Has China’s Military Deeply Infiltrated U.S. Medical Research?

By: Col. Lawrence Sellin (Ret.) | CCNS It is a widely accepted fact that China has stolen U.S. intellectual property worth billions of dollars. The U.S. government recently ordered the closure of the Chinese consulate in Houston, Texas, which Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) described as a “central node of the Communist Party’s vast network of spies & influence operations in the United States.” At … [Read more...]

Yet Another Stunning Revelation about the True Origin of COVID-19

By: Col. Lawrence Sellin (Ret.) | CCNS In 2013, Zheng-Li Shi, the “bat woman,” and her team from the Wuhan Institute of Virology were asked to investigate the virus profile of a mine shaft in Yunnan Province after six miners contracted pneumonia with symptoms similar to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). After sampling the mine shaft for a year, the researchers identified a diverse group of … [Read more...]

‘People’s War’: Pro-China Communists Claim Credit for ‘Sparking’ US Riots

By: Trevor Loudon | The Epoch Times A protester fires fireworks at the police by the steps the State House to protest the death of George Floyd and call for and end to Police Racism in Boston, Massachusetts on June 2, 2020. - Anti-racism protests have put several US cities under curfew to suppress rioting, following the death of George Floyd while in police custody. (Photo by Joseph Prezioso / AFP) (Photo by … [Read more...]

Obama’s Fundamental Transformation Grinds Into Us in 2020

By: Wolfgang Perthen | "Fundamental Transformation," The Contemplative Observer It’s happening. Right before our very eyes. The final chapter of the World Revolution, by communists, referred to as “World October.” is upon us! As the countries of the West are still struggling to contain the Chinese-orchestrated pandemic and are desperately trying to get their grounded economies back running, the … [Read more...]

China-oriented Communist Parties Coordinate Violent US Protests with Black Lives Matter’s MBL

By: Trevor Loudon | "Beijing’s Revenge? Two Pro-China Communist Parties Coordinate Violent US Protests," The Epoch Times Freedom Road Socialist Organization supporters during an anti-Trump march in Washington on Jan. 20, 2017. (Slowking/GFDL 1.2 [https://bit.ly/2SdJbpl]) Two pro-China communist parties—Freedom Road Socialist Organization and Liberation Road—are playing leading roles in coordinating … [Read more...]

2020 as Late 1960’s Redux, And Does China Now Fuel America’s Young Marxist Thugs?

When I was a seven year-old boy, my family had just moved into the Baptist parsonage in downtown Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, a little resort town seventy-some miles from Chicago and forty-some from Milwaukee. Early, that Summer of 1966, as I recall I caught the measles, was carried on a fold-up bed into the next door church basement for a tornado warning, received Jesus Christ as my savior during Vacation Bible School, … [Read more...]

Melinda Gates: (Perilous) COVID-19 Vaccines Must Go to Blacks and People of Color Before Whites

Witness Time's article of June 4, "Melinda Gates Lays Out Her Biggest Concern for the Next Phase of the COVID-19 Pandemic" and this excerpt, emphasis applied. (G) The first people that need this vaccine are the 60 million health care workers around the world. They deserve to get it before anybody else. Then you start tiering.(T) Who needs it after health care workers?(G) In the U.S., that would be black people … [Read more...]

Kissinger’s ‘Red China Gambit’ is Killing America

By: Cliff Kincaid Journalist Mike Allen’s father, Gary Allen, wrote the great book, Kissinger: The Secret Side of the Secretary of State, describing how Henry Kissinger’s “Red China Gambit”  included the abandonment of the free people of the Republic of China on Taiwan. Kissinger’s power play was based on the false hope that China had abandoned communism. Gary Allen described the Red Chinese as … [Read more...]

Obamagate: Republicans Don’t Dare Call it Treason

By: Cliff Kincaid As more evidence emerges of the role played by former President Barack Hussein Obama in directing Russia-gate, President Donald J. Trump’s “allies” are leaving the field of battle. They seem not to want to hold Barack Hussein Obama responsible for what President Trump calls the “biggest political crime in American history, by far!” First, Senator Lindsey Graham said he wouldn’t subpoena … [Read more...]

Don’t Worry Over Military-Imposed Vaccinations Just Yet; Be Very Concerned about Communist China

"We're mobilizing our military, and other forces, but we're mobilizing our military on the basis that we do have a vaccine. You know it’s a massive job to give this vaccine. Our military is now being mobilized so at the end of the year, we’re going to be able to give it to a lot of people very, very rapidly." With those words Thursday, President Trump dreadfully alarmed many who are given to alarmism and who would … [Read more...]

Defeating Nazis But Helping the New Nazis, as Chinese Communists War Against America

By: Cliff Kincaid On the day commemorating the Nazi defeat in Europe, the new Nazis, the Chinese Communists, march ahead, making money from suffering, misery, and death. They are tightening the screws on America, as the bodies pile up and millions lose their jobs. President Trump is promising a better year in 2021, assuming he can win re-election. Meanwhile, Americans fight among themselves, unsure of what … [Read more...]

URGENT: Pray the Schemes of China and U.S. Subversives be Immediately Exposed

In this morning of a very special, very critical 2020 National Day of Prayer, I hasten to relate an urgent prayer need to the sincere Christian reader. A very foreboding convergence has occurred, between the most dedicated researchers of subversive communism/globalism and a resurgence of old-style Christian prophets for our new times. To sum up their findings, China has indeed plotted and conspired to spread … [Read more...]

A Chinese Pattern Emerges: First Fentanyl, Now Coronavirus

By: Cliff Kincaid There are people in China and America, some with connections to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, who are upset with reports that the coronavirus is linked to the lab. They want to blame President Trump for a plague unleashed by China. But it turns out there are many controversial labs in Wuhan. Some “study” viruses. Some produce fentanyl. A fascinating article in the Los Angeles … [Read more...]

China’s Secret Pandemic Plan: Murder 200 Million Americans by Biowarfare

Jim Simpson for Congress In light of the coronavirus crisis, author, columnist and national security expert J.R. Nyquist recently republished a secret speech given by Chinese general Chi Haotian somewhere around 2002 -- the exact date isn't known -- to senior members of the Chinese Communist Party. In the speech, Chi describes how China's population growth cannot be contained within the borders of China. This, and … [Read more...]

NIH Director Francis Collins in the Middle of China Virus Scandal

By: Cliff Kincaid Most of the media were too busy covering the phony Russia-gate story to notice how China has been directly involved in controversial coronavirus research funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Since the media ignored the threat, they are now charging President Trump with ignoring the threat and peddling “conspiracy theories” about it. This is how the fake news media deceive the … [Read more...]

Obama/Biden Financed China’s Virus Experiments

By: Cliff Kincaid President Trump is not a doctor and has never claimed to be one. He defers to the doctors and scientists. But has that been a mistake? It turns out that one of the country’s most prominent medical and scientific organizations, the federally-funded National Institutes of Health (NIH), has been funding investigations in China’s most controversial and insecure lab of dangerous viruses in … [Read more...]

Living and Dying in Bill Gates’ Fish Bowl

By: Cliff Kincaid As the virus takes its toll, those of us still in good health and with the ability to think clearly have the duty to explain to our fellow citizens what is really going on. We are living in a global experiment in which “health experts” such as Bill Gates, previously known for software development, have decided to treat us as specimens in a giant fishbowl for study and observation. Many of … [Read more...]

Globalists Using COVID-19 to Usher UN Agenda 2030 ‘Brave New World’ Ten Years Ahead of Schedule

Leo Hohmann | LeoHohmann.com Bill Gates, left, NIH director Dr. Francis Collins and NIAID director Dr. Anthony Fauci at a 2017 Gates Foundation global health workshop on topics that included vaccine research It’s time for all true patriots to take a stand,or risk being led blindly into a new dark age. When Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, also known as AOC, rewrote the United Nations’ Sustainable … [Read more...]

Weaponized or Not, it is Certain COVID-19 Originated in a Chinese Lab and they Must be Held Accountable

Noisy Room Xi JinpingThe Masked Marauder In my viewpoint, COVID-19 is an act of war by China. Most won’t voice that concern but it doesn’t make it any less true. I agree with Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) who told “Hannity” Wednesday that China’s leadership “must be made to pay the price” if it is determined that the coronavirus pandemic originated in a Wuhan laboratory. We should be on a war footing over this as I … [Read more...]

Communist China’s ‘Thousand Talents’ + America’s J Visa Plan = Espionage = Stupid

Founders Code It was just this morning that I sent a text to a former CIA operative asking if he was comfortable with the FBI being the lone government agency tracking foreign spies operating in the United States. His reply was NO. Sigh… my gut was telling me that espionage in the United States is out of control and while performing some research for about an hour, it IS out of control. Understand that foreign … [Read more...]

Virginia Goes Blue: Pro-China Communists Claim Credit

By: Trevor Loudon | The Epoch Times ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA - NOVEMBER 05: Virginia voters head to the polls at Nottingham Elementary School November 5, 2019 in Arlington, Virginia. All 140 seats in the General Assembly are on the ballot today as Virginia holds its statewide election for the state legislature with national political parties closely watching the results as a potential indicator of the 2020 … [Read more...]

Hong Kong is Facing Recession Due to Protests

By: Denise Simon | Founders Code 5 months of protests and fighting for real freedom has Hong Kong facing a recession. Asian Airlines has cut flights due in part to cancellations by passengers for several airline carriers of up to 13%. (UPI) — A government report last week projected a recession for the Hong Kong economy in 2019, which would be its first in a decade. The forecast … [Read more...]

Security Risks: Why President Trump is Right Not to Trust Adam Schiff or the House Intelligence Committee

By: Trevor Loudon | The Epoch Times WASHINGTON, DC - OCTOBER 30: U.S. President Donald Trump delivers remarks during the Medal of Honor ceremony for Army Master Sgt. Matthew Williams in the East Room of the White House October 30, 2019 in Washington, DC. Serving with Special Forces Operational Detachment Alpha in Afghanistan's Shok Valley in 2008, Williams repeatedly risked his life to evacuate four wounded … [Read more...]

US Intel Tips Forced China to Prosecute Fentanyl Operation

By: Denise Simon | Founders Code A trial continues as fentanyl drug traffickers are sentenced in court, Thursday, Nov. 7, 2019, in Xingtai, north China’s Hebei Province. The court sentenced at least nine fentanyl traffickers Thursday in a case that was a culmination of a rare collaboration between Chinese and U.S. law enforcement to crack down on global networks that manufacture and distribute lethal … [Read more...]

China is About to Own Uganda

By: Denise Simon | Founders Code It is called debt-trapping by China. China has been trapping small desperate nations for several years and few are paying attention. Imperialism? Yes, on a global scale. Uganda is about to default to China. 39% of the debt in Uganda is owed to China. It could be that beyond Uganda, Tanzania, Ethiopia, and Kenya could be the next victims to debt-trapping. China … [Read more...]

Big Warnings of China Military Expansion

By: Denise Simon | Founders Code McRaven, the former head of Joint Special Operations Command overseeing the U.S. Navy SEAL team that took down Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden at his Pakistan compound in 2011, noted that Chinese technologies such as 5G commercialization is already beating the United States. The Chinese military displayed several weapons during its National Day parade, including a … [Read more...]

China and Russia are Waging War on America

By: Cliff Kincaid Accuracy in Media In a typically cynical article, “GOP presidential candidates have a new country to bash: the People’s Republic of China,” Politico complains about “China-bashing” by various Republican candidates. The story by Nahal Toosi carries the headline, “The Republicans’ Red Scare,” but only mentions one time that China is a “communist-led state.” Politico uses the term “red … [Read more...]

Obama’s Dictate: Chinese Get 10 Year Visas, Lender’s Leverage

The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave to the lender. - Proverbs 22:7 (NIV) Video of Obama's announcement at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation 2014 (APEC) "summit" in China, Monday, November 10th: Story, from Rick Wells, gopthedailydose.com: [Watch] Invasion Of America Continues - Obama Extends Chinese Visas To Ten Years Background and context from Denise Simon, Gulag Bound: The … [Read more...]

The Obama Regime’s Asia Pivot: Made in China

The last visit Barack Obama made to China did not go well such that relations have soured on the diplomatic scale. The visit to China this week consumed huge resources to lay the groundwork in advance of the trip for the 2014 Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation. Susan Rice spent the last weeks challenging the fact that China was so slighted during the 2009 extended trip that China has refused since to extend visas and … [Read more...]

War is the Thunder… Plague is the Lightning

NoisyRoom.net There's a fantastic post at The Washington Free Beacon: The Case for Panic, by Matthew Continetti. When I read it, it hit a chord within me and I found myself agreeing with Continetti over and and over again. My head spins at the number of emergencies currently being foisted on America. Let's begin with an unstable man, who has been caught before, near the White House. He not only jumps the … [Read more...]