at best covered things up.... We do know that there has been a cover-up.... our congressman... was lied to...." "This government... and high ranking military officials allowed their bodies to be desecrated at the Ramp Ceremony in Bagram Airbase in … [Read more...]
Benghazi: Special Operations Speaks Presents 100K Signature Petition for Special Prosecutor

Special Operations Speaks is the political organization founded by U.S. Special Ops veterans which were censored for a time, before the general election, by Facebook. This may indicate why that was. At this point, as the event is occurring, we have no knowledge of any streaming netcast or live blogging of the event. We look forward to a follow-up report or update. Special Operations Speaks Sets Thursday … [Read more...]
Spooks in the Machine Speak Up

NoisyRoom Obama's terrorist chickens are coming home to roost. And while Rice tries to blame the intelligence community on the Benghazi atrocity, agents are telling a different tale that has the ring of truth. Something that our current administration shuns at every available opportunity. Behold the blame game: "Elements of the intelligence community apparently told the administration within hours of the … [Read more...]
‘Innocence’ Film a Premeditated Provocation for Islamic Terror?

Exclusive to Accuracy in Media; republished by their release With every new bit of information surfacing about the “Innocence of Muslims” movie trailer and its shady producer, it is looking more and more like the movie was part of an Islamist provocation, in which the film was produced to provide a pretext for widespread attacks against our embassies throughout the Middle East. It comes complete with … [Read more...]
Fox Exposes, US Military Threatens & Muslim Terrorists Threaten to Kill, Navy SEAL Hero

Maggie's Notebook In an unbelievable move, Fox News published the name of one of the first Navy SEALS through Osama bin Laden’s bedroom door the night bin Laden died. The Fox report says “multiple sources told Fox News” the SEAL’s real name. Then they put it in print. Whether they were the first or not, they should have not indulged in this exercise of a possible fatal betrayal of a man who obviously did not want … [Read more...]
Former Navy SEAL Benjamin Smith on All the President’s Leaks, on Fox

NoisyRoom Hat Tip: Dave Perkins … [Read more...]
New Scathing Video, Former Military & Intel Members: Tell Obama to Stop the Leaks!

NoisyRoom Read more at The Blaze... … [Read more...]
Killing Bin Laden: What Didn’t They Tell Us, and Why?

Accuracy in Media The explosive new book by former Navy SEAL, Chuck Pfarrer, has led to a reconsideration of what actually happened when SEAL Team 6 took out Osama bin Laden last May. The media coverage of the book has largely focused on the specific details of the operation, but there is much more to Pfarrer’s book, SEAL Target Geronimo: The Inside Story of the Mission to Kill Osama Bin Laden, that has … [Read more...]
SEALs Are Not Fungible, Admiral Jackass

By: Ann Barnhardt Barnhardt Capital Management, Inc. Ann Barnhardt I have waited patiently all day for one of the websites owned, manned and run by . . . JOURNALISTS to pick this up, but I have yet to see a single word. When I read this late last night I was SHAKING with fury. SURELY one of the sites dedicated to JOURNALISM would be all over this come morning. Nope. Not a word. Unbelievable. From the New … [Read more...]
Shine a Spotlight on the Chopper Crash in Afghanistan

I am not saying that a suicide bomber was definitely the cause of the explosion, but it is certainly a possibility is it not? - G u l a g - B o u n d - "I guess we are all going slowly through the completion of our tour of duty, i.e. death. I look at death as a new adventure with a don't sweat it attitude. Any footprints you may have accidentally made will be washed away with the next wave. Life is loaned … [Read more...]
Video: Slain SEAL’s Canine Compatriot Mourns at Casket

Noisy Room Watch the latest video at <a href="http://video.insider.foxnews.com">video.insider.foxnews.com</a> Read more at Fox Insider… Gulag Notes … [Read more...]
Family of Helicopter-Ambushed SEAL Speaks Out, Needs Our Attention

The Vaughn family speaks from their hearts. Billy Vaughn, father of the slain SEAL Aaron Vaughn spoke out as a true patriot. There are wolves out there and Aaron explained it to me. And you know it's really strange Matt, that ninety some odd days ago SEAL Team Six had a big victory and possibly sheep in high places said things that made many of us very uncomfortable. And now, some ninety some odd days later, SEAL … [Read more...]
Muslim Brotherhood in Our White House and the Murders of SEAL Team Six

a call to action NoisyRoom by: AJ of NoisyRoom.net & Arlen Williams contributors: Terresa Monroe-Hamilton & Ann Barnhardt Follow-up to "Muslim Brotherhood in Our White House – Vetting Obama" An investigation of President Obama and his administration must commence immediately. Tarek Fatah, founder of the Muslim Canadian Congress, author and self-described Liberal Democrat Marxist Muslim who … [Read more...]
Video: Call Congress, Demand the White House be Investigated for Special Forces Shoot-Down

Tom Trento of United West, Uniting the West to Defeat Sharia Islam SEAL Team 6 – Investigate the White House Why did the White House announce details about a secret operation? Why would the U.S. Government tell the enemy that they killed members of SEAL TEAM 6? What American strategic or tactical value was served by informing the enemy of their victory? Why didn’t the White House deny or … [Read more...]
An Open Letter to All Patriots

NoisyRoom By: Benjamin Smith The Tea Party Tribune I want to introduce you guys to someone who has changed my life — in crazy ways, great ways and tormenting ways — but all for the better. Her name is Debbie Lee and her son, Marc Alan Lee, was the first Navy SEAL killed in Iraq on Aug. 2, 2006. I met Debbie at CPAC last year, listened to the heroic efforts of her son on that fateful day in Iraq and her … [Read more...]
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