I am not saying that a suicide bomber was definitely the cause of the explosion, but it is certainly a possibility is it not? - G u l a g - B o u n d - "I guess we are all going slowly through the completion of our tour of duty, i.e. death. I look at death as a new adventure with a don't sweat it attitude. Any footprints you may have accidentally made will be washed away with the next wave. Life is loaned … [Read more...]
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Shine a Spotlight on the Chopper Crash in Afghanistan
Filed Under: *Articles of the Bound*, *Solutions*, A War - Win It, Fighting Dirty, Investigations, Marxofascist Strategy, Militarily Weakening of America, Spies and Moles, Unholy Alliance: Islam Tagged With: Afghanistan, Barack Hussein Obama II, bombs, Helicopter Ambush Afghanistan 8-6-2011, Islam Islamism jihad jihadism, SEAL Team Six, U.S. Congress, U.S. Navy SEALs, violence, war, war on terror
Aerial Bombing, No Longer an Act of War
NoisyRoom Welcome to a whole string of kinetic military actions employed through the Responsibility to Protect Doctrine of the Obama Administration. You know, where aerial bombing of a country is no longer considered an act of war. It's humanitarian don'tcha know... And Congress is now totally useless in fact and deed. The official deadline for the War Powers Resolution came and went with minor protests and … [Read more...]
Filed Under: *Articles of the Bound*, *Solutions*, 2012 Elections, A War - Win It, Barack Obama, Divorce from Constitutional Meaning, Elections, Failed State Strategy: America, Failed State Strategy: Foreign Nations, Marxist Crisis Strategy, Marxist Spotting, Militarily Weakening of America, The Marxofascist Fix Tagged With: Afghanistan, Barack Hussein Obama II, bombs, dictator, Germany, Harold Koh, Iraq, Israel, Libya, Moammar Gadhafi, NATO, Pakistan, politicians, Responsibility to Protect Globalism, Sudan, Syria, Taliban, U.S. Congress, U.S. Constitution, U.S. Department of State, war, War Powers Resolution, Yemen
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